Giáo án tiếng Anh 12 - Lesson 4B: Shopping – men love it!
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- Know how to use words and structures to listen and talk about shopping hobby
2. Skills:
- Develop the skill of listening for specific information about shopping hobby.
- Practise the skills of listening and speaking about shopping hobby.
3. Attitude:
- Students are more confident and interested in learning and using English in real situations.
- Students will be more active and motivated in learning English.
Course book: New English File - Elementary Lesson 4B: Shopping – men love it! Period number: 1 Writing date: 27-12-2013 Time: 45’ Lecture date: 9-1-2014 Class: Veterinary (Chăn nuôi thú y) – Elementary level I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Knowledge: - Know how to use words and structures to listen and talk about shopping hobby 2. Skills: - Develop the skill of listening for specific information about shopping hobby. - Practise the skills of listening and speaking about shopping hobby. 3. Attitude: - Students are more confident and interested in learning and using English in real situations. - Students will be more active and motivated in learning English. II. Teaching and learning aids 1. Teacher: Teacher prepares carefully, considerately and adequately as: - Lesson plan, manual (New English File - Elementary); - Materials and teaching aids: Cassette player, CD, textbook, handouts, chalk, a projector and a laptop. - Assessments: Teacher looks, listens and make comments students' listening, speaking during the lesson. 2. Students: - Student book, and work book; Knowledge concerns in the lesson: shopping. III. Anticipated problems: Students may not catch some information, so T should be ready to assist them. IV. Content and procedure 1. Class order (1’) Check the number of absentees: ……………… Remind students (if any) ……………………… 2. Test old lesson (4’) T gets all students to take part in the game “crossword” to review the old lesson and to lead in the new lesson. (Slide 2) 3. New lesson CONTENTS TEACHING ACTIVITIES Time Teaching aids T’S ACTIVITIES SS’ ACTIVITIES 1 2 3 4 5 I.Listening 1. Warm-up: 1. What are they doing? 2. Who are shopping? Men or women? 3. What are they buying? 4. Do men like shopping? 2.Words: shopping - going to the shop buying - giving money for st clothes food books presents CDs & DVDs - Shows a video clip of men shopping to elicit the information about it and to teach some words. - Asks follow-up questions - Gets Ss to tick the things they like buying. - Gets Ss to read the words before ticking. - Makes a small survey by asking question “Who like buying clothes..? How many people like buying clothes?.. - Counts and writes the figures on the board. - Summarizes the survey. - Look, listen and answer the questions about the video clip. - Answer the questions. - Read the words. - Tick the things they like buying. - Show hands for teacher to count. - Look and listen. 6’ Slide 4, 5, 6 Slide 7, Handout 3. Listening tasks: Task 1: Listen and match the pictures with the dialogues. Task 2 : Listen and fill in the gaps Game: Lucky number Answer the questions about pictures by playing the game “Lucky numbers”. II. Speaking Task 1: Talk about shopping hobby of the people in the pictures. Structure: like V_ing don’t like love hate Task 2: Look at the faces and complete the chart with love, like, don’t like, hate + V_ing. Task 3: Work in pairs then individually to talk about shopping hobby using love, like, don’t like and hate . Consolidation - Focuses on the pictures and instructions. - Elicits the information from the pictures. - Play the CD once for Ss to match. - Checks answers. - Gives handouts and gets Ss to listen again to fill in the blanks with suitable words. - Tells Ss to read the words before listening. - Explains new words if any. - Plays the CD for Ss to listen to complete the task. - Checks (plays the CD and pauses at exact word if necessary) - Gets Ss to answer the questions about the dialogues by playing the game. - Decides class into two groups and tells the rules to play. - Gives the result of the game. - Calls 4 Ss to talk about shopping hobby of the people in the pictures. - Elicits and explains the expressions with likes and dislikes - Gets Ss to complete the chart to know more the level of expressions “likes” or “dislikes” - Gets Ss to talk about their shopping using expressions “likes or dislikes” with suggested questions. - Checks by calling two or more Ss to say. - Summarizes the main content of the lesson. - Look and listen. - Give information. - Listen and match. - Give answers. - Read the words. - Listen and fill in the blanks. - Give answers. - play the game in groups. - Look and listen then play. - Four Ss stand up to talk respectively. - Listen and write - Stand up and read their answers. - Work in pairs then individually to talk about shopping hobby. 5’ 7’ 8’ 12’ 5’ 1’ 6’ Slide 8 Slide 9, 10 Handout Slides 11-19 Slide 20 Slide 21 Slide 22 Slide 23 III. Homeworpk: - Write a short paragraph about your shopping hobby (60 words). - Do exercises on page 33-workbook. - Lecture - Listen and take notes. 1’ Slide 24 V. Evaluation Hanoi, January 1st, 2014 Headmaster Dean Teacher-in-charge Hoang Duc Khiem Le Thi Minh Loan Nguyen Thi Hang
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