Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tiết 7 đến tiết 11

I. The aims and objectives

1. Knowledge

a. Vocabulary: Some words of the media: a fax machine, a public telephone, a telephone dictionary, an address book, an answering machine.

 + Adverb of places

b. Grammar: " Present continuous tense" for intention in the future

2. Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening

3. Living skills: Talking individually, in pairs, in groups

*Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements. .

II. Preparation:


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one ?
Do you have a telephone at your home ?
What is your telephone mumber?
- T corrects and give them marks .
3. New lesson: 36ms
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
 Warm up : * Chatting
- Talk to Ss to about using telephone . 
1. Do you have a telephone at home ? 
2. How often do you make a phone call ? 
3. What would you say when you pick up the phone to answer it ? 
4. What would you say if you are the caller ? 
A. Presentation : 
1. Pre- speaking 
- Ask Ss to do exercise 1 in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete conversation . 
- Call on some pairs to read their answers and write them on the board : 
* Answers : 1-b 2-f 3-j 4-a 5-i 6-c
 7- e 8- k 9-g 10- h 11- d
- Call on some pairs to practice the conversation they have arranged . 
-Ask Ss some questions to check Ss,understanding and focus on the structure GOING TO
a. Are they talking on the phone ? 
b. What do they intend to do ? 
c. What time are they meeting ? Where ? 
d. What form of the verbs do you use to talk about intentions ? 
=> S + BE + GOING TO + Infinitive
=> Express an intention 
2. While - speaking : 
- Set the scene “ Ba and Bao are making arrangements to play chess “
- Ask Ss to work with partners to complete the dialogue .
- Call on some pairs to play the roles of Ba and Bao to practice the dialogue .
- Listen and give feedback 
Ba : Hello . 8257012
Bao : May I speak to Ba , please . This is Bao .
Ba : Hello , Bao . How are you ?
Bao : I am fine . Thanks , and you ? 
Ba : Great . Me too. 
Bao : can you play chess tonight ? 
Ba : I am sorry . I can not play chess tonight . I am going to do my homework .
Bao : What about tomorrow afternoon ? 
Ba : Tomorrow afternoon is fine . 
Bao : I’ll meet you at the Center Chess Club .
Ba : At the Central Chess Club ? Ok . Let ,s meet at the front door .
Bao : Is 2,00, OK ? 
Ba : Great . See you tomorrow afternoon at 2.00 o,clock . 
3. Post – speaking : - Ask Ss to make similar dialogue . T can emphasise (nhan manh )the useful phrases and sentences 
-- Ask Ss to make similar arrangements and practice talking with a partner .
-Ask Ss to make sentences with “ Going to + Infinitive “
B. Practice :
Model sentences :
Are you going to see a movie ?
Yes , I am / No , I am not .
*Word cue drill :
see a movie ( Yes )
play / sports ( No )
meet your friends ( Yes) 
help your mother ( Yes )
do your homework (No) 
watch TV ( No )
- Model two cues , then ask Ss to repeat chorally then individually .
- Ask some Ss to practice asking and answering in pairs.
Language focus 1+2 :
 *Ask ss to do ex 1 (25 ) 
eg : Nga has a movie ticket ( What is she going to do?)
She is going to see a movie .
T . gets feedback and give answer keys .
* Ex 2 ( 25 ) – Ssplay a game : Find someone who
T asks :
- What are you going to do on the weekend ?
Are you going to …. ? 
+ … meet your friends ? 
+…. see a movie ?
+ ….play football ?
+….help your parents ?
+… do ur homeworks ?
+… listen to music/ watch T.V…?.
-T gets feedback .
-Some ss to answer the T’s questions 
Work in whole class 
Work in pairs 
Report their answers 
Practice the complete dialogue 
- Work in pairs 
+ Yes , they are 
+ They intend to go to the pop concert 
+ They are meeting inside the center at 7.15 
+ be going to 
Listen and copy down.
- work individually.
Listen to teacher carefully .
Work in pairs 
Practice the complete dialogue 
- Work in groups of 3 or 4 
Make similar dialogue .
- work in dividually
Practice asking and answering 
- work in pairs .
- Do exercises 1 (25 )
work in pairs 
Do ex 2 (25) .
- Play a game 
One by one go around the class and ask their friends some questions .
- Give the result, Talk loudly . Others listen to and corrects mistakes .
- Work individually.
4. Consolidation : 2ms
Retell contents of this lesson.
5. Homework : 1m
- Write five things that they intend to do next week .
 And learn by heart main structure grammar .
- Do exercises in the workbook .
 - Prepare the next lesson . 	
Preparing date: 06/9/2013
Teaching date: 09/9/2013
Period 9
Unit 2 :Making arrangements
Lesson 3 : Listen & Language focus 3
I. The aims and objectives
1. Knowledge 
a. Vocabulary: Revision 
b. Grammar: Further practice in adverbs of place.
2. Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening 
3. Living skills: Talking individually, in pairs, in groups 
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete a telephone message by listening .
II. Preparation:
T: Lesson plan, posters, cassette .
Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.
III. The procedure
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2. Checking up: 5ms. 
3. New lesson: 36ms
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
 Warm up : * Telephone transmitting
- Divide Ss into two teams .
- Choose 6 volunteers from each team 
- the volunteers stand in two lines . T. shows the first student a telephone number .
- He / She whispers the telephone number to the next person in his / her line .
- The second student whispers to the third ... until the last one .
- The last student has to shout out the number , if it is the same as the number teacher shows , that team wins the match .
A. Pre -listening:
1. Pre -teach vocabulary: Revision words
Junior high school :tr­êng THCS _ cÊp 2
The principal : hiÖu tr­ëng .
(to) wanted
at the moment : ngay lËp tøc, mét lóc
(an) appointment: cuéc hÑn gÆp
available : s½n cã.
2. Pre- listening : 
- Ask Ss to look at the form of the telephone message on page 21 and set the scene “ a woman phoned the principal of Kingston junior high school , but he was out .” 
- Have Ss guess the message .
- Let Ss work in pairs 
- Call on some Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board .
B. While - listening : 
- Turn on the tape twice and ask Ss to fill in the message , compare with their predictions .
- Call on some Ss to read their answers after checking .
- T give them marks
* Answers : 
Kingston junior high school
Date : .....................Time : .................
For : The principal
Message : Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9 . 45 in the morning
Telephone number : 6463720942.
T. corrects and gives answer keys.
- Call on some Ss to read them aloud , Tgive them marks 
C. Post - listening : 
- Ask Ss to make a dialogue about the information they have heard 
- Go around the class and help them .
- Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue they have made . 
Play game 
Look at the form of the telephone message and listen to the scene
Guess the message 
Read their predictions 
Listen to tape carefully , compare with their predictions
- work in pairs.
Read their answers 
Work in pairs to make dialogue . 
Practice in front of class 
4. Consolidation : 2ms
- Retell the main points of this lesson .
5. Homework : 1m
- Copy the dialogue above . 
- Do exercise in workbook .
- Learn by heart the main points and new words.
 - Prepare the next lesson .
	Preparing date: 08/9/2013
Teaching date: 11/9/2013
Period 10
Unit 2 :Making arrangements
Lesson 4: Lesson 4 : Read 
I. The aims and objectives
1. Knowledge 
a. Vocabulary:
- to emigrate (emigrant), to transmit ( translation ), to conduct = to carry out, to demonstrate ( translation )= perform, a device ( translation ), deaf – mute( adj).
b. Grammar: 
2. Skills: Speaking, Writing, Reading, Listening 
3. Living skills: Talking individually, in pairs, in groups 
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Alexander Graham Bell .
II. Preparation:
T: Lesson plan, posters , pictures of Bill.
Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.
III. The procedure
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2. Checking up: 5ms. 
Asks some Ss to say new words , meaning of these words 
- T corrects mistakes and gives them marks.
3. New lesson: 36ms
Teacher's activities
Students' activities
 *Warm up : * Brainstorming 
- Let Ss answer the questions by coming to the board and write : To chat with friend 
+ What is the mobile phone used for ?
Possible answers : 
to have a message 
to call someone 
to make arrangements
to talk to a person who lives far from 
to get information at the airport or railway station quickly 
A. Pre - reading : 
1. Pre teach vocabulary : 
- to emigrate = to go another country to live ( xuÊt c¶nh, di c­)(emigrant: ng­êi)
- to transmit ( translation ) truyÒn ph¸t tÝn hiÖu
- to conduct = to carry out:thùc hiÖn, tiÕn hµnh
- to demonstrate ( translation )= perform.
- a device ( translation ): thiÕt bÞ , m¸y mãc, 
- deaf – mute( adj) = a person who is unable to hear and speak : 
* Checking vocabulary : What and where 
2. T / F statements prediction : 
- Hang the poster of T / F statements on the board and ask Ss to work in pairs and guess which statements are true or false .
…….a. Alexander G. Bell was born in the USA 
…….b. He worked with deaf – mute patients in a hospital in Boston .
…….c. Thomas Watson was Bell,s assistant.
….....d. Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1877 .
……e. Bell experimented his invention at a lot of exhibitions .
- Call on some pairs to read their predictions and write them on the board . 
B. While - reading : 
1. True or false : 
-Turn on the tape 2 times and ask them to look at their books to read the text , then check their prediction
He was born in Edinburgh in Scotland 
He worked with deaf – mute patients at Boston University 
He introduced telephone in 1876 
He experimented with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance 
- Ask some Ss to read the correct answers aloud .
2. Ordering : 
- Ask Ss to look at the exercise and read the events of Bell,s life , then put them in the correct order .
- Have them compare with their partners 
- Call on some S

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