Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 8 - Tiết 4


 Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe people’s characters, and hobbies, read the passage and answer the questions about characters, hobbies of Ba’s friends.

II. PREPARATIONS: Book, cassette player and tape



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Week: 2	 Date of preparing: 24/ 08/ 2014
Period: 4	 Date of teaching: 26/ 08/ 2014
Lesson 3: READ
 Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe people’s characters, and hobbies, read the passage and answer the questions about characters, hobbies of Ba’s friends.
II. PREPARATIONS: Book, cassette player and tape
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm – Up: (5’)
- Chatting: Ask questions about their friends.
 l Do you have many close friends?
 l Who is your best close friend in your class?
 l What does he/she look like?
 l Is he/she (intelligent)?
 l What does he/she like/dislike you know?
 l What does he/she do in his/her free time?
2. Pre – Reading: (13’)
- Have Ss match the words in column A and their meanings in column B.
Column A
Column B
1. outgoing
2. generous
3. sense of humor 
4. kind
5. hard-working
6. reserved
7. sociable
a. kín đáo
b. tử tế
c. hào phóng
d. chăm chỉ
e. thân mật, dễ gần gũi 
f. hài hước
g. cởi mở, dễ hòa đồng 
- Have Ss write down the new words.
- Check vocabulary: “Rub out and remember”
- Ask Ss to read these sentences and guess which statements are true, which are false.
 1. Ba only has three friends: Bao, Song and Khai.
 2. Ba and his friends have the same characters.
 3. Bao, Song and Khai are quite reserved in public.
 4. They are all enjoying school and study hard.
 5. Ba has a sense of humor.
- Ask Ss to give feed back. 
3. While – Reading: (20’)
- Have Ss read the text silently to check the T/F statements and correct the false sentences.
 1. F. Ba has a lot of friends but he spends most of his time with Bao, Song and Khai.
 2. F. They have different characters.
 3. F. Only Song and Khai are quite reserved in public.
 4. T.
 5. T. 
 - Ask Ss to read the text again and do multiple choices in pairs. 
- Call Ss to give the answers.
 a) A. three 
 b) C. does not affect his school work 
 c) B. doesn’t talk much in public.
 d) D. get tired of
- Ask Ss to read the text again to answer the questions in groups.
 a. Ba feels lucky to have/having a lot of friends.
 b. Bao is the most sociable.
 c. Khai likes reading.
 d. A bad thing about Ba’s jokes is that sometimes his jokes annoy his friends.
 e. Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage.
 f. (students’ answers)
4. Post – Reading: (5’)
 - Ask Ss to work in groups to describe a friend in the class, using the adjectives they have learnt.
- Call one or two of them to demonstrate their answer before the class.
5. Homework: (2’)
- Ask Ss to learn by heart vocabulary.
- Write a short paragraph to describe character about one of your close friends.
- Prepare next lesson: Unit 1- Write/ p.15.
- Think and answer the questions.
- Pair works. 
 1 + g
 2 + c
 3 + f
 4 + b
 5 + d
 6 + a
 7 + e
- Write down.
- Whole class.
- Listen.
- Group work. 
- Give feed back.
- Work in individual.
- Pair work.
- Give the answers.
- Group work.
- Group work. 
- Read the answer.
Take note.
Week: 2	 Date of preparing: 24/ 08/ 2014
Period: 5	 Date of teaching: 26/ 08/ 2014
Lesson 4: WRITE
 Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write about oneself and other people, develop writing skill.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm – Up: (5’)
- Have Ss play game “ Networks”
Hair color
Hair style 
2. Pre – Writing: (10’)
- Ask Ss to read the information about Tam, then to answer the questions about him.
 1. What’s his name?
 2. How old is he?
 3. What does he look like?
 4. What is he like?
 5. Where does he live?
 6. Who does he live with?
 7. Who are his best friends?
- Correct the mistakes.
3. While – Writing: (18’)
- Ask Ss to read the passage to check their understanding.
- Ask Ss to fill the information in a similar form for their partner.
Name: Age:
- Have Ss practice the questions in exercise 2/p.15.
- Read the information about Nga. Then write a paragraph about her.
Name: Trần Thị Nga. Age: 17
Appearance: tall, fat, long fair hair.
Characters: reserved, generous, helpful.
Address: 326 Le Thanh Tong Street, Nha Trang
Family: parents, older sister – Huong, younger brother - Thanh
Friends: Van, Trang, Nhat.
4. Post – Writing: (10’)
- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about their partner.
- Call some Ss to exhibit their writing on the board.
- Remark and score.
5. Homework: (2’)
- Write a short paragraph about yourself.
- Prepare next lesson: Unit 1-Language Focus/ p.16
- Individual work.
- Answer the questions.
 1. His name’s is Tam.
 2. He’s 14 years old.
 3. He’s tall and thin; and has short black hair.
 4. He’s is sociable, humorous and helpful.
 5. He lives at 26 Tran Phu Street in Ha Noi.
 6. He lives with his mother, father and elder brother, Hung.
 7. His best friends are Bao and Ba.
- Listen.
- Read the passage silently.
- Fill in the form.
- Pair works 
- Write a paragraph based on the answers above.
- Work in individual.
- Write the answer.
- Listen.
Take note.
Week: 2	 Date of preparing: 24/ 08/ 2014
Period: 6	 Date of teaching: 26/ 08/ 2014
Teaching aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review tenses: the present and past simple tenses, talk about general truth in present, the attributive and predicative adjectives.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Warm – Up: (10’)
Have Ss make 4 sentences use “enough”
Ex: I am old enough to drive motorbike.
2. Exercises: (30’)
a/ Exercise 1: Tenses
- Have Ss review the usages of the present and past simple tenses.
l Present simple is used to describe: 
 + Permanent states.
 Ex: They live in Ho Chi Minh City now.
+ Regular/ repeated events.
Ex: He gets up at 5 a.m every day.
Trang usually watches T.V after dinner.
+ General truths.
Ex: The Sun rises in the East.
 + Time expressions: always, usually, often; every day/month/year/…
- Ask Ss to complete the paragraphs. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
- Call some Ss to read the answer.
a) lives – sent – was – is
b) are – came – showed - introduced
b/ Exercise 2: Present simple tense
- Ask Ss some questions about the planets.
 ˜ How many planets are there in our solar system?
 ˜ What planets do you know?
- Explain the verbs in the box.
+ (to) move (v)
+ (to) rise (v)
+ (to) set (v) 
- Ask Ss to do the exercises in pairs.
- Check the answers and correct them.
1. sets 2. goes 3. moves 4. is 5. is
- Ask Ss to practice the dialogue. 
c/ Exercise 3: Describing
- Have Ss ask and answer the questions in pair.
 a. How many people are there in the picture?
 b. What does each person like?
 c. What is each person wearing?
- Supply Ss with some vocabulary: heavy-set, hold one’s head, carry a shoulder bag, across the street.
- Supply the correct answer.
a. There are four people in the picture.
b. The man standing near the taxi is tall and heavy – set. The woman is tall and thin. She has short hair. The boy sitting on the ground looks tired and worried. He is holding his head. And the man standing across the street is short and fat.
c. The man standing next to the taxi is wearing a yellow shirt and black trousers. The woman is wearing a green skirt and red blouse/shirt. She is carrying a shoulder bag. The boy is wearing blue shorts and a white shirt. The man standing across the street is wearing blue trousers, a pink shirt, and a brown tie. He is carrying a suitcase.
d/ Exercise 4:Enough
- Remind Ss of the structure: 
tobe (not) adjective + enough + to – infinitive.
- Have Ss complete the dialogues in pairs.
- Call Ss to give the answers.
a. not big enough. b. not old enough.
 c. strong enough. d. good enough.
- Ask some pairs to practice the dialogues in front of the class.
3. Consolidation: (3’)
- Remind important structure.
4. Homework: (2’)
- Redo the exercises. 
- Prepare next lesson: Unit 2- Getting stared, Listen and Read/ p.18, 19.
- Pair work.
- Review. 
- Pair work.
- Read the answer.
- Listen and answer the questions. 
 ˜ There are 9 planets:
 ˜ I know …
- Listen to the teacher.
- Pair works. 
- Practice the dialogue. 
- Pair works. 
- Listen.
- Listen and write. 
- Listen.
- Pair works. 
- Read the answers.
- Practice the dialogues. 
- Listen to the teacher. 
Take note.

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