Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 11, period 69, lesson 5

I. Aim :

- Students will be able to use present and past participles to describe things and people .

II. Language contents:

1. Grammar :

- Present participle phrase V-ing

- Past participle phrase V-ed / C 3

 2. Vocabulary:

III. Techniques : Memory game , matching

IV.Teaching aids :

V.Procedures :


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Date :	Unit 11(cont)
Period :69 Lesson 5 : LANGUAGE FOCUS 	 
I. Aim :
- Students will be able to use present and past participles to describe things and people .
II. Language contents:
1. Grammar : 
Present participle phrase V-ing
Past participle phrase V-ed / C 3
 2. Vocabulary:
III. Techniques : Memory game , matching …
IV.Teaching aids : 
V.Procedures :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
-T asks Ss to open the book and observe the picture on page 109 carefully , and then Ss close their books .
-T devices the class into two teams and ask each team to go to the board and write from memory the names of the things they’ve just seen the picture 
-T ASKS Ss to look at the picture on page 108
-T presents the situation
-T asks questions and calls on Ss to answer then correct
+Ss work in pairs 
-T calls Ss to practice them in front of the class
-T corrects if necessary 
-T presents structure
Elicit the target language by asking the question below then have Ss repeat .
-T explains model sentences and how to use
+Ss copy down 
-T asks Ss to practice 
Ss shows the cardboard and have Ss run through the situations agains 
Chral -> individual 
-T calls severals Ss to go to the board and write their sentences 
-T corrects if necessary
-T asks Ss to look at the words in the box and the picture on page 109 to do the matching 
+Ss work in pairs
-T calls Ss to go to the board and match them 
-T corrects if necessary
Elicit the target language by asking the question below when have Ss repeat
-T explains how to use
+Ss copy down
-T explains how to do the exercise 
+Ss work in pairs
-T asks Ss to practice 
+Ss looks at their books , listen to the questions & answer 
-T calls on some pairs to demonstrate for the class
-T asks Ss to use the right form of the verbs in the box to fill in the gaps
+Ss complete the sentences
-T calls on several Ss to answer their sentences
+T corrects and give key
- T gives the homework
+Ss write down and prepare at home
1. Warm up: (5’)
Memory game . ( p/109 )
Answer key 
Box , lamp ,truck , doll , flowers , elephant , bear , rabbit .
2. Language contents:(38’)
1. Activity 1 : 
It’s time for recess and people at Quang Trung school are in the school yard . What are they doing ?
1/ What ’s Mr Quang doing ?
He’s walking / going up the stairs .
2/ What is Miss Lien doing ?
She is carring a bag / talking to Nam .
3/ What is Nam doing ?
He is standing next to miss Lien / talking to Miss Lien .
4/ What is Ba doing ?
He is sitting under the tree / reading a book .
5/ What is Lan doing ?
She is standing by the table 
6/ What are Nga and Hoa doing ?
They are playing chess.
Model sentences :
Who is the man walking up the stairs ?
The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang.
 ( present participle phrase)
Form : V-ing à present participle
Use : A present participle ( phrase ) can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with active meaning .
1/ The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang .
2/ The woman carrying a bag is Miss Lien.
3/ The boy standing next to Miss Lien is Nam 
4/ The boy sitting under the tree is Ba .
5/ The girl standing by the table is Lan .
6/ The girls playing chess are Nga on the right and Hoa on the left .
2. Activity 2 
Matching :
box a. wrap in 
truck b. dress in 
lamp c. recycled from
doll d. keep in
flowers e. make in
toys f. paint
Key :1 - f , 2 - c , 3 - e , 4- b , 5 –a , 6 – d .
Questions :
Where is the old lamp made in ?
What colour is the box painted ?
What is the truck recycled from ?
What colour is the doll dressed in ?
What are the flowers wrapped in ?
Blue paper
Where are the toys kept ?
In a cardboard box 
Model sentences :
The old lamp made in China is 5 dollas 
 ( Past par. Phrase )
Form :
Regular verb + ed past 
Irregular verb - Column 3 participle
Use : A past participle ( phrase ) can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with passive meaning .
Question – answer drill .
1.How much is the box painted green ?
The box painted green is one dollar
2. Truck made from recycled cans / $ 2
3. Doll dressed in red / $ 2
4. Flowers wrapped in blue paper / $ 1
5. Toys kept in a cardboard box $ 10
Gap fill : Present or past participle ?
 Sit , break, live, water, sing 
1. The girl ------ at 50 Tran Hung Dao street is my friend.
2. The garden ------ every morning is full of flowers .
3. The cat ---- on the table is hers .
4. The vase ----- yesterday is my father’s favorite one .
5. The woman ----- on the stage is my neighbor .
III. Homework: (2Ms )
- Learn model sentences and how to use present and past participle 
- Do the exercises in the workbook 4/66 , 7/68 , 
- Prepare review from U9 – to U 11
VI. Comments: 	

File đính kèm:

  • docTiet 15-unit 11-Language focus(BP).doc
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