Giáo án Tiếng Anh 4 - Period 47_Unit 7: Let’s move

I/ Objectives:

Knowledge: Present the commands (actions )

 Skills: listening, and speaking

Grammar: Can you. ?

Vocabulary: Verbs: buy, wash, cut, eat

II/ Teaching aids:

T: planing lesson, text book, teacher’s cards. real object

Ss: book, note book

III/ Activities for teaching and learning:


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Date of planning : 24/ 02/2012
Date of teaching : 4A27/ 2 4B 28/ 2
Period 47 : UNIT 7 : LET’S move ( 1)
I/ Objectives:
Knowledge: Present the commands (actions )
 Skills: listening, and speaking
Grammar: Can you.......................... ?
Vocabulary: Verbs: buy, wash, cut, eat
II/ Teaching aids: 
T: planing lesson, text book, teacher’s cards. real object 
Ss: book, note book
III/ Activities for teaching and learning:
1/ Settlement:
2/ Oral test: - Exercise D p61
3/ New lesson: 
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Activity 1: Present the first set of actions
- T uses cards and objects to present the commands.
- eg: T: ( uses an apple and a peny ) says: Buy an apple, Buy an apple
- T uses cards (126-128 ) and real objects to present next actions:
Wash it
Cut it
 Eat it
Activity2: Listen and repeat
- T asks Ss to open their books
- T introduces pictures P 62
- T plays the tape(3 times)
+ The first
+ the second
+ the third
Activity 3: Practice:
- T says actions not use visual support. 
- ex: T says: Buy an apple ( kh«ng sö dông hµnh ®éng ).
- T uses cards, the Ss look at read the commands and do after
- T repeat “ CAN” and “ CAN’T”
- T asks Ss
ex: T: Can you buy an apple ?
 Can you wash it?
 Can you cut it?
 Can you eat it?
- T asks Ss to practice in pairs
I/The first set of actions:
- Ss repeat and do as the action ( 3times )
-Ss act and say: Buy an apple.....
-look, listen, say, and act
II.Listen and repeat
- Open the book
- listen 
- Listen and point
- Listen and repeat
- Listen and act
III/ Practice:
- Repeat and act
- A student reads the actions, the class actions
- Ss answer
 Yes, I can / No, I can’t
+ Practice in pairs:
I/The first set of actions:
- look, listen
II.Listen and repeat
- look, listen
III/ Practice:
- look, listen
4/ Other activities:
+Teacher’s remark
 +Home work: 
 - Learnt by heart the actions
- Write : Mçi §T 2 dßng

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  • docunit 7- let's move 1 p47 KT.doc
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