Giáo án tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 1


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- Be accustomed to the subject.

- Practice some phrases about classroom managements used during the year.

- Know the syllabus of English 6 and understand how to learn it.

- Have good attitude in learning English.




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Week : 01	Date of preparation: 15/08/2014
Period: 01	Date of teaching : 18/08/2014
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Be accustomed to the subject.
- Practice some phrases about classroom managements used during the year.
- Know the syllabus of English 6 and understand how to learn it.
- Have good attitude in learning English.	
1/ Warm-up: (7’)
* Chatting:
- Ask Ss some questions related to personal information.
- Introduce the new lesson.
- Introduce about himself.
- Listen.
2/ Presentation: (15’)
Introduce about an English book as well as its program.
+ There are 16 units in English program connected with 6 main topics:
 1. Personal information.
 2. Health.
 3. Education.
 4. Community.
 5. Recreation.
 6. The world around us.
+ There are 4 skills such as listening, speaking, reading, writing that are mixed in exercises. The students have to practice all of them in English program class 6.
+ Language focus appears after 3 units that is used for the S to practice grammar, vocabulary as well as 4 skills.
- Open the books and listen and remember.
3/ Practice: (15’)
- Ask Ss to remember some classroom managements
*Some classroom managements
+ Good morning class 
+ Good morning teacher/ Mr…..
+ Good bye…..
+ work in pairs + work in groups 
+ stand up + sit down + open your books
+ close your books + listen to me 
+ keep silent + don’t talk + Again
- Guide Ss to reread the words above.
* Rub out and remember:
- Guide Ss to play with classroom managements above.
- Listen and remember.
- Repeat and read.
- Do as teacher’s guide.
4/ Production: (7’)
- Summarize the lesson
- Guide Ss how to learn English in best way.
+ In class
+ At home
+ Practice
+ Pay attention
- Remind. 
- Listen and remember.
5/ Homework: (1’)
- Ask Ss to prepare a book, a notebook.
- Listen and take note.
Week : 01	Date of preparation: 16/08/2014
Period: 02	Date of teaching : 19/08/2014
 Lesson 1: A1,2,3,4
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
	- Greet people.
	- Introduce the name.
II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, cassette player.
1/ Warm-up: (5’)
* Chatting:
- Ask Ss some questions:
+ Khi em gặp một người già em chào thế nào?
+ Em chào thế nào khi gặp một người chưa quen?
- Lead in the topic of unit 1.
- Introduce the new lesson.
- Answer.
- Listen T’s introduction.
- Listen.
2/ Presentation: (15’)
- Introduce vocabulary, structures:
1. Vocabulary:
 1. Hello, Hi (interj) (situation)
 2. I (pro) (example)
 3. My (adj) (explanation)
 4. Name (n) (example)
 5. Am/ Is (v) ( example, translation)
- Guide Ss to read the newwords and structures.
* Checking: R-O-R
- Rub out the vocabulary one at a time, and point to the Vietnamese translation and ask, “What is this in English?”
- Introduce the new items.
2. Structures:
1. Introduce the name: 
+ I am/ I’m + name.
+ My name’s/ my name is + name
2. Greet people: 
+ Hello: used in common ways.
+ Hi: used for the friends in the same age.
- Guess the meaning of the newwords.
- Repeat, read in chorus and then in individuals.
- Do as teacher’s guide.
- Listen, speak and take note.
3/ Practice: (15’)
- Play the tape two times the content of A1, A3.
- Ask Ss to read A1 in pairs, A3 in front of class the dialogue in pairs.
- Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
* Chain game:
- Ask Ss to greet their friends in chain reaction.
Eg: S1: Hello, Hung
 S2: Hello, Hung, Hi, Nga
- Correct Ss’ pronunciation.
- Listen to the tape.
- Read A1 in pairs, A3 in front of class.
- Play the game.
4/ Production: (8’)
- Device class into many groups and name many kinds of flowers.
- Ask Ss to work in groups in 4 or 6 Ss to introduce by themselves.
- Ask each group to introduce name of them.
- Correct.
- Work in groups of 4 or 6 and introduce to others.
- Introduce name of each group.
- Present.
5/ Homework: (2’)
- Have Ss
+ Do exercises A1 in workbook.
+ Learn vocabularies and structures by heart.
+ Greet people in your family.
+ Prepare A5, A6, A7.
- Listen and take note.
Week : 01	Date of preparation: 17/08/2014
Period: 03	Date of teaching: 	20/08/2014
 Lesson 2: A5, 6, 7
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask how people are.
II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, cassette player.
1/ Warm-up: (8’)
* Shark attack:
- Ask Ss to play game in group.
+ Draw a shark and steps of stairs and a girl.
+ Cross the short cues (____ _____ _____ ______ )
+ Give a cue (Khi sinh ra ai cũng có cái này ) (name)
+ Ask Ss to guess the letter, if it is wrong, the girl will be down one step of the stairs. If the girl comes to the last step, the shark will eat her.
- Introduce the new lesson.
- Play in 2 groups as teacher’s guide.
- Listen T’s introduction.
2/ Presentation: (15’)
$ Activity 1:
- Introduce new words.
1. Vocabulary:
1. How (adj): (Translation)
2. Fine (adj): ( explanation)
3. you (pro): (situation)
4. And you?: (explanation)
5. Are (v): (Synonym)
6. Thanks(v): ( situation)
7. Mr, Miss (n): (Example- explanation)
- Guide Ss to read the newwords.
- Explain new structures.
2. Structure:
+ How are you? 
+ I’m fine. Thanks. And you? 
$ Activity 2: Dialogue build
- Play the tape one at a time suitable with sentence in A5 and write them on the board.
- Write all of the dialogue on the board.
- Guide Ss to read, understand the dialogue and rub out 
each sentence at one time.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the dialogue.
- Call some pairs to go to the board and read the dialogue loudly.
- Guess the meaning of the newwords and structures.
- Repeat, read in chorus and then in individuals.
- Listen and repeat.
- Listen and remember after repeating.
- Pay attention.
- Do as teacher’s instruction.
- Work in pairs.
- Read the dialogue.
3/ Practice: (12’)
* Picture drill: (A6- Page 12)
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures in A6 and play roles, greeting and asking how people are.
- Guide Ss to make the same dialogue as A5, changing the names.
- Go around and help if necessary.
- Call some pairs to show the dialogues in front of the class.
- Correct.
- Look at A6 and make the similar dialogues as A5 in pairs.
- Work in pairs.
- Present the dialogues loudly.
4/ Production: (8’)
* Write- it- up:
- Ask Ss to look at A7 and complete the gaps and enlarge the dialogue as A5.
- Call on some Ss to write the dialogue on the board.
- Correct.
- Write the dialogue in individuals.
- Write on the board.
5/ Homework: (2’)
- Have Ss
+ Do exercises A2,3,4 in workbook.
+ Learn vocabularies and structures by heart.
+ Ask how people in family are.
+ Prepare B1,2,3,4.
- Listen and take note.

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