Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 5, period 28, lesson 4

I. Aim :

- Students will be able to understand the text and get specific information, know the way to learn English vocabulary suitably.

II. Language contents:

1. Grammar :

2. Vocabulary :

- Noun: Mother tongue.

- Verbs: underline, highlight, come across, stick.

III. Techniques :Network, Rub out and remember, True / False statements.

IV. Teaching aids : cassette and posters.

V. Procedure :


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Date : 	Unit 5(cont ):STUDY HABITS	
Period : 28	 Lesson 4 : READ 	
I. Aim :
- Students will be able to understand the text and get specific information, know the way to learn English vocabulary suitably.
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar : 
2. Vocabulary : 
- Noun: Mother tongue.
- Verbs: underline, highlight, come across, stick.
III. Techniques :Network, Rub out and remember, True / False statements.
IV. Teaching aids : cassette and posters.
V. Procedure :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
- T asks Ss some questions about their English learning.
- Ss answer.
T asks Ss to “Look at your book and have a guess of our today lesson”
- T writes some words on the board and asks Ss: Do you know it ? What does it mean ? How do you remember them ?
-+Ss answer
- T introduces the lesson : Today, we’ll learn “The way to learn English vocabulary”
- T gives new-words, writes on the board, guides Ss to read, asks the meaning
+Ss read after the teacher (chorus, individually), give the meaning.
- T corrects if necessary.
Checking: “slap the board ”
- T asks Ss to work in pairs to make a list of the ways how a language learner and learn new-words
+ Ss make a list in pairs
- T gives feedback
- T asks Ss to read 4 statements and check True or False
+ Ss read and guess (closed books)
- T plays the tape “Read” page 49 twice+
- Ss look at their books and listen 
- Then Ss correct their predictions
- T helps Ss to correct the False statements
- T asks Ss to work in 6 groups to ask and answer 6 questions page 50
+ Ss work in 6 groups (they ask and answer in groups, then write the answer on the small board
+ Ss hang their answers on the board
+ Ss ask and answer in pairs
- T corrects the mistakes
- Ss write the correct answers in their notebooks
+ Ss work in pairs - read the text and correct the mistakes together
+ Ss read aloud individually
- T corrects the mistakes
- Then T asks Ss to write-it-up the ways to learn English vocabulary
+ Ss write in groups
- T moves around and helps Ss if necessary
- T asks Ss to correct their writings
- T gives feedback
T asks Ss the question : “How should you learn words ?”
- T says: ”Everyone has a different way to learn, especially “the ways to learn English vocabulary”. You should find the best way to learn for you”
-T gives the homework
+Ss write down and prepare at home
1.Warm up: (5’)
- Do you like learning English ?
- How many new words do you try to learn a day ?
- What do you do when you read a new word ?
- How do you learn/ remember new words ?
“The way to learn English vocabulary”
2. Pre - reading: (10’)
- Mother tongue: tieáng meï ñeû
- (to) underline: gaïch chaân 
- (to) highlight: laøm noåi baät 
- (to) come across: tình côø gaëp qua
- (to) stick: ñaùnh daáu
Rub out and remember
Ways language learners
 learn new words
 - learn by heart
- translate into mother tongue
- learn through example sentences
- write it on a small piece of paper and stick everywhere in the house
- write each word on one piece of paper and put it into the pocket to learn whenever
3. While - reading: (20’)
True or False Predictions: (page 50)
a) T
b) T
c) T
d) F
a) F : All à Some
b) T
c) F : tries à doesn’t try
d) T
Answer the questions: ( mark )
a) No, they don’t. They learn words in the different ways
b) Because they help them to remember the use of new-words
c) They write examples, put the words and their meanings on stickers, underline or highlight them
d) Because they want to remember important words
e) Revision is necessary in learning words
f) Learners should try different ways of learning words to find out what is the best
4. Post - reading: (8’) marks
- make a list of words, their meanings and learn by heart them
- write simple sentences with new-words
- stick new words somewhere in the house
- underline or highlight the words
- read the stories in English
learn words through songs
5. Homework: (2’)
- Learn by heart new-words, the answers
- Read the text at home many times
 - Prepare: Write page 50, 51
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File đính kèm:

  • doc30-u5-8-read.doc
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