Giáo án Tiếng Anh 9 học kỳ I năm học 2014-2015

- Repeat the uses and forms:

* We often use: "Will/would you please + verb . ?

With the answers:

Yes, of course / No, I' m afraid .

- Examples:

+ Will/ Would you please open the door for me ? (request).

+ Will you carry that for me ? (offer)

+ He will pass his coming exam. He promises. (promise)

- Repeat the forms of passive voice:

* Passive forms with present simple and future simple:

+ ". (am / is / are) + Past participle (PII)"

+ ". (shall/ will) be + Past participle(PII)"

- Compare active and passive:

Active: I do this exercise.

 1 2 3

Passive: This exercise is done by me.

 3 2 1


+ Active form: S + V + Obj

+ Passive form: S + to be + PII + by + Obj

- Repeat the uses and forms of Past progressive tense:

+ The form: S + was/were + V-ing + O

+ The use:

- Express an action that was happening at the fix time in the past.


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5. Home work: 
- Ask Ss to write a passage to retell one of their stories or picnic .
Teaching date: Class 9A: ....... No 2008.
 Class 9B: ....... No 2008.
 Class 9C: ....... No 2008.
Period 19
Unit 3: a trip to the countryside (Cont)
 Language focus
I. Objectives. 
- Ss will review the structures and vocabulary, that they’ ve learnt in Unit 3.
1. Language focus: 
+ Structure: Review conditional sentences type 2, adverb clauses of result and use “could “ with “wish”.
+ Vocabulary: Review
2. Language skills:
- Ss practice doing many kinds of exercise ...
II. Teaching aids.
1. Teacher: Text book, work book,...
2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....
III. Procedures.
1. Organization: 
2. Checking up: 
(Qs will be given on the new lesson)
3. New lesson:
Ss' activities
Teacher's activities
3.1- Conditional Ss type 2 with “wish”.
- Hold the class to review the use of “wish” (The same Language focus U.2)
 S + wish (es) + S + could + V
- Conduct Ss to look at the pictures and suggestions. Discuss what the people wish. Complete the wishes.
- Ask Ss to practice in front of the class.
- T corrects Ss’ answers, then give the right As.
3.2- Prepositions of time: 
- Ask Ss to look at Mr.Thanh’s itinerary for his business trip to Singapore and do (Exercise 2). 
- Let Ss check their As with partners.
- Correct Ss’ mistakes and give the right As.
- Conduct Ss to do exercise 3.
- Process as exercise 2 above
3.3- Adv clauses of result.
- Explain adverb clauses of result by giving some examples.
+ I woke up late , so I missed the bus.
+ It rained, so I stayed home yesterday afternoon.
- Ask Ss to do exercise 4 (P.31)
- Ask Ss to give their As.
- Correct Ss’ mistakes 
- Give the right As on the extra-board
- Ask Ss to make more examples about themselves.
 - Review the use of “wish” (The same Language focus U.2)
EX: Lan wishes she could have a new car. (This is Lan’ s wish because she doesn’t have a new car now).
- Look at the pictures and suggestions. Discuss what the people wish. Complete the wishes.
- Practice in front of the class.
* Ss’ answers may be: 
b) Hoa wishes she could visit her parents.
c) I wish I passed the exam.
d) We wish it didn’t rain.
e) He wishes he could fly.
f) They wish they could stay in Hue.
- Look at Mr.Thanh’s itinerary for his business trip to Singapore (Exercise 2). Base on the information in the itinerary, complete the sentences.
- Do cross checking.
- Give answerss in front of the class.
* The right As are:
b) on c) between d) till e) after. f) up to
- Complete the sentences with on, at, in and for. (Exercise 3).
* The right As are:
a) on 	 b) at – in 	 c) in 	
d) for 	 e) in	 f) at.
- Look at the T’ s examples and copy.
- Work in groups to analyse the use of “so” between 2 clauses.
(So – v× vËy, nªn)
- Work individually to match the half-sentences in A with the ones in B.
- Give As in front of the class
* The right As are:
1 + e (Hoa work hard, so she passed her exam).
2 + a (It was hot, so I turned on the air conditioner).
3 + d (Nga is sick today, so she won’t go to school).
4 + b (Na woke up late, so she didn’t have time for breakfast).
5 + c (The new camera didn’t work, so Mrs.Robinson took it back to the shop).
- Work in groups to make more examples 
+ I don’t have a bike , so I walk to school.
+ My pen was broken, so I bought a new one.
+ I stayed up late yesterday, so I am tired now.
4. Drill: 
- Ss repeat what are the main contents of the lesson, that they’ve already learnt.
5. Homework: 
- Ss make 10 sentences, use adverb clauses of result “so”
- Do exercise 8 on page 24 (workbook)
Teaching date: Class 9A: ....... No 2008.
 Class 9B: ....... No 2008.
 Class 9C: ....... No 2008. 
Period 20
Unit 4: learning a foreign language
Getting started & listen and read
I. Objectives. 
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand more about ways of learning English well and will understand the conversation between Paola and Lan.
1. Language focus: 
 + Structure: Review
+ Vocabulary: Royal English College, stage one, oral examination, examiner, aspect of learning El, written axamination, .
2. Language skills:
- Ss train oral examination skill.
II. Teaching aids.
1. Teacher: Text book, work book, tape and cassette player, extra-board....
2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....
III. Procedures.
1. Organization: 
2. Checking up: 
(Qs will be given on the new lesson)
3. New lesson:
Ss' activities
Teacher's activities
3.1- Getting started.
- Make some questions:
+ How do you do to improve your English ?
+ Do you often learning El by singing a song ?
+ Do you like reading short stories in English?
- Ask Ss to look at “Getting started” to compare with their list
- Ask Ss to make sentences, use adverbs of prequency to talk about the ways of learning El.
3.2- Presentation.
- Ask Ss to look at the Listen and Read. 
- Play the tape “Listen and Read” (twice)
- Explain new words and phrases.
Examiner: gi¸m kh¶o
Aspect of learning El: lÜnh vùc häc T.A
Written axamination: kú thi viÕt
Oral examination: kú thi nãi
3.3- Practice: 
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and find what the examiner asked Lan.
- Ask Ss to look at the list of questions and check the boxes.
- Ask Ss to give As.
- Give the right As on the extra-board.
1. What is your name ?
2. Where do you come from ?
6. Why are you learning English ?
7. Do you speak any other languages ?
8. How did you learn English in your country ?
9. How will you use English in the future?
10. What aspect of learning E do you find the most difficult ?
14. Read the passage. 3.4- Production: 
- Conduct Ss to practice making Oral examinations. 
- Work in groups to discuss and answer the T’s questions. 
Ss’ As maybe:
+ Learn new words, do home work, read the text, sing English songs, read newspapers and magazines, watch English news, talk with friends in English.
- Compare with things from the list in the book.
- Work in groups to make sentences, use adverbs of prequency to talk about the ways of learning El.
+ We often watch English TV programs.
+ We always on grammar exercises.
- Look at the Listen and Read.
- Prepare to listen to the tape to get the main idea of the conversation between Paola and Lan about the oral examinations she had.
- Listen to the tape.
- Copy and read the words
- Read the conversation again and find what the examiner asked Lan.
+ She asked me what my name was, and where I came from.
+ She asked me if I spoke any other languages.
- Look at the list of questions and check (P) the boxes.
- Compare As with partners.
- Give As in front of the class
- Look at the board and check the As
- Work in pairs to study the list of Qs. Student A is examiner and student B is exminee in an oral examination. Student B use the personal information to answer to answer the examiner’s questions.
A: When did you begin studying El ?
B: I began studying El in 2005.
A: ..
4. Drill: 
- Ask Ss to retell and remember the ways of learning El.
5. Homework: 
- Ask Ss to learn by heart the ways of learning El.
Teaching date: Class 9A: ....... No 2008.
 Class 9B: ....... No 2008.
 Class 9C: ....... No 2008.
Period 21
Unit 4: learning a foreign language (Cont)
I. Objectives. 
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to express their own idea and persuade somebody to do something by .
1. Language focus: 
- Structure: Review : I think, Why don’t we.....?, We should....., Let’s.......
- Vocabulary: Dormitory, on campus, reputation, approximately..
2. Language skills:
- Ss train speaking and listening kills.
II. Teaching aids.
1. Teacher: Text book, work book, extra-board ...
2. Students: Text book, work book, school things, ....
III. Procedures.
1. Organization: 
2. Checking up: 
Ask Ss to retell the ways of learning El. 
3. New lesson:
T' s activities
Ss' activities
3.1- Warm up: 
- Hold the class to do matching. (on the extra-board)
a)What are you studying ? b) Why do you think most people learn El ? 
c)Do you like learning El ? d) When did you start learning El ? 	
e) How did you learn El well ?
f)Where do you studying ? 
g) Why do you choose it ?	
1. At New Star English center 
2. English 
3. Two years ago. 
4. Very often it’s to get a better job 
5. Yes, I do. I love it. 
6. I practice speaking alot. 
7. It’s one of the best center in Hanoi
3.2- Pre-speaking: 
- Introduce the topic of speaking. 
(Thu, Tam and Kim have been awarded a scholarship of US$ 2.000 to attend an El language summer course abroad. You work in groups of three and play the role of these 3 students to persuade your partner to attend the school you would like to go to, you study the advertisements of three language schools that the three girls plan to study).
- Present some new words:
dormitory:ký tóc x¸
On campus: trong khu«n viªn.
Reputation: danh tiÕng
Approximately: xÊp xØ
3.3- While-speaking: 
- Conduct Ss to practice speaking.
- Call some groups to practice in front of the class.
- Give suggested As (on extra-board)
Kim: Which school are you going to attend ? I think we should go to brisbane Institute of English in Australia.
Tam: I disagree because we have to live with an Australian family. It’s not comfortable.
Thu: Why don’t we go to the Brighton language Center in the UK? If we go there , we can live in a dormitory on campus.
Kim: But the course is too expensive. It costs US $ 2,00.
Tam: What do you think about the Seattle School of English in the USA ?
Thu: The price is suitable, and we can stay with Vietnamese friends, so we feel less home sick.
Kim: That is a good idea !
3.4- Post-speaking: 
- Conduct Ss to use the dialogue above to make a short talk about th

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