Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 3

I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements.

- Review the simple future tense

- Focus on listening, reading and speaking skills

II. Teaching aids:

Pictures, cassette player

III. Procedures:


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n, students will be able to 
use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements.
Review the simple future tense
Focus on listening, reading and speaking skills
II. Teaching aids:	
Pictures, cassette player
III. Procedures:
1. Warm -up
teacher’s activities
students’ activities
- ask students to match each object (pictures on page 18 with its name
- match each object (pictures on page 18 with its name
An answering machine.
A mobile phone
A fax machine
A telephone directory
A public telephone
An address book
2. Presentation:
- introduce
As we know, telephone has become more and more popular in our social communication. Thus, it is necessary foe English learners to have good skill of using and understanding the language use in the telephone. In grade 7, we learned how to read telephone number and some other related structures. In this period, we will further study this topic.
- play the tape
- review the ways to read telephone numbers, the structure to talk with some one on the phone and the structure about invitation or suggestion.
- explain some more structures in the dialogue
- listen to the teacher
- take note
 The way to read telephone numbers:
Ex: 3 847 329: three, eight four seven, three two nine
- Can I speak to …?
- Would you like …?
- Let’s …
- She is downstairs >< upstairs
- It’s a bit far from my house (noù caùch nhaø toâi khaù xa)
3. Practice:
- play the tape
- have students role play
- play the again and have students do exercise 2 in the book page 19.
- have students exchange and compare the answers with classmates
- have students read the answers in front of class and others give comments.
- give correct answers.
- have students ask and answer the questions and answers in pairs
- listen to the tape
- role play
- do exercise 2 in the book page 19
- exchange and compare the answers with classmates
- read the answers in front of class and others give comments
- copy in the answer in the book.
- work in pairs.
Nga make the call
Nga introduced herself
Nga invited Hoa to the movies
Nga arranged a meeting place
Nga agree the time
4. Consolidation:
- remind the way to read the telephone numbers, structures to talk with someone on the phone, structure about invitation or suggestion
- Make sample conversation
- take notes
- Pairwork
5. Home work:
- Ask students to prepare the lesson for the next period
- Listen and follow teacher’s instruction
- Prepare Unit 2: Speak and listen
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Week: 3
Date of planing:24/8/2014
Period: 8
Date of teaching:
Lesson 2: Speak, Listen
I. Objectives:
 - By the end of lesson, students will be able to talk on the telephone about intentions with GOING TO.
- Review the Simple Future Tense
- Focus on Listening, Speaking and writing skills
II. Teaching aids:	
	Extra board, chart
III. Procedures:
1. Warm -up
teacher’s activities
students’ activities
- talk to students about using telephone and ask them questions
- listen to the teacher and answer the question as teacher’s ask
- Do you have a telephone at home?
- How often do you make a phone call?
- What would you say when you pick up the phone to answer it?
- What would you say if you are the caller?
2. Pre - Speaking:
- ask students to do exercise 1 on page 20
- have students to work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete conversation
- call some pairs to read the dialogue that is arranged
- give the correct answer
- ask students questions.
- explain “Be going to”
- do exercise 1 on page 20
- work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete conversation
- read the dialogue that is arranged
- take notes
- answer
- take notes
1-b: Hello. 9210752
2-f: Hello. Can I speak to Eric, please?
3-j: Hello. Adam. How are you?
4-a: I’m fine. I’m going to the pop concert
 at the city Concert Center tonight.
 Would you like to come?
5-i: Which band is it?
6-c: It’s Kids in Town. You like it, don’t
7-e: Yes. What time can we meet?
8-k: Is 7.15 OK? The concert starts at 7.45.
 let’s meet inside the center, at the cafe
9-g: That’s fine. See you at 7.15. Thank you Adam.
- What do they intend to do?
(they intend to go to the pop concert)
- What time are they meeting? Where?
(They are meeting inside the center at 7.15)
Form: S + be + going to + infinitive
3. While - speaking:
- have student look at part 2 page 20
- elicit 
Ba calls Bao to invite him playing chess and they are arranging the suitable time you find out Bao’s sentences to complete sentences
- call some pairs to read the complete dialogue in front of class.
- give feed back
- look at part 2 page 20
- read the complete dialogue in front of class.
- take note
Ba: Hello. 8257021
Bao: May I speak to Ba, please. This
 is Bao.
Ba: Hello, Bao. How are you?
Bao: I’m fine thanks. And you?
Ba: Great me too.
Bao: Can you play chess tonight?
Ba: I’m sorry. I can’t play chess
 tonight. I’m going to do my
Bao: What about tomorrow
Ba: Tomorrow afternoon is fine.
Bao: I’ll meet you at Central Chess
Ba: At Central Chess Club? Ok. Let
 meet at the front door.
Bao: Is 2.00 o’clock OK?
Ba: Great. See you tomorrow
 afternoon at 2.00 o’clock.
4. Post - speaking:
- have students work in pairs practice the dialogue in part 1 and part 2
- Make an arrangement on the telephone
- work in pairs practice the dialogue in part 1 and part 2
2. Listen:
2.1. Pre-listening:
- Introduce the situation of conversation.
- Ask students to read the message.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Read the message.
2.2. Whlie-Listening:
- Listen to the telephone conversation. Fill in the missing information.
- Listen to the tape and fill.
1. Listen to the phone conversation. Fill in the missing information.
 Date ( Ngµy nhËn tin)
 Time ( giê nhËn tin)
 For (göi cho)
Message: Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9. 45 in the morning.
 Telephone number:
 64 683 720 942
2.3. Post-Listening:
- Call some students read the answers.
- Give answer keys.
- Some students read their answers.
- Check and correct.
3. Home work:
- Ask students to prepare the lesson for the next period
- Listen and follow teacher’s instruction
- Learn by heart the new words.
- Make an arrangement to play soccer with your friend. 
- Do exercise 2/ 14.
- Prepare read	
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Week: 3
Date of planing:24/8/2014
Date of teaching:
Lesson 4: Read 
I. Objectives:
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Alexander Graham Bell
- Review simple past tense
- Focus on reading and listening skills
II. Teaching aids:	demonstrate
	Picture, cassette player
III. Procedures:
1. Pre - reading:
Teacher’s activities
students’ activities
- ask students questions
- elicit
When we talk about Alexander Graham Bell what words about this man appear in your mind?
- explain some newwords
- have students read the new words twice
- introduce the lesson
We are going to read about of the greeted scientists in the world, the inventor of the telephone. Alexander Graham Bell
- answer.
- discuss and answer
- cop in the book
Who is in the picture?
What do you know about him?
What did he invent? When?
- Alexander Graham Bell.
- He is an inventor.
- He invented. The telephone in 1876.
New words:
- emigrate (v): di cö
- deaf-mute (n): ngöôøi vöøa caâm, ñieác
- experiment (n): cuoäc thí nghieäm
- transmit (v): truyeàn tín hieäu
- invent (v):	
- invention (n):
- conduct (n): haïnh kieåm
- demonstrate (v): chöùng minh, giaûi thích
- device (n): phöông saùch
- countless (a) : voâ soá
- exhibition (n): tröng baøy
- commercial (a) : thuoäc veà thöông maïi
2. While - reading:
- have students read the passage one and answer the questions. 
- have students compare the answers with a friend
- ask students why the answer is false or true.
- give the correct answers.
- continue eliciting.
Now you read the passage again and put the event in correct order
- have students work in pairs do the exercise 2
- have some pairs read the answers the others listen, give comments and correct
- give correct answers
- read the passage one and answer the questions.
- compare the answers with a friend
- copy in the book.
- listen to the teacher
- work in pairs do the exercise 2
- read the answers the others listen give comments and correct.
- copy in the book.
F. he was born in Edinburgh Scotland.
F. He worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University
F. Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1876
Bell experimented with way of transmitting speech over a long distance
Alexander Graham Bell:
d. was born in Scotland
e. went to live in Canada.
a. went to live in the United State
g. worked with people neither
 speak nor hear
c. worked with Thomas Watson
b. successfully demonstrated his
f. invented the telephone.
3. Post - reading:
- have students read the passage in front of class.
- have students work in groups 4 or 5 and summarise about Alexander Graham Bell
- read the passage in front of class.
- say something about Alexander Graham Bell (base on events in exercise 2)
4. Home work:
- Ask students to prepare the lesson for the next period
- Listen and follow teacher’s instruction
Unit 2: Write
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IV. Feed back:	

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