Chuyên đề Giáo án tiếng Anh 17

1. Kinds (Classification): phân loại

 1.1 Main kinds: phân loại chính

a. Demonstrative: this, that, those, these.

b. Distributive: each, every, either, neither.

c. Quantitative: some, any, no, little, few, many, much, numbers.

d. Interrogative: which, what, whose.

e. Possessive: my, your, his, her, our, its, their

f. Quality: clever, dry, fat, golden, heavy,

 1.2 Participles: phân từ

a. present: ING-form boring, interesting, exciting, (for objects)

b. past: ED-form broken, tired, bored, (for human-beings)

c. Notes: Present participles are different from gerund e.g He was fishing./ His hobby is fishing


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Kinds (Classification): phân loại
1.1 Main kinds: phân loại chính
Demonstrative: this, that, those, these.
Distributive: each, every, either, neither.
Quantitative: some, any, no, little, few, many, much, numbers. 
Interrogative: which, what, whose.
Possessive: my, your, his, her, our, its, their
Quality: clever, dry, fat, golden, heavy,…
1.2 Participles: phân từ
present: ING-form boring, interesting, exciting,…(for objects)
past: ED-form broken, tired, bored,…(for human-beings)
Notes: Present participles are different from gerund e.g He was fishing./ His hobby is fishing.
Functions (Position): chức năng hay vị trí
2.1. Noun-subordinator: (bổ nghĩa cho danh từ) a new book, a kind lady, a large room,…
2.2. Verb-complementation: (bổ nghĩa cho động từ) Follow the certain verbs as be, become, seem aP.Pear, feel, get, grow (become), keep, look (aP.Pear), make, smell, sound, taste, turn,…
 But some verbs can take either an adjective or an adverb: Eg: - He looks calm (=He himself is calm)
 - He looks calmly at the angry crowd (= He shows no attitude to the angry crowd)
Comparison forms: cấp so sánh
 3.1. Positive degree: so sánh bằng as + adjs + as 
 Eg: - She is as tall as my wife. - Peter was as hard-working as I was (me).
 3.2. Comparative degree: so sánh hơn
 3.2.1. Monosyllable-adjectives: với tính từ đơn âm tiết adjs-ER + than
 Eg: - Lan is shorter than Na - She was better at English than we were (us)
 3.2.2. Multisyllable-adjectives: với tính từ đa âm tiết more + adjs + than
 Eg: - She was more hard-working than us. - We are more intelligent than him. 
3.3. Superlative degree: so sánh hơn nhất
 3.3.1. Monosyllable-adjectives: với tính từ đơn âm tiết the adjs-EST
 Eg: - Nam is the best in our class. - She was the kindest lady I’ve ever met.
 3.3.2. Multisyllable- adjectives: với tính từ đa âm tiết the most + adjs
 Eg: - Sharol was the most intelligent in my group. - She is the most hard-working girl I’ve ever known.
Notes: For adjectives ending in “er”, “y”, “ly”, or the irregular cases:
the cleverest
the worst
the prettiest
Farther/ further
the farthest/ furthest
the haP.Piest
the least
the silliest
man / much
the most
the best
older/ elder
the oldest/ eldest
 3.4. Parallel: so sánh song song và so sánh thăng tiến
 - “The…..the”: The older she gets, the wiser she become.
 - And: It’s getting darker and darker. She has now more and more free time.
 - Gerunds/ infinitives: Riding a horse is not as easy as riding a bike.
 It’s nicer/ better/ more fun to go with someone than to go alone
3.5. Like/ alike: Tom is very like Bill. Tom and Bill are alike.
3.6. Like/ as: He swims like a fish. You look like a ghost. Do as I told you.
3.7. Like + N/ as + N: He worked like a slave (He worked very hard/ He wasn’t a slave).
 He worked as a slave (He was a slave in fact).
3.8. The adjectives: The rich, the poor,…
Clauses: các mệnh đề danh tính ngữ
4.1. That – clause: It is disappointed that he failed the exam./ It’s better that someone should tell him.
4.2. find/ think/ believe + that it + adjs + to + V: 
I found that it is impossible to start now./ She thought that it was silly to ask him to stay.
4.3. It be + adjs + (of O) + infinitives:
Character: brave, careless, cowardly (nhút nhát), cruel, generous, good, nice (=kind), mean, rude, selfish...
Sense: clever, foolish, idiotic (ngu), intelligent, sensible (nhạy bén), silly, stupid,…
4.4. Pronoun + be + adjs + noun + infinitives: Using the above adjectives and: astonishing, curious,
 ridiculous (lố bịch), unreasonable, funny(=strange), odd (lập dị), pointless, useful, useless,…
 - That’s the amazing idea to show. - It was an unreasonable result to accept.
4.5. It’s + adjs + infinitives: advisable, inadvisable, better, best, desirable, essential, good, important,
 necessary, unnecessary, vital (tất yếu),…
4.6. It be + adjs + (for O) + infinitives: convenient, dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, possible, important, safe,…
4.7. S + be + adjs + infinitives : - Angry, delighted, dismayed, glad, happy, pleased, relieved, sorry, sad,…
 ( S + be + glad/ happy/ sorry/ sad/… + to say/ tell/ inform; Others adjs + to find/ learn/ hear/ see/…)
 - Able, unable, apt, inclined, liable, prone, prepared, quick, reluctant, slow, ready, willing, 
4.8. Special cases: các cấu trúc đặc biệt
Due: (time) >The race is due to start in 5 minutes. (sắp xảy ra)
Due to: a result of >The accident was due to his carelessness.(vì, do bởi)
Owing to: because of >owing to his carelessness, we had an accident. (bởi vì, do bởi)
Certain/ sure + to V= opinion >He is sure to take legal action. (chắc là – suy đoán)
Certain/ sure that + (clause) = opinion >I am certain that the price will be higher. (chắc là – suy đoán)
Certain/ sure/ confident of + N/G: He was sure of entering the haunted house.(quyêt tâm)
Bound + to V= obligation > We were bound to leave.
Afraid/ ashamed of + N/G: She was afraid of being left alone.
Sorry for/ about + N/G: Tom felt sorry for making so many mistakes.
Afraid/ ashamed/ sorry + to V: I’m sorry to tell you that bad news.
Anxious about = worried He was anxious about going in the dark alone.
Anxious for O to V = wish He was anxious for you to go in the dark alone.
Anxious that + (clause) We are anxious that we couldn’t come.
Fortunate/ lucky that +(clause) = It’s a good thing…It was lucky that we weren’t late.
S + be fortunate/ lucky to V She was lucky to have such an interesting book.
Possible/ probable/ likely + future = perhaps It’s possible that man will live longer.
Aware/ conscious of N/G We should be aware of protecting our nature.
Aware/ conscious + that +(clause) She was conscious that she would be late.
5.1. able/ ible/ ish/ ed/ ing/ ful/ less/…: talkable, visible, whitish, bored, amusing, careful, hopeless,…
5.2. y/ ly/ en/ ese/ ous/ al/ ive/…: wealthy, manly, golden, Chinese, poisonous, logical, effective,… 
5.3. ade/ ate/ ent/ wide/ ic/ ist/…: adequate, humanate, dependent, worldwide, domestic, communist,…
5.4. like/ style/ type/…: childlike, Roman-type, German-style,…
5.5. Nationality: a. an: American, Venezuelan, German, Mexican, African,…
 b. ese: Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Sudanese, Lebanese,…
 c. i: Pakistani, Iraqi, Israeli, Yemeni, Saudi,…
 d. ian: Argentinean, Australian, Brazilian, Italian,…
 e. ish: English, Polish, Turkish, Danish, Finnish,…
 f. others: Czech, French, Dutch, Swiss, Greek, Thai,…

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