Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Tuần 5, 6

A. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the dialogue and use modal verbs to talk about the housework.

B. Content:

 Vocabularies: steamer, cupboard, saucepan, chore, sink.

 Grammars: simple future tense (will+V-inf), modal verbs (have to, must, ought to)

 C. Materials: pictures, a cassette, books

D. Anticipated problems: some weak Ss don’t pay attention on the teacher.

E. Procedure:



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 the wall, between the shelf and the picture. 
- OK. I think we ought to put the TV and the stereo on the shelf …..
- Call on some pairs to practice speaking. 
V / Homework: 
1. Describe their living room or bedroom
2. Do exercise in workbook
3. Prepare the next lesson 
* Feedback: 
- group work to play game 
- practice asking and answering about the positions of each item
- work in pairs 
- read all the sentences aloud 
- listen carefully 
- copy down 
- read the examples 
- practice speaking in pairs
- listen and copy
Date of plan: 15/9/09
Date of teaching:
Week: 5
Lesson 3 - listen 
 A. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- listen and choose the best answer about ways of making food. 
B. Content: 
Grammars: “ought to V-inf…”, preposition “in, on, above, next to, under, between”
 C. Materials: books, posters, a cassette.
 D. Anticipated problems: Some weak students can’t listen any words.
 E. Procedure:
 Teacher Students
I / Warm up : Bingo
Ask Ss to write down on their notebooks 5 things you can eat.
Prepare a list of food. Then call out each word in a loud voice. 
Ss listen to the teacher carefully. If anyone has the same things, they cross them out. The first person crossing out all 5 things shouts “Bingo” and wins the game. 
Suggested list of food: Chickens, beef, cake, candy, garlic, noodles, bread, rice, ham, peas...
II / Pre - listening: 
 * Predictions: 
- Get Ss to look at page 30 and guess 4 things they use to cook the Special Chinese Fried Rice 
- Call on Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board. 
III / While - listening: 
- Turn on the tape 3 times and ask them to check their predictions
- Give feedback 
a. Fired Rice 
b. Pan 
c. Garlic and green peppers 
d. Ham and peas. 
- Turn on the tape once more to check the answers again. 
IV / Post - listening : 
 * Mapped dialogue 
- Ask Ss to play the roles of Lan and Mrs. Tu to make a dialogue by listen the tape again. 
La : Can I help ........................, Mom? 
Mrs Tu: Sure you can cook............................
 Use the big pan please.
Mrs Tu : Just a little . Wait until it is hot and then fry the garlic and the green peppe. 
Mrs Tu: Yes. And you can put the rice and s teaspoon of salt in . 
Lan: Mummy! It smells................. 
- Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue in front of class 
- Correct pronunciations if any. 
V / Homework: 
1. Copy down the dialogue in their notebooks
2. Do exercise ......... in workbook 
3. Prepare the next lesson 
- group work to play game 
- look at their books and guess 4 things, they use to cook the Special Chinese Fried Rice 
- read their predictions 
- listen to the tape carefully to check their predictions
- copy the answer
-listen and check once more 
- practice in pairs 
- listen and copy
Date of plan: 16/9/09
Date of teaching:
Week: 5
Lesson 4 - read 
A. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to improve the reading skill for details about safety precaution in the house and further practice in “why” –question and answer with “Because”. 
B. Content: 
Vocabularies: precaution, socket, object, safety, destroy, mustn’t, injure, cause a fire
Grammars: Why- because, Let + smb + to + V-inf 
C. Materials: books, posters, picture
D. Anticipated problems: Ss may get difficult in “Repetition drill”
E. Procedure:
 Teacher Students	 
I / Warm up : Brainstorming
Possible answers : 
boiling water 
 - knife
Danger in the home for children
- ask them to copy down
II / Pre - reading 
- introduce the topic of the passage reading and some new words to Ss
1. Pre – teach vocabulary : 
- a precaution(n): sù phßng ngõa , sù ®Ò phßng - expl
- a socket(n): æ ®iÖn - realia 
- a match(n): que diªm - realia 
- an object(n): vËt , ®å vËt 
- safety(n): sù an toµn – trans
- to destroy(v): ph¸ huû – trans 
- to injure(v): lµm bÞ th¬ng -situation 
- chemical(n): ho¸ chÊt – example
- a bead(n): h¹t, vËt trßn nhá - expl
* Checking : Slap the board 
2. True / false statements predictions 
- Ask Ss to read the statements and guess which is true, which is false.
1. It is safe to leave medicine around the house.
2. Drugs can look like candy. 
3. A kitchen is a suitable place to play.
4. Playing with one match can not start a fife. 
5. Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous. 
6. Young children do not understand that many house hold objects are dangerous. 
- Call on Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board
III / While - reading : 
1. Reading the text : 
- Turn on the tape, Ss look at poster to check their prediction
- Have them correct the statements which are false 
1. It is safe to keep medicine in locked cupboards.
3. A kitchen is dangerous place to play. 
4. Playing with one match can cause fire. 
- Call on some Ss to read the text aloud ( 2 Ss ) 
2. Comprehension questions : 
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions 
- Call on some pairs to practice asking and answering the questions
- Give feedback 
a. Because children often try to eat and drink them 
b Because the kitchen is a dangerous place to place 
c. Because playing with one match can cause fire. 
d. Because children often try to put something into electrical sockets and electricity can kill. 
e. Because the dangerous objects can injure or kill children. 
IV / Post - Reading : 
* Discussion 
- Ask Ss to work in groups, discussing about the topic. 
1. Safety precautions in the street. 
2. Safety precautions at school. 
V / Homework : 
1. Copy down the answers above. 
2. Do the exercises in workbook. 
3. Prepare the next lesson. 
- group work to play game 
- whole class to write down 
- whole class to listen 
- listen and repeat in chorus and individually 
- guess its meaning s and copy 
- play game in 2 teams 
- read and predict 
- read their predictions aloud 
- listen to the tape, then look at the poster to check their predictions, correct the false ones
- read aloud individually
- work in pairs to ask and answer the questions 
- work in groups to discuss about the topic 
- demonstrate in front of class 
- listen and copy 
Date of plan: 22/9/2009
Date of teaching:
Week: 6
Lesson 5 - write
A. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a description of a room in their house. 
B. Content: describing sentences: There is/are….on/ in, on the left/ right side of …, There is/ are…next to/ beside
C. Materials: books, posters, pictures if the rooms, projector and OPH papers
D. Anticipated problems: Ss may make confuses “There is, there are”
E. Procedure:
 Teacher Students	 
I / Warm up : Chatting
( Asking something about the room on page 32 )
1. Which room is this? 
2. What is this? /Where is it? 
II / Pre - writing : Introduce the aims and some new words to Ss 
1. Pre- teach vocabulary : 
- folder 
- beneath 
- dish rack 
- lighting fixture 
* Checking : Rub out and remember 
2. Reading 
- Ask Ss to read the description of Hoa’s room, then ask some comprehension questions 
a. What is there on the left of the room? 
b. Where is the bookshelf? 
c. What is there on the right side of the room? 
d. Where is the wardrobe? 
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of class. 
- Correct and give feedback : 
a. There is a desk on the left of the room. 
b. The bookshelf is above the desk. 
c. There is a window on the right side of the room. 
d. The wardrobe is beside the window and opposite the desk. 
- Call on some Ss to read the descriptions of Hoa’s room aloud. 
III / While - writing : 
- Ask Ss to describe Hoa’s kitchen, using the given cues. 
- Ask Ss to share with their partners. 
- Call on some Ss to demonstrate their writings in front of class. 
- Correct the mistakes from some descriptions if any. 
- Give feedback 
This is Hoa,s kitchen . 
There is a refrigerator in the right corner of the room. 
Next to the refrigerator are the stove and the oven 
On the other side of the oven, there is a sink and next to the sink is a towel rack. 
The disk rack stands on the counter, on the right of the window and beneath the selves. 
On the selves and on the counter beneath the window, there are jars of sugar, flour and tea. 
In the middle of the kitchen, there are a table and four chairs. 
The lighting fixture is above the table, and directly beneath the lighting fixture is a vase with flowers. 
- Call on some Ss to read the completed descriptions aloud. 
IV / Post- writing : 
* Speaking 
- Ask Ss to talk to their partners about their room / living room / kitchen. 
- Call on some Ss to demonstrate their speeches in front of class 
V / Homework : 
1. Write a description of their living room. 
2. Do exercises (......) in workbook. 
3. Prepare the next lesson. 
* Feedback: 
- play game (T-Ss) 
- listen and copy the title of the lesson 
- listen and repeat in chorus, then individually
 - guess its meanings and copy 
- play game 
- read the description and practice asking and answering the questions individually
- read the description aloud 
- work individually
- compare with their friends 
- demonstrate their writings in front of class 
- read the completed writing aloud 
- practice speaking
- demonstrate in front of class
- listen and copy
Date of plan: 22/9/2009
Date of teaching:
Week: 6
Lesson 6 – language focus
A. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the Reflexive Pronouns, modal verbs to talk about the house work and know how to use Why- Because. 
B. Content: Reflexive Pronouns, modal verbs
C. Materials: books, posters, pictures if the rooms, projector and OPH papers
D. Anticipated problems: Ss may have

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