Test your vocabulary for fce 5
Fill in the missing adjectives in the sentences below. Choose from the following:
adamant eligible indigenous requisite
avid exorbitant inopportune sedentary
circumstantial feasible irrevocable slushy
commensurate heinous petty spontaneous
congested implicated plausible squeamish
cursory implicit prevailing unanimous
dishevelled incessant indicative prolific
redundant vivid
The plan sounds................. , but I’d like to discuss it with the others before giving you the go-ahead. 8. Asa child I had ................. faith in my parents. As far as I was concerned, they could do no wrong. 9. There’s nothing you can do, I’m afraid. The committee’s decision is 10. He gave a very................. excuse for being late. 11. To go to university you have to have th e ................. number of A-levels. 12. Now that it had started to thaw, the roads were very................... 13. To be a writer, you need among other things a ................. imagination. 14. Even as a child she was a(n)................. reader. 15. You could tell she had only just got out of bed. She had no make-up on and her hair was................... 16. Do you think any other members of the Government are ................. in the current scandals? 17. The ................. noise from the workmen outside my window was beginning to drive me mad. 18. People with ................. jobs ought to get as much exercise as possible in their free time. 19. The board members gave................. support to the proposal. 20. The police didn’t have any definite proof that he had committed the crime; all the evidence was................... 21. Only single people are ................. to join this club. 22. The fact that only 40 per cent turned out to vote in the election is ................. of the state of political apathy in the country at present. 23. The ................. wind in this area is from the west. 24. Nothing Peter says or does is ever................... He always thinks things out very carefully beforehand. 25. She was looking for a job ................. with her abilities. 26. We didn’t buy anything because we thought the prices were.................... 27. She arrived at a most................. moment; I was just getting into the shower. 28. She was a ................. writer who averaged fifteen to twenty books a year. 29. I hate driving through London because the streets are so................... 30. When the car factory closed down, more than 2,000 workers were made................. KEY 1 cursory 11 requisite 21 eligible 2 heinous 12 slushy 22 indicative 3 indigenous 13 vivid 23 prevailing 4 petty 14 avid 24 spontaneous 5 squeamish 15 dishevelled 25 commensurate 6 adamant 16 implicated 26 exorbitant 7 feasible 17 incessant 27 inopportune 8 implicit 18 sedentary 28 prolific 9 irrevocable 19 unanimous 29 congested 10 plausible 20 circumstantial 30 redundant ADD TWO LETTERS Add two letters to each of the following words (in any place) to form a new word. A clue is given for each word to help you. 1. AGE..................keen 2. AID .................. fast 3. ALE .................. part of the body 4. BALE................... fighting 5. BARE.................. a container for beer/liquids 6. BORE................... frontier 7. CAN .................. expanse of water 8. CANE.................. used to give light a long time ago 9. CARE.................. not very plentiful 10. CASE................. a strongly built building used for defence 11. CATS..................a plant 12. COT................... shoreline 13. FEET..................a small furry animal 14. DOOR..................a profession 15. EAR ................. very tired 16. FAIL .................. one’s parents, relatives, etc. 17. FEE .................. an enclosure found around buildings, houses, etc. 18. GAP ................. hold tightly 19. HEAT .................. something money can’t buy 20. LAY................. tall and thin 21. LEER ................. intelligent, able to understand quickly 22. LICE .................. a fish 23. LIE .................. sheets, pillowcases, etc. 24. LUST................. an insect 25. MALE .................. hard, often white, used for statues and buildings 26. NICE ................. a metal 27. OUT ................. a young person 28. PAD ................. a gardening tool 29. PEA ................. a form of musical entertainment 30. PEER ................. often added to food 31. POLE ................ a breed of dog 32. RAIL................. a country 33. RAM..................found around paintings, windows and doors 34. RED ................. avarice 35. ROD..................arrogant 36. ROW................ a weapon, often used by American Indians 37. SEE ................. a vegetable 38. TALL................ found in the theatre 39. WIT ................ another part of the body 40. WON................. erroneous KEY 1 EAGER 15 WEARY 28 SPADE 2 RAPID 16 FAMILY 29 OPERA 3 ANKLE 17 FENCE 30 PEPPER 4 BATTLE 18 GRASP 31 POODLE 5 BARREL 19 HEALTH 32 BRAZIL 6 BORDER 20 LANKY 33 FRAME 7 OCEAN 21 CLEVER 34 GREED 8 CANDLE 22 PLAICE 35 PROUD 9 SCARCE 23 LINEN 36 ARROW 10 CASTLE 24 LOCUST 37 SWEDE 11 CACTUS 25 MARBLE 38 STALLS 12 COAST 26 NICKEL 39 WAIST 13 FERRET 27 YOUTH 40 WRONG 14 DOCTOR NOUNS FROM PHRASAL VERBS Complete each of the following sentences. Example: Although I have flown hundreds of times, I still feel very nervous - especially just before the take- off. 1 The on ................. of the disease is marked by a high temperature and a feeling of nausea. 2 The start of the tennis match had to be delayed for half an hour because of a sudden down ............... 3 The final out...............of the talks between the Union and the employers is not yet known. 4 I didn’t feel like cooking, so I decided to get something from the Indian take ................. instead. 5 There was a twenty-minute hold-........at the start of the concert owing to technical problems with the lighting. 6 The factory’s daily out...............has increased by more than 25 per cent in the past six months. 7 The President denied that he had been involved in the recent cover-8 One of the main draw ..............of living in Brighton and working in London is that you have to spend so much time in travelling every day. 9 According to a Government spokesman, further cut.............. in the public sector are to be expected. 10 Her father was an ex-sergeant-major in the army. Consequently, she had a very strict up ............. 11 The car was a complete write-.............. after the accident. 12 This is the fifth break-............. in the area in the past month, but the police still have no idea who is doing it. 13 Traffic-jams in the town centre have been reduced dramatically since the new by-................. was opened. 14 The play got a very bad write-............. in the paper. I was very surprised as I thought it was really good. 15 This is the third out................of the disease in the past year. 16 The police are on the look.............for two men suspected of robbing a department store in the centre of town recently. 17 No one was really surprised at the break.......of their marriage. They had never really seemed very happy together. 18 The company has experienced a large number of set............. in recent years. 19 The latest traffic news is that there is an eight-mile tail..............on the M4. 20 Our total out..............in the project was £3,500. 21 Scientists last night announced a major break............. in the treatment of cancer. 22 I have to go to the doctor for a check .............. next week. 23 I read in the newspaper this morning that Pélé - you know, the famous Brazilian football player - is thinking of making a come.............. 24 There’s a meeting this afternoon with the architects to discuss the lay..............of the new factory. 25 From the out............. we knew that the plan was doomed to failure. 26 The thieves made their get..............in a stolen post office van. 27 Wine, women and horse-racing were my cousin’s down................ 28 There has been a steady build-..............of Chinese troops along the Russian border in the past few weeks. 29 There was a very good turn .............at the recent union meeting. At least 85 per cent of the members were present. 30 I apologise for my out...............just now. I don’t know what came over me. I don’t usually lose my temper. 31 The firm had an annual turn ..............of almost two billion pounds. 32 The out.............for the future is not very bright, I’m afraid. 33 The college was very popular and had an annual in .............of nearly a thousand students. 34 There was a public out.............when the Government announced it was going to raise income-tax by more than 10 per cent. 35 We were feeling tired after driving for several hours, so we pulled in to a lay-............for a rest. KEY 1 onset 13 by-pass 25 outset 2 downpour 14 write-up 26 getaway 3 outcome 15 outbreak 27 downfall 4 takeaway 16 lookout 28 build-up 5 hold-up 17 breakup 29 turnout 6 output 18 setbacks 30 outburst 7 cover-up 19 tailback 31 turnover 8 drawbacks 20 outlay 32 outlook 9 cutbacks 21 breakthrough 33 intake 10 upbringing 22 checkup 34 outcry 11 write-off 23 comeback 35 lay-by 12 break-in 24 layout ORIGINS OF WORDS Many words used in English are derived from other languages. Look at the pairs of words below and try to guess which languages they originated from. Choose from the following and write them next to the correct pair of words. The first one is done as an example. (Not all the languages in the list will be used .) Afrikaans French Icelandic Spanish Arabic German Italian Swedish Chinese Greek Japanese Tibetan Czech Hawaiian Norwegian Turkish Dutch Hindi/Indian Persian Welsh Eskimo languages Portuguese Finnish Hungarian Russian 1. Eskimo igloo, kayak 2. .................. coach, paprika 3. .................. cobra, marmalade 4. .................. polo, yak 5. .................. commando, trek 6. .................. cruise
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