Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 3, 4

A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- talk about intentions

- read for details about a conversation on the phone

- use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements

B. Content:

 Vocabularies: a fax, a public telephone, address book

 Can I speak to ?

 Grammars: Would you like ? / Let’s

 C. Materials: pictures, a cassette, books

D. Anticipated problems: some weak Ss don’t pay attention on the teacher.

E. Procedure:


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Hoa arranged the time.
Nga agreeed to the time.
IV. Production
- ask Ss to make up a new dialogue by changing some details of the original one, example: names, telephone number, time, traveling, movies/film/concert…
- ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs
V. Home work
- ask Ss to write 6 answers in (lucky number)
- do exercises in the exercise book
- prepare the lesson 2 – Speak & listen
- whole class
- individual
- whole class
- T- whole class
- whole class 
- pair work
- whole class
- group work
- individual
- pair work
- pair work
- whole class to copy
Date of plan: 5/9/2009
Date of teaching:
Week: 3
Lesson 2 - Speak & listen
Objectives: by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to speak to describe someone and listen for details to complete the dialogue.
B. Content: 
Vocabularies: leave a message; make an appointment; available; Great, Me too; I’m sorry; I can’t…
Grammars: intentions with “going to”
C. Materials: books, posters.
 D. Anticipated problems: Some weak students can’t speak any English words.
 Teacher Students
I. Warm- up: “Chatting” 
- ask Ss some questions:
Do you have a telephone at home?
How often do you make a phone call?
What would you say when you pick up the phone to answer it?
What would you say if you are the caller?
II. Pre- speaking
* Ordering: (1-page 20)
- ask Ss to read in silent and order into appropriately dialogue 
- ask them to compare with a partner and call some pairs to practice before class
Answer key:
1-b 2-f 3-j 4-a 4-i 6-c 7-e 
8-k 9-g 10-h 11-d
III. While-speaking
- ask Ss to look at part 2 page 20 and give instructions: Ba gäi ®iÖn ®Ó mêi b¶o ch¬i cê vµ hä ®ang s¾p xÕp thêi gian hîp lý. C¸c em luyÖn tËp theo cÆp, t×m c¸c c©u nãi cña B¶o ®Ó hoµn thµnh héi tho¹i. Sau ®ã c¸c em luyÖn tËp theo cÆp ®o¹n héi tho¹i ®· hoµn thµnh
- call some Ss to read loudly the completed dialogue before class, and then do role play
- give the suggested answer:
Bao: May I speak to Ba, please? This Bao
Bao: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Bao: Can you play chess tonight?
Bao: What about tomorrow afternoon?
Bao: I’ll meet you at the Centre Chess Club.
Bao: Is 2.00 o’clock OK?
IV. Pre – listening (Chatting)
What will you say if you are the caller?
What will you say if you are the receiver?
What will you say if the person you want to speak to is out? – Can you take a message…?
V. While-listening
* Fill the missing information 
- set the scene: Now we listen to a dialogue on the phone between a woman and the secretary of the principal at Kingston Junior High School. This woman wants to talk to the principal. You listen to the tape and fill the missing information in the card 
- ask Ss to listen to the tape 2 times
- compare with a partner
- ask Ss to give the answer before the class
Date: Tuesday
Time: 9.45 am
For: The principal
Message: Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45 in the morning.
Telephone number: 64683720942
VI. Post-listening
* Speaking: make the similar dialogue
- ask Ss to make a shorter dialogue using other situation (calling to house/office) 
- ask Ss to practice in pairs
VI. Homework
- ask Ss to do exercises in the exercise book
- ask Ss to prepare Lesson 3 - Read
- individual
- individual
- pair work
- whole class
- pair work
- individual
- whole class
- work in pairs
- individual
- pair work
- whole class
Date of plan: 10/9/2009
Date of teaching:
Week: 4
 A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Ba’s friend.
 B. Content: Knowledge about the explorer of telephone –Alexander Graham Bell and vocabularies: emigrate, deaf-mute, conduct experiments, device, demonstrate, countless, exhibition…
 C. Materials: books, a poster, pictures.
 D. Anticipated problems: Ss may find it is difficult to read and understand the text.
 E. Procedure:
 Teacher Students
I. Warm-up: “ Q&A”
- give the picture of Alexander and ask:
Do you know who is he?
What did he invent?
When was it invented?
II. Pre- reading:
1. Pre-teach vocabulary:
Di c­- expl
TruyÒn tÝn hiÖu – trans
TiÕn hµnh – trans
BiÓu t×nh – expl
Ph¸t minh-transàinvention
ThÝ nghiÖm – expl
Võa c©m võa ®iÕc-trans
* Check: Rub out and remember
2. True or False statements predictions
- give T/ F statements on the board, ask Ss to close the books and give T/ F
- write T/F on the board
a. Alexander G. Bell was born in USA
b. He worked with deaf- mute patients in a hospital in Boston
c. Thomas Watson was Bell’s assistant
d. Bell experimented with ways transmitting speech between mutes over along distance.
e. Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot of exhibitions.
III. While- reading: 
- ask Ss to open the books, read the text in silent, and then check their answers
- correct:
a. F- He3 was born in Edinburgh, Scotland (not in the USA)
b. F- He worked with deaf-mutes at Boston University (not in a hospital in Boston)
c. T
d. F- Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1876 (not in 1877)
e. F- Bell experimented with ways transmitting speech over along distance
3. Ordering
- give instructions
- ask Ss to compare with a partner
- ask Ss to give the answers
Alexander Graham Bell…
d. was born in Scotland
e. went to live in Canada
a. went to live in the United States
g. worked with people neither speak nor hear
c. worked with Thomas Watson
b. successfully demonstrated his inventions
f. invented the telephone 
IV. Post- reading
4. Writing
- ask Ss to write a paragraph about Bell’s life using information in the text 
- let them wrap their writing and correct
V. Homework:
- ask Ss to lean by heart new words 
- do exercises in the exercises book
- prepare Lesson 4 – Write
- T- whole class, then individual
- whole class
- individual
- whole class
- T- Whole class, then individual
- individual
- individual
- whole class
- pair work
- individual 
- pair work
- whole class 
Date of plan: 10/9/2009
Date of teaching:
Week: 4
Lesson 5 – write
A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a telephone message.
B. Content: Vocabulary: customer, delivery, stationary, pick someone up, 
 The simple past tense
C. Materials: Textbooks, posters....
D. Anticipated problems: Some weak Ss can’t write with correct form of verbs. 
C. Procedure: 
 Teacher Students
I / Warm up : Jumbled words
mcuestor = customer 
 ayddmi = midday 
essgmea = message 
nifurretu = furniture 
rvseice = service 
II / Pre - writing : 
1.Chatting : 
– Talk to Ss about taking a telephone message 
Have you ever taken a message ,
When you take a message, what should be mentioned in the message? 
 ( Date , time who sent , to whom , content ) 
2. Pre – teach vocabulary : 
- a customer = a person who comes to buy something at a shop 
- a delivery 
- stationery (papers, pens, pencils, rulers...)
- to pick someone up 
* Checking vocabulary : Rub out and remember 
III / While - writing : 
1. Reading and gap filling 
- Ask Ss to read the message and fill in the gaps in the message.
- Ask them to work in pairs
- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud 
Correct and give feed back 
Answers : 
 A customer phoned the Thang Loi Delivery Service on May 12 just before midday. She wanted to speak to Mr Ha but he was out. So Mr Tam took a message for Mr Ha. The customer,s name was Mrs . Lien and she wanted to know about her furniture delivery. She wanted Mr Ha to call him. She said Mr Ha could reach her at 8645141 after lunch. 
- Ask Ss to read the passage 2 to get information and write the message 
- Let Ss write individually then share with a partner 
- Call on some Ss to read their answers 
- Correct and give feedback 
* Answers : 
Thanh Cong Delivery Service 
Date : June 16 
Time: After midday 
For: Mrs Van 
Message: Mr Nam called about his stationery order. He wanted you to call him at 8634082
Taken by: Mr Toan. 
- Ask Ss to write another message, using the scene “Tom phoned Nancy, but she was out . Lisa, Nancy,s sister took a message for Nancy . Help Lisa to write a message” 
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue between Lisa and Tom then, write the message. 
- Let Ss work in pairs. 
IV / Post - writing : 
- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud 
- Correct and give feedback 
* Answers : 
Date: ( .....................)
Time: ( .....................) 
For: Nancy 
Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon. He will come over to pick you up at 1.30
Taken by : Lisa 
V / Homework : 
1. Copy the message on their notebooks 
2. Do the exercises in workbook 
3. Prepare the next lesson 
* feedback : 
Play game 
Practice asking and answering the questions
Listen and repeat in chorus, individual
Guess its meanings 
Copy down 
Play games 
Read and do the exercise 
Read their answers aloud 
Read the information and write the message 
Read their answers 
Copy down 
Write a message, using the information 
Read the dialogue 
Work in pairs 
Read their answers 
Listen and copy 
- whole class to copy
Date of plan: 11/9/2009
Date of teaching:
Week: 4
Lesson 6 - Language focus & test 15’
A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about intentions with be going to and know how to use Adverbs of place.
B. Content: Adverb of places (outside, inside, there, here…), S + be going to + infinitive.
C. Materials: Textbooks, posters, chalks....
D. Anticipated problems: Ss may confuse “ be going to + infinitive” with the present progressive tense.
E. Procedure: 
I / Warm up : 
Telephone transmitting
II / New lesson : 
1.Talk about intentions with going to : Introduce the form and use of going to
Form : S + be going to + infinitive 
Use : express an intention 
Ex 1 : 
Ask Ss to do exercise 1. They have to work with a partn

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