Giáo án tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 6: Competitions

I. Aims: Help ss get information about competitions

II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying meaning in text

- Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic

III. Teaching aids

Textbook, handouts, pictures about competitions

IV. Procedure


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2.Task 2 : 13’
- Run through task 2
- Ask Ss to ask their partner how he / she feels about each type of the competitions / contests in task 1
- Supply Ss with the useful language and guides Ss to use the useful language
- Model
- Give feedback
Example :
A: What do you think of the General Knowledge Quiz?
B: Oh, it is great. It’s an opportunity to test my general knowledge.
* Useful language :
good fun
- opportunity to test my general knowledge
- good time to practise my English
- opportunity for my creative activities
- makes me feel sleepy
- makes me cheerful / feel happy
- good chance for my physical training
Post- speaking
3.Task 3( 15’)
- Set the scene : talk about a competition or contest you have recently joined or seen ,using the suggestions below
- Go around the class to give help
- Give feedback
Where and when did you see or take part in it?
What type of competition or contest was it?
Who organized it?
Who participated in it ?
Who won the competition / contest?
Did you enjoy it? Why / Why not?
III. Homework (2’)
- Give assignments
+ Write a short paragraph about a competition or contest they have recently joined
+ Prepare lesson 3: Listening
- Look at the picture and answer the questions individually
- Work in pairs
- Present to the class and give their reasons 
- Listen
- Listen
- Practice with partners
- Listen
- Present to the class
- Listen and take notes
- Listen
- Work in groups
- Present to the class
- Listen and take notes
- Listen and take notes
Period : 
Date : 
Part C.Listening
I. Aims: Help Ss be able to hear and understand the dialogue about the Boston Marathon.
II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:
Develop extensive listening skills
Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks
III. Teaching aids	
Textbook, handouts, cassette tapes………….
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warm-up: Kim’s game 5’
race formally
female McDermott
 athletic clock 
 association Kuscsik
 - Guide Ss to play the game
- Give feedback and guide Ss to read
- Explain the meaning and ask ss to take notes
II. Pre-listening : 7’ (picture)
- Show the picture and asks Ss some questions
- Give feedback and lead Ss to the topic of the lesson
- Set the scene
* Questions :
1. What are they doing ?
2. Do you know what the Boston Marathon is ?
3. Who do you think can take part in the Boston race ? 
III. While-listening : 10’
1.Task 1 :
- Run through task 1 and ask Ss to guess the answers
- Write what Ss guess on the board
- Play the tape ( 2 times or more )
- Correct
2. Task 2 : 13’ 
- Run through task 2 and ask Ss to listen to the tape again & answer the questions.
- Play the tape again ( 2 times or more )
IV. Post-listening: 8’
- Ask Ss to name some famous runners in Vietnam and say what is special about them
- Give feedback
V. Homework : 2’
- Give assignments
+ write a short a paragraph about the Boston Marathon
+ Prepare D. Writing
- work in groups
- write the words they remember on the board
- listen and repeat
- Take notes
- look at the picture and answer the questions individually
- read the sentences and guess the answers
- listen and check their answers
- compare their answers
- report the results to the class
Expected answers:
1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F
- listen again and answer the questions
- compare their answers
- report the results to the class
Expected answers:
1. He came from New York.
2. She became the first official female champion in 1972.
3. 8 women started and finished the race in 1972.
4. 6164 runners joined the Boston Marathon in 1984.
- work in groups 
- present to the class
- Listen and take notes
- Listen and take notes
Trang: What are you reading, Paul?
Paul: The history of Boston Marathon.
Trang: It sounds interesting! How often is it held?
Paul: Every year, in the USA.
Trang: When did it begin?
Paul: In 1897. And the same year, John McDermott won the first Boston Athletic Association Marathon.
Trang: Who was John McDermott? Where did he come from?
Paul: He was the first man who won the first Boston Marathon in the USA. He came from New York.
Trang: How long did it take him to reach the finish?
Paul: He clocked 2 hours 50 minutes and 10 seconds.
Trang: Did women have right to participate in long distance running?
Paul: Yes ... But not until 1967, women were formally accepted to take part in the Boston races... A few years later, Kuscsik became the first official female champion.
Trang: When did she win the race?
Paul: In 1972. There were 8 women starting the race and all 8 finished.
Trang: Is the race held for only American people?
Paul: No. Each year, more runners from every part of the world join it. In 1984, 6164 runners from 34 countries ran in the marathon.
Trang: What are the rules of the Boston Marathon?
Paul: The Boston race is about 42 km. Runners have to go through 13 towns during the race. It ends in the centre of Boston.
Trang: Oh, that’s great. Thanks a lot, Paul.
Period : 
Date : 
Part D. Writing
I.Aims: Help Ss be able to write a letter to reply to the request of information. 
II. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to respond someone about the competition
III. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, posters…
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
I. Warm-up: Matching(5’)
Match the greetings and endings. Which are formal?
1.Dear Hellen,
2. Dear Sir and Madam,
3. Darling Rosie,
4. Dear Mr. Mc Donald,
5. Dear Philip,
a. Yours, 
b. Yours faithfully,
c. Love, 
d. Lots of love, 
e. Yours sincerely,
- Ask ss to match the greeting with suitable ending and find out which forms are formal
- Ask ss to work individually
- Ask ss to give their answers
- Correct and lead in the new lesson
=> Today, we are study how to write the letter to reply to the request of information. Let’s open your book page 72.
II. Pre- writing (15’)
A. Form of a letter (5’)
- Remind the form of a letter by asking:
+ How many parts are there in a letter?
+ What are they?
- Ask ss to tell the places of each part
- Give feedback and show the form of letter
- Give notes 
* Notes
Write address in the top left hand corner
Write the date under the address
Start the letter with “Dear…”
Use “Sir or Madam” if we don’t know the persons name.
End the letter with an expression like “I look forward to…”
Write name of writer under the signature
Don’t use short forms
B. Task 1. Read the letter of Thu Trang and find out parts of a letter (5’)
- Ask ss to find out each parts for letter in task 1
- Ask ss to give answer
- Give feed back
C. Task 2: Read the letter and find out the information required for the English Speaking Competition (5’)- See textbook – page 72
- Ask ss to do task 2
- Ask ss to give answers
- Give feed back
III. While -writing(15 m) 
 Task 3:Imagine you are Kate Johnson, secretary of the English Speaking Competition. Write a letter to respond to Thu Trang, using the the prompts below:
1. 106 Tran Hung Dao St/ Hoan Kiem District/Hanoi/ Vietnanm/ 
2. 2nd /November/2013/
3. Dear/Thu Trang/
4. Thank/ letter/ welcome / English Speaking Competition/
5. Here/ details / competition
6. Number/ participants/limited/ 25
7. Competition/ held/ 25th November 2013/ 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi/
8. It /start/ 8:00 A.M/
9. Contestants/ should/present / 7:00 A.M / registration
10.For/ information / contact /me /on/ phone number(04) 9838188/email:
11. Best wishes/
12. Kate Johnson/ secretary/ English Speaking Competition
- Get Ss to read the requirement of task 3
- Write the letter by using the promt in group
- Ask Ss to stick their answers on the board
IV. Post-writing(7m) 
- Ask ss to look at the writing
- Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards
+ Form of letter
+ Content
+ Grammartical mistakes
+ Spelling
- Ask ss to correct the other group’s writing
V. Homework (3m)
- Give assignments
+ Rewrite the letter
+ Prepare next part E. Language Focus
- Listen
- Do the task
- Report the results to the class
Expected answers
1. c 2. b (formal) 3. d 4. e (formal) 5.a
- Listen 
- Answer 
- Give the places of each part
- Take notes
- Listen
Expected answers:
- 5 parts
- They are address-date, greeting, content of letter, ending and singnature. 
- Listen and work in pairs
- Give answers
- Listen and take notes
Expected answers: 
140 Kham Thien, Dong Da District
Ha Noi, Vietnam
Date: 17th October, 2006
Greeting: Dear Sir / Madam,
Content of a letter: 
I read the information about the English speaking Competition ......I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Ending a letter: Yours faithfully,
Signature: Thu Trang
- Listen
- Work in group and present the answers
- Listen and take notes
Expected answers:
number of participants
entry procedure
date and time phone number and e-mail
- Listen
- Work in group
- Present writing paper
Expected answers:
106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District
Hanoi, Vietnam
 2nd November, 2013
 Dear Thu Trang,
Thanks for your letter and welcome to our English Speaking Competition. Here are some details about the competition. 
The number of participants is limited- just 25. The competition is held on 25th November 2013, at 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi. It starts at 8:00 A.M. Contestants should be present at 7:00 A.M for registration.
For more information please contact me on the phone number(04) 9838188, and email:
Best wishes,
Kate Johnson
Secretary of the English Speaking Competition
- Present work
- Listen 
- Take notes
- Listen and take notes

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