Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi huyện môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Trường THCS Tiên Tiến (Có đáp án)

16. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A. advertise the Activity Centre

B. describe some people she met

C. explain how to do certain outdoor sports

D. say how she spent some free time

17. What can the reader learn from the text?

A. when to depend on other people at the Centre

B. how to apply for a place at the Centre

C. what sort of activities you can experience at the Centre

D. which time of year is best to attend the Centre


doc9 trang | Chia sẻ: thúy anh | Ngày: 10/05/2023 | Lượt xem: 211 | Lượt tải: 0download
Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi huyện môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Trường THCS Tiên Tiến (Có đáp án), để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
 will return to school on: (4) _________________________ afternoon.
 at (5) _____________________________ P.M.
I. Choose the word, phrase or expression which best completes each sentence. (10 pts)
1. Your brother is very tall. What is his exact_______?
A. height	B. length	C. measure	D. size	
2. Tam has a big _______ of foreign coins.
	A. collector	B. collection	C. collecting	D. collective
3. If we don’t _______ on electricity, there will be power cut.
	A. economic	B. economics	C. economical	D. economize
4. I’ve always enjoyed traveling. My brother, __________, prefers to stay at home.
	A. but	B. and	C. however	D. moreover
5. I wish you_______ to leave now. Can’t you stay a bit longer?
	A. don’t have	B. didn’t have	C. won’t have	D. hadn’t 
6. _______ to have breakfast at 6.30 p.m. every day?
	A. Did you used	B. Did you use	C. Are you used	D. Were you used
7. Whenever we meet, we stop_______.
	A. talk 	B. talking	C. to talk	D. talked
8. Would you mind _______ the door?
A. opened	B. open	C. opens	D. opening	
9. The school students _______ over there are very clever and friendly.
A. are standing	B. stand	C. standing	D. to stand
10. When I _______him, he _______in the waiting room.
A. saw/ was sitting	B. saw/ is sitting	C. see/ sits	D. seeing/ was sitting
II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (5 pts)
1. All of my students were very __________ about the holiday. (EXCITE)
2. He is so sad because the film ended ______________. (HAPPY)
3. Could you __________ the notebooks on the table? (STRAIGHT)
4. Women nowadays have more __________ to participate in social activities. (FREE) 
5. It is __________ that you missed the meeting. (FORTUNE)
III. Identify the underlined word/ phrase (A, B, C, or D) that needs correcting to become a standard sentence. (5 pts)
1. It took me so many time to repair that machine two months ago.
 A B	 C	 D
2. There has been quite a few objections to the new policy. 
 A B C D
3. The film was a bit bored but in the end, the main character had a happy ending.
 A B C D
4. If you are tired, you wouldn’t have to finish your homework now.
	 A	 B C	D
5. The water and land around our villages are serious polluted.
 A B C D
I. Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5)? (5pts)
Column A
Column B
1. You can listen to the writer here one evening this week.
2. If you have lost a book. Call this number.
3. Always keep your bags with you.
4. When you have finished reading, put back all the books.
5. You can eat lunch during this meeting.
Only take small bags into the library
All flights half price
(Weekdays only)
24 HOUR BOOKING LINE: 19001568
Dictionary found. Phone Simon on 529164 to get it back
English conversation: 1-2 p.m Fridays
- Bring Sandwiches! - 
 Return books to shelves after use
II. Read the following passage and decide which option A, B, C, or D best fits each space. (10 pts)
Man has always depended on plants (1)______food and many other useful products. For this reason, farming is one of the world's most important industries. At first, (2)________ man did not know how to plant seeds and raise crops. He (3)________ wild fruits and vegetables where he found them. Then man discovered how to grow his own food. He (4)________seeds and waited for the crop to grow. For the first time, he could be reasonably sure of his food supply. He could settle down and set up shelters in the (5) ________ where he grew food.
As populations began to increase, the (6) ________for food became greater. Old-fashioned tools and farming methods were insufficient in (7)_______ the demand, so man cultivated more and more land and invented complicated machines to make his work easier. Tractors replaced horses and other farm animals. Scientists studied and (8) ________with plants. They told farmers how to control plant diseases, and how to grow bigger and better crops. Now one man, (9) ________a wide knowledge of plants and the help of machines, can cultivate hundreds of acres. He can raise plants which did not originally grow in the soil or (10) ________ of his community.
A. about 	B. with 	C. for 	D. to
A. early 	B. initial 	C. primary 	D. original
A. collected 	B. gathered 	C. assembled 	D. amassed
A. brought up 	B. raised 	C. grew 	D. planted
A. houses 	B. places	C. rivers	D. cottages
A. demand 	B. request 	C. requirement 	D. necessity
A. taking 	B. getting 	C. meeting	D. achieving
A. practiced 	B. tried on 	C. tested 	D. experimented
A. on	B. in	C. at	D. with
A. situation 	B. condition 	C. climate 	D. weather
III. Read the passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions. (10 pts)
A month ago I had no idea that on a Saturday afternoon in November I'd be hanging 30 meters above the ground and enjoying it. Now I looked down at the river far below me, and realized why people love rock-climbing.
My friend Matt and I had arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation wasn't wonderful, but we had everything we needed (beds, blankets, food), and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.
On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friends, Kevin and Simon, while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. We had come from various places and none of us knew the area.
We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, but none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves first. Climbing out was harder than going in, but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last-covered in mud but pleased and excited by what we'd done.
16. What is the writer trying to do in the text?
A. advertise the Activity Centre
B. describe some people she met
C. explain how to do certain outdoor sports
D. say how she spent some free time
17. What can the reader learn from the text?
A. when to depend on other people at the Centre
B. how to apply for a place at the Centre
C. what sort of activities you can experience at the Centre
D. which time of year is best to attend the Centre
18. How do you think the writer might describe her weekend?
A. interesting	B. relaxing	C. frightening	D. unpleasant
19. What do we learn about the group?
A. Some of them had been there before.
B. They had already chosen their preferred activities.
C. Some of them already knew each other.
D. They came from the same city.
20. Which of the following advertisements describes the Activity Centre?
A. ACTIVITY CENTRE: Set in beautiful countryside. Accommodation and meals provided. Make up your own timetable – choose from a variety of activities (horse-riding, fishing, hill-walking, sailing, and mountain-biking).
B.  ACTIVITY CENTRE: Set in beautiful countryside. Accommodation provided. Work with a group - we show you a range of outdoor activities that you didn’t realize you could do!
C. ACTIVITY CENTRE: Set in beautiful countryside. Enjoy the luxury of our accommodation - each room has its own bathroom. Work with a group, or have individual teaching.
D. ACTIVITY CENTRE: Set in beautiful countryside. You can spend the day doing outdoor activities and we will find your accommodation with a local family.
IV. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). (5pts)
One of the most important discoveries of the nineteenth century was a method of using natural gas for cooking and heating. Large amounts of natural gas are found in the United States, usually several feet below the surface of the earth. Natural gas is most often found in places where petroleum, the oil from which gasoline is made, is found. Often the natural gas must be removed before the oil itself can be reached.
For many years after natural gas was first discovered, it was thought to have no value. Finally, however, people began to understand its use and to find ways of storing it and moving it from place to place. Today natural gas is stored in large tanks and used for lighting, cooking and heating. It has also been used for electric generators and hybrid cars recently. In many ways natural gas is one of our finest fuels. It can be used for cooking without making the room hot. It is cheap and can be moved easily from one place to another through long pipelines, some of which are hundreds of miles in length.
1. It can be inferred from the passage that people once wasted natural gas. 
2. This passage as a whole is about natural gas and its use. 
3. Natural gas is not used for heating. 
4. Natural gas can be moved easily from one place to another through long pipelines. 
5. There are seven ways of using natural gas mentioned in the passage.
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (5 pts)
1. We are taught English by Mr. Tung.
=> Mr. Tung ______________________________________________________
2. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
=> It’s ___________________________________________________________
3. I’d rather you didn’t smoke cigarettes. 
=> Would you mind ________________________________________________?
4. We started living here sixteen years ago.
=> We ___________________________________________________________
5. He dances more beautifully than his sister.
=> His sister ______________________________________________________
II. Use suggested words and phrases to complete the letter below. (10 pts)
 Dear Mai,
1. Thank you/ much/ flowers/ you send/ while/ I/ be/ hospital.
2. They/ beautiful/ and/ they/ really help/ cheer/ up.
3. I/ come out/ hospital/ Thursda

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