Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 5 - Unit 2: My friend's house


 Pupils will be able to ask and answer questions about where one lives.

 II. Language input:


 2. Vocabulary:street,avenue,road, lane,flat.


 3.Sentence Patterns:+Where do you live?

 I live at/on/in____.


 - Student Book Tieng Anh 5

 - Audio and visual aids: Recordings,handmade puppets, .

 -Crayons,stickers,large pieces of papers.

IV. Time: 40’

V. Procedure:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’activities Content

2’ * Warm up:

- T and Ps to play game.

1. Look, listen and repeat:

- Introduces the new words.

 + says the new words.

 + has Ps to listen and repeat ( individually and chorally ) and give the meaning of the words, then put the press.

 + has Ps to read the new words, then copy down the new words.

- Checks the new words: ( ROR )

- Sets the scence:

- Has Ps to look at the picture and listen to the tape.

- Reads and has Ps to listen and repeat.

- Roles play ( T - Ss, Ss – Ss ).

- Has Ps to practise in pairs ( close pair and open pair ).

- Has Ps to pick out the new structure and guides sts to give the example then copy down.

2. Point,ask and answer:

-Sets the context.Writes the question and answer on the board and get Ps to repeat.

- Models the task with the whole class

- Asks Ps to practise in pairs ( say the complete sentences ).

- Asks some pairs to say in front of the class.

-Asks the whole class repeat.

3. Listen and tick:

- Has Ps look at the pictures.

- Plays the recording and has Ps listen.

- Plays the recording again to listen and tick the correct answers.

- Plays the recording once more to check their answers. .

-Has Ps to exchange their answers.

-Reads out the answer to the class.


-Asks Ps look at the pictures.

-Does the first example with the whole class.

-Asks them work in pairs.

-Calls some pairs to demonstrate in front of class.


In this lesson,Ps have learn to ask answer questions about where someone is from.

 * Homelink:

-Asks Ps use a World Atlas or Google Earth on the Internet to search for the cities and flagsof the related counties in the unit.

- Asks Ps learn by heart new words and structure.

-Has them prepare the next lesson.

-Asks them do homework

- play



 + listen.

 + listen and repeat.




 + read ( chorally and ind ), copy down.



- observe and listen .


- listen and reapeat.


- role play.

- practise in pairs.



- pick out the new structure and give the example then copy down.



- listen carefully.


- look and observe.


- practise in pairs.


- say in front of the class ( some pairs ).





-look at the pictures.

- listen.


- listen again and tick.



























-street:con đường

-road:con đường

-avenue:đại lộ


-flat:căn hộ


* Structure:

-Hỏi-đáp về nơi sống:

+Where do you live?

I live at/on/in_____.


Eg:A:Where do you live?

 B:I live at





Where in________?









1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c





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WEEK 2 Preparation day:.......................
PERIOD 4 Teaching date: ...................... 
 Unit: Two
Lesson 1
 Pupils will be able to ask and answer questions about where one lives.
 II. Language input:
 2. Vocabulary:street,avenue,road, lane,flat.
 3.Sentence Patterns:+Where do you live?
 I live at/on/in____. 
 - Student Book Tieng Anh 5
 - Audio and visual aids: Recordings,handmade puppets,..
 -Crayons,stickers,large pieces of papers.
IV. Time: 40’
V. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
* Warm up:
- T and Ps to play game.
1. Look, listen and repeat:
- Introduces the new words.
 + says the new words.
 + has Ps to listen and repeat ( individually and chorally ) and give the meaning of the words, then put the press.
 + has Ps to read the new words, then copy down the new words.
- Checks the new words: ( ROR )
- Sets the scence:
- Has Ps to look at the picture and listen to the tape.
- Reads and has Ps to listen and repeat.
- Roles play ( T - Ss, Ss – Ss ).
- Has Ps to practise in pairs ( close pair and open pair ).
- Has Ps to pick out the new structure and guides sts to give the example then copy down.
2. Point,ask and answer:
-Sets the context.Writes the question and answer on the board and get Ps to repeat.
- Models the task with the whole class
- Asks Ps to practise in pairs ( say the complete sentences ).
- Asks some pairs to say in front of the class.
-Asks the whole class repeat.
3. Listen and tick:
- Has Ps look at the pictures.
- Plays the recording and has Ps listen.
- Plays the recording again to listen and tick the correct answers.
- Plays the recording once more to check their answers. .
-Has Ps to exchange their answers.
-Reads out the answer to the class.
-Asks Ps look at the pictures.
-Does the first example with the whole class.
-Asks them work in pairs.
-Calls some pairs to demonstrate in front of class.
In this lesson,Ps have learn to ask answer questions about where someone is from.
 * Homelink:
-Asks Ps use a World Atlas or Google Earth on the Internet to search for the cities and flagsof the related counties in the unit.
- Asks Ps learn by heart new words and structure.
-Has them prepare the next lesson.
-Asks them do homework
- play
 + listen.
 + listen and repeat.
 + read ( chorally and ind ), copy down.
- observe and listen .
- listen and reapeat.
- role play.
- practise in pairs.
- pick out the new structure and give the example then copy down.
- listen carefully.
- look and observe.
- practise in pairs.
- say in front of the class ( some pairs ).
-look at the pictures.
- listen.
- listen again and tick.
-street:con đường
-road:con đường
-avenue:đại lộ
-flat:căn hộ
* Structure: 
-Hỏi-đáp về nơi sống:
+Where do you live?
I live at/on/in_____.
Eg:A:Where do you live?
 B:I live at 
Where in________?
1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c
 * Rút kinh nghiệm:
WEEK 3 Preparation day:.......................
PERIOD 5 Teaching date: ...................... 
 Unit: Two
Lesson 2
 Pupils will be able to 
*to pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter ese and those of the letters ian.
*to listen and number the pictures in order they hear.
 II. Language input:
 1.Phonics:Vietnamese Indonesian
 2. Vocabulary: 
 3.Sentence Patterns: 
 - Student Book Tieng Anh 5
 - Audio and visual aids: Recordings,handmade puppets,..
 -Crayons,stickers,large pieces of papers.
IV. Time: 40’
V. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
* Warm up:
- Asks Ps play game “Slap the board”
1. Listen and repeat:
- Asks Ps look at the words and tell them to repeat a few times.
2. Listen and read together:
- Has Ps look at the pictures.
- Plays the recording twice for Ps to listen and to clap.
- Divides the class into four groups to repeat.
3.Group and say aloud:
-Asks Ps look at the chant and the word box,and get Ps to repeat.
-Asks them do the tast independently.
-Asks them check their asnwers in pairs.
 3.Listen and number:
- Has Ps look at the pictures.
-Plays the recording twice
-Replays the recording to check their answers.
- Asks Ps check their answers in pairs.
* Summary:
In this lessson,Ps have learnt:
* to pronounce correctly the sound of the letter ese and that of the letter ian.
*to listen and number the pictures.
* Homelink:
- Asks Ps select a favourite flag,draw and color it at home for the class display in the next lesson.
- Has them prepare the next lesson.
-Asks them do homework.
-play game
- look at
- look at
-listen and clap
-look at 
- repeat
- look at
- listen and check
 Vietnamese Indonesian
*Vietnamese:Chinese Japanese
a.4 b.3 c.1 d.2
 * Rút kinh nghiệm:
WEEK 3 Preparation day:.......................
PERIOD 6 Teaching date: ...................... 
 Unit: Two
Lesson 3
 Pupils will be able
*to ask answer questions about someone’s nationality
*to read information text on a summer camp and write an e-mail.
 II. Language input:
 2. Vocabulary: nationality 
 3.Sentence Patterns: What’s his/her nationality?
 He/She’s+quốc tịch. 
 - Student Book Tieng Anh 5
 - Audio and visual aids: Recordings,handmade puppets,..
 -Crayons,stickers,large pieces of papers.
IV. Time: 40’
V. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
* Warm up:
- Asks Ps to read the two dialogues on page 8.
1. Listen and repeat:
- Introduces the new words.
 + says the new words.
 + has Ps to listen and repeat ( individually and chorally ) and give the meaning of the word.
 + has Ps to read the new words, then copy down the new word.
- Checks the new word
- Sets the scence:
- Has Ps to look at the picture and listen to the tape.
- Reads and has Ps to listen and repeat.
- Roles play ( T - Ss, Ss – Ss ).
- Has Ps to practise in pairs ( close pair and open pair ).
- Has Ps to pick out the new structure and guides Ps to give the example then copy down.
2. Point,ask and answer:
- Has Ps read the example
- Models.
-Asks them work in pairs.
- Has some pairs to say in front of class, then observe.
- Observes and corrects.
3. Read and do the tasks:
- Asks Ps to look at the task
-Writes the key words on the board and get Ps to repeat.
- Asks Ps to do the task.
- Asks Ps to trade their answers.
- Calls on some Ps to report their answers to the class.
- Announce the answers to the class.
4.Read and write an e-mail:
-Asks Ps look at the e-mail.
-Asks them write.
-Asks them read aloud their e-messages to the class.
* Summary:
-In this lesson,Ps have learn :
*to ask answer questions about someone’s nationality.
*to read about a summer camp and to write an e- message to a friend.
 * Homelink:
-- Asks Ps learn by heart new words and structure.
-Has them prepare the next lesson.
-Asks them do homework
- listen.
 + listen.
 + listen and repeat.
 + read ( chorally and ind ), copy down.
- observe and listen .
- listen and repeat.
- roleplay.
- practise in pairs.
- pick out the new structure and give the example then copy down.
-look at
- observe.
- say in front of class, and then observe.
-look at
- trade
-read aloud.
- repeat.
-look at
* Vocabulary:
-nationality:quốc tịch
* Structure: 
-Hỏi –đáp về quốc tịch của ai đó:
What’s her/his nationality?
She/He’s +quốc tịch.
Eg:A:What’s her nationality?
 B:She’s Japanese.
A:What’s her nationality?
B:She’s Japanese.
 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T
 * Rút kinh nghiệm:

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  • doctieng anh lop 5 bai 2.doc
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