Giáo án tiếng anh 8 - Unit 13, period 24, 28


 Students will be able to ask for explanations of events .

II. Language content

1.Grammar: Compound words .

2.Vocabulary: fetch , yell ,urge , rub , participate , award .

III. Techniques: chatting , Rub out and remember ”

IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette, posters .

V. Procedures :



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 Period: ( 24 - 28 )
	 Division of lessons
	 1. Getting started & listen and read 
	 2. Speak + Listen
	 3. Read
	 4. Write
	 5. Language focus 
 Students will be able to ask for explanations of events .
II. Language content
1.Grammar: Compound words .
2.Vocabulary: fetch , yell ,urge , rub , participate , award .
III. Techniques: chatting , Rub out and remember ”
IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette, posters .
V. Procedures :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
-T write the names on the board Tom, David, Huckleberry , O liver, Robinson .
- T introduces these people 
They are going to go on their visits to VN and they need advice on where to go .
-T introduces the names , one by one .
+Ss work (individual)
-T uses the picture to introduce situation and new words .
-T presents new words.
+Ss listen and copy 
-Checking technigue “ Rub out and remember ”
-T introduces the dialogue 
-Ba invites his friend Liz to a traditional festival in the North of VietNam . Do you know what kind of festival it is ? ( It is the rice – cooking festival )
-T asks to guess what they are going to read by asking questions them write Ss ‘ answers on the board 
-T asks Ss to open their books (p 121,122) read the dialogue and listen to the tape
-T uses the cassette 
- T checks if Ss guesses are correct or not 
- T asks Ss to read the statements (2/122)and check (v) the boxes using the information in the dialogue 
+Ss work in pairs 
- T asks Ss to give their answers and correct the false sentence (whole class) 
+Ss copy down 
Elicit the examples and write them on the board 
-T explains how to use 
+Ss listen
+Ss copy
 -T gives the homework
+Ss write down and prepare at home
T gives the homeworks
+Ss write down and prepare at home
1. Warm up: (5ms ) mark
Chatting :
Tom likes swimming and sunbathing .
Where should he go? …Why ?…
 Tom should go to beaches / Vuõng Taøu
Because it has many beaches
2. David should go to Hoi An 
3. Huckleberry should go to Sapa .
4. Oliver should go to Bat Trang .
5. Robinson should go to Ho Chi Minh city .
2.Pre- reading : (15ms)
New words
- Fetch (v) :( to go toget (sth) and bring it back )
- yell(v) = to shout loudly
- urge (v) (to make a person / an animal move quickly )
- rub (v) mime
- participate (v) = to make part participation (n)
- award (v) (situation)
( Rub out and remember )
Open prediction
- How many competitions do people enter in a rice – cooking festival ?
-Three .
- In water-festival competition, what do people do? 
- A rice cooking competitions?
 Rice – cooking festival 
Water fetching Fire - making rice- cooking
3.Practice: (15 mins )
-Answer :
a/ False -> only one team member takes part …
b/ False -> one person has to collect one water bottle 
c/ True
d/ False -> pieces of bamboo are used to make the fire .
e/ False -> in the final contest , the judges taste the rice .
f/ True 
4. Production(8 ms )
 Compound words :
Compound adjective :
A rice cooking festival 
A water fetching competition 
 A fire matching 
(Article) compound adjectives ( noun)
Concept check :
Use : to form a compound adjective 
Form : noun + V-ing 
Ex:It’s a rice- cooking contest.
 It’s a rice- exporting country
5. Homework (2ms)
-Practise speaking the dialogue with your partner
-Write the sentences and rewrite them using the compound adjective 
-Learn by heart new words
-Prepare speak + listen 
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