Giáo án Tiếng Anh 4 - Period 13_Unit 5: Let’s move

I/ Objectives:

Knowledge: Present the commands

 Skills: listening , actioning , listening

Grammar: Can you play with a yo-yo ?

 Yes, I can / No, I can’t

Vocabulary: Verbs: Play with a yo-yo , throw a ball , catch a ball.

II/ Teaching aids:

T: planing lesson, text book, tape, cassette. teacher’s cards. Real object

Ss: book, note book, workbook


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Date of planing: 08/10/2010
Date of teaching:
Period: 13 UNIT 5 : LET’S move ( 1)
I/ Objectives:
Knowledge: Present the commands
 Skills: listening , actioning , listening
Grammar: Can you play with a yo-yo ?
 Yes, I can / No, I can’t
Vocabulary: Verbs: Play with a yo-yo , throw a ball , catch a ball.
II/ Teaching aids: 
T: planing lesson, text book, tape, cassette. teacher’s cards. Real object
Ss: book, note book, workbook
III/ Activities for teaching and learning:
1/ Settlement:
2/ Warm up: - Team game
3/ New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Activity 1: Present the commands
- T uses TPR ( Total physical response) method to present the commands.
- eg: T: (sö dông phiÕu gi¸o viªn hoÆc ®å vËt thËt võa ch¬i võa nãi ) Play with a yo-yo.
- Ss repeat 
- T: Throw aball – ( nãi xong cÇm qu¶ bang nÐm ®i ) 
- Ss repeat.
- T : Catch a ball ( sau ®ã tung qu¶ bãng lªn råi b¾t lÊy )
- Ss repeat.
-T commands the class does as the commands
+ T uses real object ( a yo-yo , a ball …..) and put them in the bag. A student take one object ( read the command and do as the command ). The class repeat and do after.
Activity 2: Present structure
- T uses real object to present the structure. 
- ex: T ( cÇm yo-yo võa lµm võa nãi ) I can play with a yo-yo.
- T explains “ Can ”
- gviªn tung qu¶ bãng lªn råi lµm vÎ b¾t tr­ît : I can’t catch a ball
- T explains “ Can’t ”
- T uses a yo-yo and asks Ss: 
Can you play with a yo-yo ?
Ss: Yes, I can
 No, I can’t
- T guides Ss to read several times
Activity 3: Practice
- T uses cards to ask Ss . the Ss answer
- T devides class in to groups to practice
I/ Present the commands:
- Play with a yo-yo:( v ) ch¬i yo-yo
- Throw a ball ( v ) nÐm bãng
- Catch a ball ( v ) b¾t bãng
II/ Present structure:
- Can : cã thÓ
- Can’t : kh«ng thÓ
=> dïng nãi vÒ kh¶ n¨ng
Can you play with a yo-yo ?
 Yes, I can
 No, I can’t
III/ Practice:
T: can you throw a ball
Ss: Yes , I can ? No , I can’t
GA: Can you catch a ball ?
GB: Yes , I can 
4/ Other activities:
Teacher’s remark
 Home work: learn

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  • doc13 unit 5-let's move 1 p13.doc
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