Giáo án tiếng Anh 9 - Tuần 6


- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to write a paragraph of argument and know the way to support their opinions.

II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, sub-board




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Week : 6	Date of preparation: 19/09/2014
Period: 11	Date of teaching: 	22/09/2014 
- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to write a paragraph of argument and know the way to support their opinions.
II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, sub-board
1 / Warm-up : (7’)
- Ask Ss to look at two pictures, and discuss.
Do you like wearing uniform or casual clothes at school? Why?
- Lead to the lesson.
- Discuss and give their ideas.
Uniform	Casual clothes
- Listen.
2/ Pre-writing: (14’)
$ Activity 1: Vocabulary
- Elicit first and say out the words.
I. Vocabulary:
Ø casual (a): (pict.)
Ø formal (a): (pict.)
Ø to be proud of: (situation) 
Ø practical(Adj.)(Translation)
Ø self-confident (Adj.)(situation)
* Check vocabulary: R.O.R
- Instruct Ss to read.
$ Activity 2: The form of the argumentative paragraph.
- Introduce the content & hang on the Grids, and then elicit 3 main parts with the used language.
II. Form:
+ Introduction: In my opinion,.../I think...
+ Series of arguments:Firstly/......./Finally
+ Conclusion: Therefore / In conclusion ..
- Ask Ss to read part a (P.18) to pick out each part and its aim.
- Get feedback.
- Give feedback and more explanations.
- Try out the meaning. 
Ex: I persuade him to meet Lan
Ex: We encourage them to do homework
Ex: We are proud of our class.
Ex: Wearing uniform is practical
- Repeat chorally- individually.
- Run them through & copy down.
- Show their ideas & give their comments.
- Share their ideas in groups.
- Give the answers and explain the aims of each part in this paragraph.
3/ While-writing: (15’)
- Hang on the outline & explain the task.
- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about 100 words in group.
- Go around to help them.
- Focus on the information and the form of argument paragraph.
- Write their paragraph to support their ideas.
- Discuss in groups, share their ideas and write their work on the cellophanes.
4/ Ppst-writing: (7’)
- Collect 3 drafts from Ss and put them in the overhead.
* Suggested writing:
My opinion is that secondary school Ss should wear casual clothes.
Firstly, wearing casual clothes makes Ss fell more comfortable
Secondly, wearing casual clothes gives Ss freedom of choice. They have the right to choose size, colors, and fashions of clothes that they love.
Thirdly, casual clothes make school more colorful and lively. 
Finally, Ss feel self-confident when they are in their favorite clothes.
In conclusion, Ss in secondary school should wear casual clothes. Wearing casual clothes is convenient, comfortable and fun.
- Help the whole to correct.
- Ask them to copy down.
- Share and compare their work.
- Correct paragraphs with teacher.
- Copy it in their books.
5/ Homework: (2’)
- Have Ss:
+ Learn by heart the new words.
+ Write an argument about yours group topic to get grade for fifteen-minutes test.
- Write assignments.
Week : 6	Date of preparation: 20/09/2014
Period: 12	Date of teaching: 26/09/2014
- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to revise and practice further in the present perfect and the passive form.
II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, sub-board
1 / Warm-up : (7’)
- Have Ss write the past participial form of the following verbs
1.see à seen	4.buildà ............. 
2.buyà ............. 	5.liveà.............	5.readà .............	8.eatà .............
3.playà .............	6.knowà .............	9.makeà ............	
- Check : In which tense will we use the Vp.p?
- Write the past participial form.
- Answer: present perfect, and passive form.
2/ Exercises: (27’)
$Exercise 1: Ask and answer about each person(using part 1-P.19-10)
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue.
- Focus Ss present perfect tense.
* Structure: Present perfect tense.
 S+ have/has + Vp.p + (obj) + .........
+Timing words: never, ever, already, just, yet, recently and Preps. ‘ for/ since ‘
- Make the model with the information in the Table.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs.
- Help Ss to correct.
$Exercise 2: Ask and answer about the things you done in HCM city.
- Hang the words on the poster and runs through them.
- Focus Ss on the present perfect. 
- Make the model.
* Model:
A: Have you seen Giac Lam Pagoda yet?
B: Yes, T have seen it.
A: Have you eaten Vietnamese food yet?
B: No, I haven/t.
- Ask the whole to do pair work.
- Help them to correct.
$Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences, using the passive form.(Part 4-P.21).
- Give the example & asks Ss to change it in the passive form.
-They sell jeans all over the world.
àJeans are sold all over the world.
-You must do this exercise carefully.
àThis exercise must be done carefully.
- Instruct them the way to change the sentence into passive.
- Get feedback.
*)Answer key:
a, Jean cloth was made.............
b, Rice is grown ......................
c,Five million bottles of champagne will be produced ..............
d, A new style of jeans has just been introduced ..................
e,Two department stores have been built....
- Read the dialogue in pairs.
- Give the use and form of the present perfect. 
- Make the model with teacher.
- Do pair work in 3’ 
- Correct themselves.
- Run through the phrases.
- Analyze the structure.
- Do it with teacher.
- Ask and answer in pairs.
- Comment and correct eachother.
- Change it in the passive form.
- give the form of tenses.
- give their ideas.
- Work individually.
- Write their answers on the board.
3/ Consolidation: (9’)
- Ask Ss to revise the simple past ,simple present, present perfect and modal verbs in passive.
- Remind the form.
4/ Homework: (2’)
- Have Ss: 
+ Do exercise 6-P.17 and 7-P.18 in workbook. (class A1, 2)
+ Ask Ss to prepare: Unit 1, 2 for 45-minute examination.
- Write assignments.

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