Giáo án tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 2


- After the lesson, students can:

+ Talk about oneself and other people

+ Talk about one’s characters and favorite

+ Develop their reading skills

II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures.



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Week : 2	 Date of preparing: 23/08/2014
Period: 4	 Date of teaching: 26/08/2014
- After the lesson, students can:
+ Talk about oneself and other people
+ Talk about one’s characters and favorite
+ Develop their reading skills
II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1/ Warm-up: (8’)
* Chatting
- Ask Ss some questions.
1/ Do you have many friends? 
2/ How many close friends do you have?
3/ What do they look like? 
4/ What do they enjoy doing in their free time.
- Introduce the new lesson.
- Answer the questions.
- Listen.
2/ Pre- Reading: (12’)
- Introduce the text in which Ba is talking about his close friends.
- Supply the new words.
I. New words:
1. character (n):(Translation)
2. sociable (a) = outgoing (a) = friendly and cheerful with other people
3. generous (a) = give freely, noble 
4. volunteer work (n): (Ex) 
"do volunteer work
5. orphan (n): a child whose parents are dead: 
" orphanage (n):a home for orphans 
6. reserved (a) = don’t talk much in public: 
7. joke (n) = a story with a funny ending 
"tell a joke (v)
8. annoy(v) = cause trouble or discomfort
- Help Ss read the words.
- Correct mistake(s) in their pronunciation if necessary.
- Listen.
- Pay attention , guess the meaning and take notes.
- Repeat and read.
3/ While- Reading: (15’)
 Activity 1: 
Choose the best answer and write
- Get Ss to read the text in silence and choose the best answers. 
- Go around the class to check Ss’work and offer help.
* Key: 
 a-A. b-C c-A. d-D. 
Activity 2: Answer the questions
- Make sure Ss to understand meaning of the questions.
- Ask Ss to read the text again and find the answers for the questions. 
- Go around the class to check Ss’work and offer help.
- Call some pairs Ss to ask and answer the questions loudly.
a/ He feels lucky having a lot of friends. b/ Bao is the most sociable.
c/ Khai likes reading. d/ A bad thing about Ba’s jokes is that sometimes his jokes annoy his friends.
e/ Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage.
f/ (Students’answers)
- Read the text and choose one choice.
- Give the answer and explain.
- Pay attention.
- Read the text and find the answers for questions.
- Ask and answer aloud.
4/ Post- Reading: (8’)
- Ask Ss to check the characters.
- Check the characters.
5/ Homework: (2’)
- Have Ss:
+ Learn by heart vocabulary.
+ Write about their close friends
(name, age, class, appearance, characters, favorite activities)
- Copy down.
Week : 2	 Date of preparing: 23/08/2014
Period: 5	 Date of teaching: 29/08/2014
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about their close friends. 
II. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, handouts
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
1/ Warm-up: (7’)
- Ask Ss to describe their close friends.
- Introduce, “today, you will learn writing a paragraph about your partner.”
- Describe their friends.
Hung is tall and thin. He has short black hair. He is kind and humorous.
- Listen.
2/ Pre-writing: (13’)
- Ask Ss to read the information about Tam then answer some questions.
 a. What is his name?
 b. How old is he ?
 c. What does he look like ?
 d. What is he like ?
 e. Whom does he live with ?
 f. Who is his friend?
- Read the information about Tam then answer some questions and write into a paragrap.
a. His name’s Le Van Tam. 
b. He is 14 years old. 
c. He is tall and thin, and has short black hair. 
d. He is sociable, humorous and helpful. e. He lives with his mother, father and his elder brother, Hung. 
f. His friends are Ba and Bao.
3/ While-writing: (15’)
Activity 1: 
- Ask Ss to write some information about one of their friends then write a paragraph, compare with a partner.
Activity 2: 
- Ask Ss to write about one of the people they like best.
- Write about one of close friends ,share with a partner and correct if possible.
- Work in group to write. 
 His/Her name is …he / she is.. years old.He/She lives at ..with his grandmother,Mai.He/She is tall and slender.He/She has short black hair.He/She rather shy but friendly and helpful. He/She has a lot of friends but his/her close friends are..and….
4/ Post-writing: (8’)
- Call some groups to present their writing.
 - Correct if there have any mistakes
- Present.
- Take note.
5/ Homework: (2’)
- Have Ss:
+ Write a passage about a person you love best. 
+ Prepare U 1 : Language focus.
- Copy down.
Week : 2	 Date of preparing: 24/08/2014
Period: 6	 Date of teaching: 29/08/2014
- By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to review the simple present tense and simple past tense.
III. TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, sub-board
1/ Warm-up: (7’)
Kim’s game
- Ask Ss to look at the picture quickly (20 seconds), put Ss in two teams, the group which has the fastest answers wins the game.
How many people are there in the picture ?
What is each person look like?
- Look at the picture quickly,sit in two groups and give correct answers carefully and quickly.
a. There are 4 people.
b. There is a tall, heavy man; there is a tall, thin woman; there is a tall, thin boy, and there is a short and fat man. 
2/ Exercises:(20’)
 Exercise 1: (p.16)
- Remind Ss of the old knowledge and give examples.
I. Tenses:
1. He goes to school everyday by car.
 S + V(s/es)
2. Last year, she went to the country on the summer holiday.
 S + Ved / V2
- Ask Ss to give their answers and explain why they use the verbs.
Exercise 2: (p.16)
- Teach some new words.
I. New words:
Move (v) di chuyển 
Rise (v) mọc lên ≠ set (v) lặn
Moon (n) mặt trăng
Mars (n) sao hoả
Mercury (n) sao thuỷ
- Correct mistakes.
Exercise 4: (p. 17)
- Remind Ss of the structure.
II. Enough to:
S + be (not) + Adj + enough + to – infinitive
- Ask Ss to work individually to complete the dialogue.
- Listen and take note.
- Complete the paragraph.
* Key answer :
1. Complete the paragraph
a) (1) lived (2) sent (3) was (4) is
b) (1) are (2) came (3) shown (4) introduced
- Tell the meanings of the new words and take notes.
- Complete the dialogue then read them loudly.
(1) sets (2) moves (3) goes (4) is
(5) is (6) is 
- Complete the dialogue.
b) not old enough
c) strong enough
d) good enough
- Work individually.
3/ Consolidation: (15’)
- Ask Ss to choose the correct words or phrases.
You seem……….. after a long vacation. (happyly, happily, happiness, happier)
I received a letter……….my friend today. (at, from, to, in)
He is not………….get married. (enough old, enough old for, old enough to, old enough for)
They enjoy………..jokes. (to tell, tell, telling, told)
She’ll be here………..Christmas. (in, on, at, with)
Peter doesn’t have many friends. He’s rather……….in public. (kind, reserved, sociable, humorous)
Mrs. White spends a lot of time doing………… work at the local orphanages. She is a social worker. (volunteer, official, hard, careful)
The sun………in the East. (goes, sets, rises, gets)
 - Work individually.
4/ Homework:(3’)
- Have Ss:
 + Do the exercises again. 
 + Prepare Unit 2 Making arrangement (getting started + listen and read).
- Copy down.

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