Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Period:6

I. Aim:

_Describe someone’s appearance

_Talk about the truths

II. Language contents:


 Review: Simple tenses

 Present simple to talk about general truths

 (not) adjective + enough + to infinitive


 (n) Mars, mercury

III. Techniques: Reading comprehension,Pelmanism.

IV. Teaching aids: pictures

V. Procedures:


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Date:September , ,2008 
_Describe someone’s appearance
_Talk about the truths
II. Language contents:
 Review: Simple tenses
 Present simple to talk about general truths
 (not) adjective + enough + to infinitive
 (n) Mars, mercury
III. Techniques: Reading comprehension,Pelmanism.
IV. Teaching aids: pictures
V. Procedures:
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities
+Ss play game “pelmanism”
_Tgives them marks
_T. has Ss complete the paragraphs
+Ss complete the paragraphs (pair work)
_T. asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners
+Ss compare their answers with their partners.
_T. asks Ss to give the answers
+Ss give the answers
_T. corrects Ss’ mistakes. 
_ T. reminds students note the adverbs that are used in present simple, past simple
_T. has Ss practice the dialogue (pair work)
+Ss practice the dialogue
_T. asks Ss to compare their answer with their partners
+Ss compare their answers
_T. lets some pairs practice the dialogue before the class.
_Ss practice
_T. corrects Ss’ mistakes
_T. explains the way to do the exercises
+Ss listen
_T. asks Ss to look at the picture carefully. Then Ss close their books and practice.
+Ss practice (pair work)
_T. has some pairs practice
+Ss corrects Ss’ mistakes
_T. helps Ss remind the structure (not) adj + enough + to inf.
Then T. gives an example
_Ss review the structure
_T. has Ss the practice the dialogue
_Ss practice the dialogue (pair work)
_T. lets some pairs practice the dialogue before the class.
_Some pairs practice the dialogues
_T. corrects Ss mistakes
_Tgives the homework
+Ss write down and prepare at home
1. Warm up
2.Language focus:
 1.Activity 1:
Complete the paragraphs. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1. lives
2. sent
3. was
4. is
 b. 1. are
 2. came
 3. showed
 4. introduced
2. Activity 2:
 Complete the dialogue using the correct form of the verbs in box. You will have to use some verbs more than one
 Answer keys:
3. Activity 3
 Look and describe p/17
Look at the picture. Answer the questions
a. There are four people in the picture.
b. There is a tall heavy set man, there is a tall, thin woman with short hair there is a boy sitting on the ground holding his head and there is a short man standing across the street.
c. The man standing next to the taxi is wearing a yellow shirt and black trousers, the woman is carrying a shoulder bag and is wearing a green skirt and red blouse. The boy sitting on the ground and holding his head is wearing blue shorts and a white shirt, the man across the street is wearing blue trousers and a pink shirt.
4. Activity 4:
 Complete the dialogue use (not) adjective + enough + to infinitive:
(b) Hoa: ………………………
 Lan: …………… Ba is not old enough ………
(c) Hoa: ……………………
 Lan: ……………… I’m strong enough …………
(d) Hoa: …………………………
 Lan: …………………… good enough …………
3. Homework:
_Do exercise 5 in exercise book (at p.9)
_Prepare: Unit 2 (Getting Started + Listen and read )
Comments :
Kieåm dieän:
	8A 1:………………………………………………………………
	8A 3:……………………………………………………………….
	8A 5:…………………………………………………………………
	8A 6:………………………………………………………………….

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  • doc6-u1-8.doc
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