Giáo án tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Chuyên đề 11
1. Mất bao nhiêu thời gian để :
It + Takes / Took + Object + Time+ To Infinitive.
S + spend / spent + time + V-ing
2. The extra object “It” :
S + V + It + Adj / Noun / Noun Phrase + To Infinitive
Verbs : think, made, find , feel, believe, consider, prove
3. Clauses and phrases of purpose : Mệnh đề và cụm từ chỉ mục đích.
@ Phrases of Purpose : Cụm từ
3.1 Main clause + To / So as to / In order to + Verb ( bare infinitive ). 3.2 Main clause + Not to / So as not to / In order not to + Verb ( bare infinitive ).
3.3 Main clause + In order [ for + Object ]+ ( not ) to infinitive .
( Khác chủ từ)
R + TO DO STH ó ( S ) + DON’T FORGET + TO DO STH 18. IT IS HIGH TIME + S + V ( PAST SUBJUNCTIVE ) 19. HOW LONG IS IT SINCE + S + PAST VERB WHEN + DID + S + V 20. S + PREFER + V-ING + TO + V-ING S + WOULD RATHER +V + THAN + V S + PREFER + Sth + TO + Sth S + LIKE ………… BETTER THAN 21. Wish a/ Future Wish ( Öôùc traùi ngöôïc vôùi moät tình huoáng trong töông lai ) + V(bare inf.) S + Wish ( es ) + That + S + would could Ex : Mary will visit Paris next week. => I wish that Mary wouldn’t visit Paris next week . Ex : I can’t speak Spanish fluently. => I wish that I could speak Spanish fluently. b/ Present Wish ( Öôùc traùi ngöôïc vôùi moät tình huoáng ôû hieän taïi ) S + Wish ( es ) + That + S + V2 / ed were Ex : The weather isn’t good. => I wish that the weather were good. Ex : He learns very badly. => They wish he didn’t learn badly c/ Past Wish ( Öôùc traùi ngöôïc vôùi moät tình huoáng ôû quaù khöù ) S + wish ( es ) + That + S + Had + V3 / Ved Could have + V3 / Ved Ex : I’m sorry, they didn’t take part in the party last night. => I wish They had taken part in the party last night. Ex : She couldn’t be with me yesterday. => I wish she could have been with me yesterday. 22. A. S1 + V1 + That + Clause ( S2 + V2 + O2 ) It + Be + V3/ed + That + Clause Ex : They think that he is a good teacher. => It is thought that he is a good teacher. Ex : People say that we will pass this exam. => It is said that we will pass this exam. B. S1 + V1 + That + Clause( S2 + V2 + O2 ) S2 + Be + V3/ed + To infinitive (V1 cùng thời điểm V2) S2 + Be + V3/ed + To have + V3/ed (V1 khác thời điểm V2) Ex : People say that he had gone abroad. => It is said that he had gone abroad. Or He is said to have gone abroad. Ex : They believe that he is a good singer. => It is believed that he is a good singer. Or He is believed to be a good singer. 23. S + WOULD RATHER THAT ( Mong muoán ) + S2 + V2 / ED / WERE 24. S + V ( BE ) + TOO AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENT ( BE ) + AND + ( Meänh ñeà xaùc ñònh ) SO + V ( BE ) + S ( Cuõng vaäy, Cuõng theá ) Ex : I am happy , and you are too. …… so are you. 25. AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENT + AND + S + AUXILIARY ONLY + TOO ( Meänh ñeà xaùc ñònh ) SO + AUXILIARY ONLY + S Ex : They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too. so will you. 26. AFFIRMATIVE STATEMENT + AND + S + do / does / did + TOO ( Meänh ñeà xaùc ñònh ) SO + do / does / did + S Ex : Jane goes to that school, and my sister does too. so does my sister. 27. NEGATIVE STATEMENT + AND + S+ NEGATIVE AUXILIARY or BE + EITHER ( Meänh ñeà Phuû ñònh ) NEITHER + POSITIVE AUXILIARY OR BE + S ( Cuõng khoâng ) Ex : I didn’t see Mary this morning, and John didn’t either. neither did John. Ex : She won’t be going to the conference, and her collegues won’t either. neither will her collegues. 28. S + Present perfect + For + Time It’s + Time + Since + S + past verb Ex : I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years. It’s years since I enjoyed myself. 29. S + Past verb + For + Time It’s + Time + Since + S + past verb Ex : The telephone rang for hours It’s hours since the telephone rang. 30. S + past verb + Time ago It’s + Time + Since + S + past verb Ex : I last saw her 5 years ago. It’s is 5 years since I saw her. 31. S + Be + So + Adj + That + S + V ( Negative ) S + V + Because of + Noun/ Noun Phrase/ Gerund (V-ing) Or Because + S + V S + V + So That + S + V S + Prevent + Someone / Something + From + V- ing / Noun Ex : The sea was so rough that the ferry couldn’t sail in it. => The rough sea prevented the ferry from sailing. Ex : The water was everywhere and we couldn’t save the victims of the flood. => The immense water prevented us saving the victims of the flood. 32. S + BE + NOT USED TO + V – ING / NOUN THIS IS THE FIRST TIME + S + HAVE + V3/ed Ex : This is the first time my daughter has eaten European food. => My daughter is not used to eating European food. 33. S + BE + NOT USED TO + V – ING / NOUN S + OFTEN + V Ex : My French friend finds driving on the left difficult. => My French friend isn’t used to driving on the left. Ex : I often get up early. => I am used to getting up early. 34. HOW LONG IS IT SINCE + S + PAST VERB WHEN + DID + S + V Ex : How long is it since we met them. => When did we meet them. 34. Immediately No sooner + Had + S + V3 +Than + S + past tense The moment Just As soon As Hardly + Had + S + V3 + When + S + V2/ Ved Ex : Immediately after his appointment to the post , the new editor fell ill. => No sooner had he appointed the post, the new editor fell ill. Ex : Just after solving the problem, I was faced with another. => Hardly had I solved the problem, I was faced with another. 35 . The order of Adjectives : Traät töï tính töø Determiner + Opinion +Size + Quality + Age + Shape + Colour + Origin + Material + Purpose + Noun Examples : Determiner : a/ an / the / some / any / many / my / his .../ this / that / these / those Opinion : nice / wonder / excerllent / lovely / terrible / awful … Size : large / small / long / short / tall … Quality : clear / busy / famous / important … Age : old / new / young… Shape : round/ square / fat / thin / wide / narrow… Colours : red / white / blue / green / black … Origin : British / Italian / Chinese / Japanese … Material : brick / paper / plastic / wooden / silver / golden… Purpose : alarm (clock) / tennis (court) / walking (boots) ... 36. C¸ch ph¸t ©m ®u«i S/ES cña ®éng tõ ng«i thø ba sè Ýt, danh tõ sè nhiÒu ² Ñäc lµ /S/ nÕu sau tõ tËn cïng b»ng c¸c ©m nh /k/, /p/, /f// (-gh, -ph),/θ(-th),/t/. ² Ñäc lµ /IZ/ sau c¸c tõ tËn cïng b»ng ©m /ks/ (-x), /∫/ (sh), /t∫/ (-ch), /s/ (-ss), /dʒ/ (-ge), /ʒ/ (ze), /z/ (-se, - z)). ² Ñäc lµ /Z/ sau c¸c tõ tËn cïng b»ng c¸c phô ©m cßn l¹i, vµ tÊt c¶ c¸c nguyªn ©m. 37. C¸ch ph¸t ©m ®u«i ED cña ®éng tõ cã quy t¾c. ² Ñäc lµ /id/ sau tõ tËn cïng b»ng ©m /d/ hoÆc /t/. ² Ñäc lµ /t/ sau tõ tËn cïng b»ng ©m /k/, /p/, /f/ (-gh,-ph), /s/, /∫/ (-sh), /t∫/ (-ch), /θ/ (-th), /ks/ (-x) ² Ñäc lµ /d/ sau tõ tËn cïng b»ng c¸c ©m cßn l¹i. 38/ EQUAL COMPARISON ( SO SAÙNH BAÈNG ) S + V + AS + ADJECTIVE + AS + NOUN ( PRONOUN ) ADVERB Ex : Mai is as tall as Lan. Ex : This house is as expensive as that one. Ex : She studies as hard as I. Ex : They drive as carefully as we. * YÙ BAÈNG NHAU, NHÖ NHAU COÙ THỂ ÑÖÔÏC DIEÃN ÑAÏT CAÙCH KHAÙC: S + V + THE SAME + ( NOUN ) + AS + NOUN ( PRONOUN ) Ex : My house is as high as his. My house is the same height as his. Ex : Tom is as old as Mary. Tom and Mary are the same age. 39/ UNQUAL COMPARISON ( SO SAÙNH KHOÂNG BAÈNG ) S + BE + NOT + AS + ADJECTIVE + AS + NOUN (PRONOUN) S + Ord. V NOT + V + SO ADVERB Ex : Mai is not as tall as Alice. Ex : We are not so intelligent as they. Ex : He didn’t work as carefully as they last year. Ex : I don’t speak English so fluently as you. 40/ SUPERIOR COMPARISONS ( SO SAÙNH HÔN ) A. SUPERIOR COMPARISON WITH SHORT ADJECTIVE AND ADERB ( SO SAÙNH HÔN VÔÙI TÍNH TÖØ NGAÉN VAØ TRAÏNG TÖØ NGAÉN ) S1 + V + ADJECTIVE + ER + THAN + S2 ADVERB Ex : Alice is taller than Daisy. Ex : She is better at cooking than I. Ex : They studied harder than we last school year. Ex : He is very lazy. He studies worse than we. B. SUPERIOR COMPARISON WITH LONG ADJECTIVE AND ADERB ( SO SAÙNH HÔN VÔÙI TÍNH TÖØ DAØI VAØ TRAÏNG TÖ ØDAØI ) S1 + V + MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN + S2 ADVERB Ex : She is more beautiful than I. Ex : They are more careful than we. Ex : They drive more dangerously than we. C. INPERIOR COMPARISON WITH LONG ADJECTIVE AND ADERB ( SO SAÙNH KEÙM HÔN VÔÙI TÍNH TÖØ DAØI VAØ TRAÏNG TÖ ØDAØI ) S1 + V + LESS + AJECTIVE + THAN + S2 ADVERB Ex : He is less intelligent than Helen. Ex : They sing less beautifully than Dan Truong. * Note: LESS IS NOT USED IN SUPERIOR COMPARISON WITH SHORT ADJECTIVE AND ADVERB ( LESS khoâng ñöôïc duøng trong so saùnh hôn vôùi tính töø ngắn vaø traïng töø ngắn ) Ex : Incorrect : This house is less large than that one. Correct : This house is not as large as that one. 41/ DOUBLE COMPARATIVES ( SO SAÙNH KEÙP ) 1. Short adjectives S + V + ADJ / ADV + ER + AND + ADJ / ADV + ER ( Moãi ngaøy moät, caøng ngaøy caøng, moãi luùc moät ……… ) Ex : Betty is younger and younger. Ex : The river gets bigger and bigger. 2. Long adjectives S + V + MORE AND MORE + ADJ / ADV ( Moãi ngaøy moät, caøng ngaøy caøng, moãi luùc moät ……… ) Ex : Her story was more and more attractive. Ex : She becomes more and more beautiful. Ex : They drive more and more carefully. 3. S + V + LESS AND LESS + LONG ADJ OR SHORT ADJ ( Caøng ngaøy caøng ít, caøng ngaøy caøng keùm, moãi luùc moät ít ) Ex : The storm is less and less violent. Ex : It is less and less cold. Ex : He is less and less studious. THE + ADJ + ER + S + V , THE + ADJ + ER + S + V ( Loái naøy aùp duïng cho tính töø ngaén ) …………………Caøng ……………………… ( thì ) caøng …………………………… Ex : The older he gets, the weaker he is. Ex : The harder he is, the wiser he is. 5. THE MORE + ADJ + S + V , THE MORE + ADJ + S + V ………………………………Caøng ……………………… ( thì ) caøng ……………………………………… Ex : The more beautiful she is, the more miserable her parents are. Ex : The more miserable he is, the more diligent ( sieâng naêng, caân maãn, caàn cuø ) he becomes. 6. THE ADJ + ER + S + V , THE MORE + S + V + ADJ ……………………………………………Caøng ……………………… ( thì ) caøng ……………………………………… Ex : The heavier the coin is, the more it is worth. 7. THE MORE + S + V + THE + ADJ + ER + S + V ……………………………………………Caøng ……………………… ( thì ) caøng ……………………………………… Ex : The more we get together, the happier we ill be. Ex : The more he worked, the richer he was. 8. THE MORE + S + V, THE + MORE + S + V …………………………………Caøng ……………………… ( thì ) ca
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