Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 6, period 38, lesson 6

I. Aims :

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use Present tense with future meaning , gerunds , modals , May , Can , Could.

II. Language contents:

1. Grammar :

 - Present tense with future meaning

- Gerunds

- Modals : may , can , could

2. Vocabulary :

III. Techniques : chatting

IV.Teaching aids : Textbook E8, colored chalks, board, Transparency , flash cards

V.Procedures :


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Date : 28/11/2006	UNIT 6 THE YOUNG PIONEERS	
Period : 38	Lesson 6 : LANGUAGE FOCUS 	 
I. Aims :
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use Present tense with future meaning , gerunds , modals , May , Can , Could.
II. Language contents:
Grammar : 
 - Present tense with future meaning
Modals : may , can , could 
2. Vocabulary : 
III. Techniques : chatting 
IV.Teaching aids : Textbook E8, colored chalks, board, Transparency , flash cards
V.Procedures :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
T asks Ss some questions about their activities and their summer holidays
Ss give feedback
T explains how to use present simple tense with future meaning 
We can use the present simple for the future when we are talking about a timetable , usually a public one , such as a train timetable 
EX : The match starts at 7 : 30 
T asks Ss to do exercise 1/60
T explains how to do 
Ss work in pairs
T calls some Ss to practice in front of the class
-T explains How to use Gerund .
when do we use gerund ?
After some verbs and prepositions
T asks Ss to do ex. (p/61)
T explains how to do 
Ss work in pairs 
Ss practice their sentences
T calls some Ss to complete their sentences
T corrects if necessary
 -T asks Ss to complete information about them
-T asks Ss ask and answer questions with partner
- T calls several Ss to practice in front of the class 
- T corrects if necessary 
- T explains How to use Modals May , Can , Could …
- T asks Ss to do the exercise ( p/ 61-62 )
-Ss give feedback
- T explains How to do 
- Ss complete the dialogues
- T corrects if necessary
- T asks Ss to do the exercise 
- Ss give feedback
- T corrects if necessary
 1.walking – riding
to persuade – change
to lock – going
to come - standing
I. Warm up: (7’) mark
Chatting :
What do you usually do on your Summer holiday ?
Are you remembers of the Young Pioneers and Youth Organization ?
Are there any activity programs for the Summer ?
Do you take part in them ?
What activity do you like most ?
II. Activities (10 M)
1.Present tense with future meaning .
Ex :
 Lan : Where do we collect and empty garbage ?
Mai :At Dong Xuan Market
Lan : When do we collect an empty garbage ?
Mai : On January 9 
Lan : What time do we start and finish ?
Mai : We start at 8 AM and finish at 5 PM 
( Ss ‘ answer b,c,d )
. Gerund : (10M )
Form : V-ing
After : - love , like , enjoy , hate …. + V-ing
 - on , at, in, to ………………………….+ V- ing
A / Talk about our friend’s hobbies ( p/61) 
Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn’t like washing up 
Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up either
Ss ‘ answer 
B/ Complete the table with information about you ( p/61 ) 
EX : Do you like playing soccer ?
 Yes , I love playing soccer.
 No, I hate it .
 ( Ss ’ answer )
3. Modals : May , can , could .( 10M )
a/ ( 3/61-62 )
Use the expressions in the box to ask for a favor . Then practice the dialogues with a partner(p/62)
Answer :
A …buy a ticket for me ?
B… take me across the road ?
C … help me with this math problem ?
B… water the flowers in the garden
b/( p/62 )
A: Can I…
B : …
A : …
B : Let me help you …
III Consolidation: (5 m) mark
Put the verb into the correct form :
1 I prefer ( walk ) to (ride )
2. Don’t try (persuade) me . Nothing can make me ( change ) my mind.
3. Don’t forget (lock ) the door before (go ) to bed.
4. Ask him ( come ) in . Don’t keep him (stand ) at the door
IV. Homework : (3 M )
Learn by heart how to use gerund , modals May .
Do exercise 5,6,7 page /42,43 
Prepare test 2
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