Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 6

I. The aims and objectives

1. Knowledge

a. Vocabulary: to enroll, to answer application form,outdoor activities.

b. Grammar: Gerunds.

2. Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening

3. Living skills: Talking individually, in pairs, in groups, expressing their hobbies.

*Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter about a future plan using be going to

II. Preparation:


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cene by pictures 
Ask Sts to listen,read and complete Nga’sparticulars.
Name:Pham MaiNga.
Home address: 5 Tran Phu street.
Phone number: Not available.
Date of birth: April 29, 1989.
Sex: Female.
Interestings: acting drawing, out door, activities.
T presents sentences:
S: What are your hobbies?
Nga: I like drawing
I enjoy acting.
T does concepts: 
- Meaning.
- Form: S+like/enjoy/hate/+ gerunds.
-Use: Nãi vÒ së thÝch cña ai ®ã.
T gets feed back.
B. Practice.(Word cues)
a.Play soccer/volleyball. TV/ listen to music. books/ do home work. with friends.
e.decorate the house.
T does drill:
What are your hobbies?
I like + Ving
C. Production.: language focus 2
Ask Sts to retell the form of Gerunds
Enjoy V-ing
- Ask Sts to work in pairs to talk about ba and Lan’s activities in their free time.
Ba likes playing soccer.
Lan don’t like watching TV
-> T gets feed back.
Read in chorus/ individual
Go to BB to rewrite
Copy in NB
Listen and read then do exercises
Give answers out
Copy in NB
Answer T’ asking
Do in pairs then say out loudly.
Work in groups to say out.
4.Consolidation :2ms Sts say the main content of the lesson.
5.Homework : 1m Learn vocabulary.
Do exercises in note book
Preparing date: 02/11/2013
Teaching date: 06/11/2013
Period 35
Unit 6 : The young pioneers club
Lesson 2 : Speak + Languge focus 3
I. The aims and objectives
1. Knowledge 
a. Vocabulary: Revise words: favor = help:
b. Grammar: Ask for favor and respond to favors.
2. Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening 
3. Living skills: Talking individually, in pairs, in groups 
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask for favor and respond to favors.
II. Preparation:
T: Lesson plan, poster.
Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.
III. The procedure
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2. Checking up: 5ms. 
- Write vocabulary.
- Finish these sentence:
1.Hoa/ read English books.
2.They/ watch active films.
3. New lesson: 36ms
T’s activities
Sts’ activities
A. Pre speaking.
1. Pre –teach – vocabulary:
- favor = help: sù gióp ®ì, chiÕu cè, ©n huÖ.
2.Pre- question
Ask Sts to run through questions
1. What do you say to ask for a favor?
- Can/ couls you help me?
- Could you do me a favor?
- can/ could……..?
2.When do you ask for a favor?
Need some help…
3. How do you say to respond to favor?
Certainly/ of couse/ sure?
No problem.
B.While - speaking.
Ask Sts to copy the table:
Asking for favor
Respond for favor
- Can/ could you help me please?
- Could you do me a favor?
- I need a favor…..
- can/ could you….?
Certainly/ of couse/ sure?
No problem.
What can I do for you?
How can I help you?
I’m sorry. I’m really busy.
Ask Sts to use information in the box to work in pairs the Dia.
L: can you do me a favor, please?
H: Sure. What can I do for you?
L: I want to go to the bookstore because I want to buy a new book.
H: Certainly.
-> T calls Sts out.
C Post - speaking: * Languge focus 3:
a) Use the expressions in the box to ask for a favor. Then practice the dialogue with a me with this math problem buy a ticket water the flowers in the gardentake me across the roadb) Use useful expressions in the boxes on page 55 to complete the dialogues. Then practice the dialogues with a partner.
Answer t’ asking
Read in chorus/ individual
Copy in NB
Work in pairs to give answers
Copy in NB
Run through the exercise
Work in pair to say loudly
Speak loudly
Work with a partner.
Practice the dialogues with a partner
4.Consolidation : 2ms Sts say the main content of the lesson.
5.Homework : 1m Learn vocabulary.
Describe your living room.
Do exercise in note book.
Preparing date: 07/11/2013
Teaching date: 11/11/2013
Period 36
Unit 6 : The young pioneers club
Lesson 3: Listen, Languge focus 1 
I. The aims and objectives
1. Knowledge 
a. Vocabulary: to unite, to hold hand, to make a stand, to shout out:
b. Grammar: Gerunds
2. Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening 
3. Living skills: Talking individually, in pairs, in groups 
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for information to fill in a song.
II. Preparation:
T: Lesson plan, tape, cassette, posters.
Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.
III. The procedure
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2. Checking up: 4ms. Write vocabulary.
3. New lesson: 37ms
Sts’ activities
Pre- listening
1.Pre – teach - vocabulary
- to unite:
- to hold hand:
- to make a stand:
- to shout out:
T checks Voc by Ro and R, ask Sts to copy in NB.
2.Prediction: Gap fill
T sets the scene, asks Sts to predict the missing information and then compare with their partners
-> Gets feed back.
While listening
1.Listen and check prediction
1. uinte.
2. peace.
3.right. 11.out
5.north. 12.stand
2.Practice singing the song
Ask Sts to listen sentence by sentence then repeat.
T calls some groups to sing again.
C.Post listening : Languge focus 1.
Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Y and Y Spring activity program.
T does the example.
a) When do they collect and empty garbage?
-On January 9.
b) Where do they collect and empty garbage ?
-At Dong Xuan Market.
c) What time do they start and finish work ?
-They start at 8 am and finish at 5pm.
-> T gets feed back.
Read in chorus/ individual
Go to BB to rewrite
Copy in note book
Run through the song
Do individually
Compare with partners.
Give answer out.
Listen to the tape
Compare with others.
Give corrects answer.
Copy in note book.
listen again to practice the song
Sing the song loudly in groups/ pairs
Answer T’s asking
Work in pairs to say out
-Collect and empty garbage.
-Plant and water trees along the streets
-Help the elderly and street children.
-Have big gathering to support cultural- sport programs
Dong Xuan
City center streets
City rest home and orphane
Central stadium
4.Consolidation :2ms Sts say the main content of the lesson.
5.Homework: 1m Learn vocabulary.
Do exercise in note book.
Preparing date: 08/11/2013
Teaching date: 12/11/2013
Period 37
Unit 6 : The young pioneers club
Lesson 4 : Read
I. The aims and objectives
1. Knowledge 
a. Vocabulary: encourage:khuyÕn khÝch
2. to lead- led- led: l·nh ®¹o establish:thiÕt lËp/ thµnh lËp
4. coeducational (adj): 
5. voluntary(n ):t×nh nguyÖn
b. Grammar: Tenses.
2. Skills: Reading 
3. Living skills: Talking individually, in pairs, in groups 
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for detail about Youth organisation- The Boy Scout of America ( BSA).
II. Preparation:
T: Lesson plan, posters.
Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.
III. The procedure
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2. Checking up: 5ms. 
- Write vocabulay
- Give correct form of verbs.
a. Lan used ( sing) in free time 3 years ago.
b. Hoa likes (play) VD game.
3. New lesson: 36ms
Sts’ activities
A.Pre- reading
1. Pre – teach vocabulary
- to encourage:khuyÕn khÝch
- to lead- led- led: l·nh ®¹o
- to establish:thiÕt lËp/ thµnh lËp
- coeducational (adj): 
- voluntary(n ):t×nh nguyÖn
- citizenship(n):
T checks voc by Ro and R.
2. T/F prediction.
T sets the scene, asks Sts to run through sentences then give correct answer.
a. The Boy Scout of America is a Youth organisation.
b. Scouting began in American.
c.William Boyce is a businessman in London.
d.Boys and girls can join BSA.
e. The Scouting Association is the biggest voluntary youth organisation in the world.
-> T gets feed back
B. While - reading
1. Read and check prediction:
a –T
b- F
c –F
d –F
e – T
2. Gapfill (dates):
3. Comprehension questions:P31
a. Scouting began in England in 1907.
b. The meeting between a boy Scout and Mr William Boyce led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic.
c. Girls can join in Girls Guige Association and camp Fire Boys and Girls.
d.They’re building characters, good citizenshippersonal fitness.
C.Post reading :Writing.
Ask Sts to rewrite the text in 5 sentences
Answer in English
Read in chorus
Go to BB to rewrite
Copy in note book
Run through poster
Do individually
Compare with partners.
Give answer out.
Read the text to find the answer
Compare with others.
Give correct answer.
Copy in note book.
Do individualy
Give answer out
Work in pairs/ compare with others
Play game in two teams
Copy in note book
 Writing in NB.
4.Consolidation : 2ms Sts say the main content of the lesson.
5.Homework: 1m Learn vocabulary.
Do exercise in note book.
Preparing date: 09/11/2013
Teaching date: 13/11/2013
Period 38
Unit 6 : The young pioneers club
Lesson 5 : Write 
I. The aims and objectives
1. Knowledge 
a. Vocabulary: 1. To cycle: t¸i chÕ
2. to raise fund: g©y quü
3. a bank: ng©n hµng
4. natural resources (n): nguån TNTN
5. community(n): céng ®ång
b. Grammar: “ be going to”
2. Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening 
3. Living skills: Talking individually, in pairs, in groups 
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write letter about future plan using: “ be going to”
II. Preparation:
T: Lesson plan, poster.
Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.
III. The procedure
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2. Checking up: 5ms
- Write vocabulary.
- Rewrite the text about BSA.
T gives comments and marks.
3. New lesson: 36ms
Sts’ activities
Warm up: Revision: “ be going to”
Ask Sts to say the usage of Be going to.
Gets Sts to give examples:
I’m going to

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  • docG8 Unit 6 Hien.doc
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