Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 5, tiết 26

I. Aim :

- Students will be able to ask and answer about subjects in a week and listen for specific information to fill in a report card

 II. Language contents:

1. Grammar:Review

 - Present simple tense


2. Vocabulary: behavior, a participant, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, cooperation, attendance, (to) appreciate

III. Techniques:Network, Asking and Answering, Slap the board

IV. Teaching aids:casette

V. Procedure:


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 Date:	 Unit 5(cont):STUDY HABITS	
Period : 26th 	Lesson 2 : SPEAK AND LISTEN	
I. Aim :
- Students will be able to ask and answer about subjects in a week and listen for specific information to fill in a report card
 II. Language contents:
1. Grammar:Review
 - Present simple tense
2. Vocabulary: behavior, a participant, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, cooperation, attendance, (to) appreciate
III. Techniques:Network, Asking and Answering, Slap the board
IV. Teaching aids:casette
V. Procedure:
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
-T asks Ss to play a game
+Ss play a game
-T review the questions words and explains them
+Ss listen 
-T asks Ss to ask and answer about 5 questions on page 48
+Ss practice in pairs
-T corrects and gives marks
-T asks Ss to survey a sentence
+Ss practice in groups
-T asks some questions
+Ss listen and answer 
- T asks Ss to look at “Listen” on page 48 and asks: “What’s this ? How many words do you know ?”
- T gives new-words, writes on the board, guides Ss to read, asks the meaning
- Ss read after the teacher (chorus, individually), give the meaning
- T corrects if necessary
-T checks new words
- T explains the content of Sarah Chen’s report card
- Ss listen
- T asks Ss to look at Sarah Chen’s report card and guess the missing information and then compare with their partners
- Ss guess individually 
- Ss compare in pairs
-T plays the tape “Listen” 
- Ss listen and check their prediction individually
- Ss listen again and write notes then read aloud their listening
T gives feedback
- T asks Ss to answer some questions about Sarah Chen’s report card
- Ss answer in pairs (the whole class then in closed pairs and opened pairs)
- T corrects the mistakes
-Ss write the answers in their notebooks
-T gives the homework
+Ss write down and prepare at home
1.Warm up:
 Network: Speak English 
How do you to improve your English?
 Do grammar exercise
2.Pre- speaking:
Question words:
 After dinner,late at night,…
 parents, mother, father,sister …..
3)How much time………………..?
 Half an hour, two hours ,…………….
3.While – speaking:/marks
Answer cues:
When do you do your homework?
 I do my homework after dinner.
2)Who helps you with your homework?
 I do my homework myself
 How do you improve your English?
1. Warm up 
a.How many students are there in your class?
b.Who is absent today?
c.How many days was he absent last month?
2. Pre - listening:
Listen to the dialogue and complete the report card
- Marking period: thôøi gian ñaùnh giaù, giai ñoaïn ghi ñieåm
- Behavior (n): haønh vi, thaùi ñoä
-A participant: ngöôøi tham gia
-participation(n) : tham gia
- Cooperation (n): hôïp taùc, xaây döïng baøi
- Satisfactory (n): haøi loøng,thoaõ maõn,toát
- Unsatisfactory (n): khoâng haøi loøng
* Slap the board:
3. While - listening:
(1) 87
(2) 5
(3) S
(4) C
(5) A
(6) A
(7) B
4. Post – listening
Comprehension questions:
a) Who is Mrs Chen ?
She’s Sarah’s mother
 b) What’s Sarah Chen’s teacher’s name ?
- Miss Blake
c) What subject was reported ? For what term ?
- English, the first term
d) What are the comments ?
- Speaking English quite well. However she need to improve her listening skill
e) What does S mean ? What about : F, U, A, B, C, D ?
- S means Satisfactory
- F means Fail
- U means Unsatisfactory
- A means Excellent
- B means Good
- C means Fair
- D means Poor
5. Homework
- Learn by heart new-words
- Complete the report card (in the last first term of grade 7)
- Prepare: Read page 49…
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  • doc27-u5-8(speak and listen)-BP.doc
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