Giáo án tiếng Anh 12 - Look /lʊk/ verb

1. SEE [intransitive] to turn your eyes towards something, so that you can see it:

- We sneaked out while Jessie’s mom wasn’t looking.

- If you look carefully you can see that the painting represents a human figure.

- Gina covered her eyes, afraid to look.

look at

- ‘It’s time we left,’ Ian said, looking at his watch.

- The men all turned to look at her as she entered the room.

look away/over/down, etc.

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rasal verb 
1. to look for something among a pile of papers, in a drawer, in someone’s pockets, etc. = go through: 
 - I’ve looked through all my papers but I still can’t find the contract. 
2. to not notice or pretend to not notice someone you know, even though you see them 
look straight/right through somebody 
 - I saw Fiona in the street yesterday and she looked straight through me. 
look to somebody/something phrasal verb 
1. to depend on someone to provide help, advice, etc. 
look to somebody/something for 
 - We look to you for support. 
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look to somebody to do something 
 - They’re looking to the new manager to make the company profitable. 
2. to pay attention to something, especially in order to improve it: 
 - We must look to our defences. 
look up phrasal verb 
1. if a situation is looking up, it is improving = improve, get better: 
 - Now the summer’s here things are looking up ! 
2 look something ↔ up if you look up information in a book, on a computer, etc., you try to find it there: 
 - Look the word up in your dictionary. 
 - I’ll just look up the train times. 
3 look somebody ↔ up to visit someone you know, especially when you are in the place where they live 
for a different reason: 
 - Don’t forget to look me up when you come to Atlanta. 
look up to somebody phrasal verb, to admire or respect someone: 
 - I’ve always looked up to Bill for his courage and determination. 
1. to look at somebody or something 
look /lʊk/ [intransitive verb] to turn your eyes towards something so that you can see it: ▪ Look, there are 
some swans on the river. 
look at▪ ‘Come on, it’s time to go,’ he said, looking at his watch.▪ Look at me when I’m talking to you. 
look into/out of/through/down, etc.▪ Tom looked out the window over the dry, barren landscape.▪ I 
always look through the peephole before I open the door for anyone.▪ The teacher stopped and looked 
around to see if there were any questions. 
look at somebody/something in amazement/disbelief/surprise, etc. in a way that shows you are surprised 
or shocked▪ ‘You were a hippie?’ she asked, looking at her father in disbelief. look [countable noun] when 
you turn your eyes to look at someone or something: ▪ Sarah needed only one look at her daughter’s face to 
know something was wrong.▪ I was getting disapproving looks from the people around me. 
take a look/have a look /ˌteɪk ə ˈlʊk, ˌhæv ə ˈlʊk/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to look at something, 
especially something interesting or unusual: ▪ ‘I think there’s something wrong with the car.’ ‘Do you want 
me to have a look?’take a look/have a look at▪ We climbed to the top of the tower to have a look at the 
view.▪ ‘You’d better take a look at this,’ she said, passing me a letter. 
take/have a good look look very carefully▪ Take a good look at the pictures and tell me if anyone looks 
familiar.take/have a close look look at something very closely▪ He moved to the front of the crowd to have 
a closer look at the animal. 
look over /ˌlʊk ˈəʊvəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to quickly look at the details of someone or something, 
especially before you officially agree to buy it, use it, etc.: look over somebody/something▪ We looked 
over several apartments before finally choosing this one.▪ If you want, I can look over your English 
homework for you. 
look somebody/something, etc. over▪ Would you care to look the document over before you sign?▪ Jessica 
hated the way the men in the bar looked her over. 
examine /ɪgˈzæmɪn, ɪgˈzæmən/ [transitive verb] to look at someone or something extremely carefully, 
especially because you want to find its faults or mistakes: ▪ When the police examined the gun, they found 
Wright’s fingerprints on it.▪ A team of investigators is examining the crash site.examine something closely 
to examine very carefully▪ Before buying an antique, examine it closely to avoid buying a fake. 
examine somebody/something for something▪ The video shows women how to examine their breasts for 
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examination /ɪgˌzæmɪˈneɪʃən, ɪgˌzæməˈneɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] ▪ After careful examination, Lloyd 
estimated the tree was 500 years old.examine of▪ Authorities still have not released findings from their 
examination of the dead sheep. 
on closer examination when you look at something more carefully▪ On closer examination she realized 
that the bag was made of plastic, not leather. 
view /vjuː/ [transitive verb] walk around a place in order to look at it, especially so that you can decide 
what your opinion about it is: view a house/garden/exhibition, etc. ▪ A few journalists were allowed to 
view the art exhibition the day before it opened.▪ I’d like to make an appointment to view the house on 
Clement Street that’s for sale. 
admire /ədˈmaɪəʳ/ [transitive verb] to look at something and think how beautiful or impressive it is: ▪ I was 
just admiring your lovely garden.▪ We stopped at the top of the mountain to admire the view. 
2. to look for a long time 
stare /steəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to look directly at someone or something for a long time, without moving 
your eyes: ▪ It’s not polite to stare, you know.stare at▪ Why are you staring at me like that?▪ She stared at 
the page for several minutes, trying to understand.▪ Ron kept silent and stared down at his food. 
stare into/out of, etc.▪ When he’s depressed, he just sits there, staring off into space. 
stare back (at somebody) stare at someone who is staring at you▪ Everyone turned to look at him, and he 
stared stonily back. 
stare (at somebody/something) in amazement/horror/disbelief, etc. in a way that shows you are 
surprised or shocked▪ Donna stared in horror as the man fell to the floor. 
stare somebody down stare at someone until they stop staring at you▪ Fenton stood tall and stared down 
the gunmen. 
stare [countable noun] a long direct look: ▪ Charles didn’t reply. He just gave his daughter an icy stare. 
a blank/vacant stare a long look that does not show any thought or emotion▪ The suspect was described as 
having a blank stare after the shooting spree. 
gaze /geɪz/ [intransitive verb] to look at something or someone for a long time, especially with a feeling of 
love or great pleasure - used especially in stories and literature: gaze at ▪ I lay back on the sand and gazed 
at the stars above.▪ Ruth gazed down at the sleeping child. 
gaze out/into/through, etc.▪ He stopped talking suddenly and gazed into the distance.▪ She sat gazing out 
the windows at the people walking by. 
gaze [singular noun] turn your gaze▪ Toni turned her gaze back to the fireplace. 
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gape /geɪp/ [intransitive verb] to look at someone or something for a long time, especially with your mouth 
open, because you are very surprised or shocked: ▪ People stopped to gape as she walked down the street in 
a see-through mini-dress. 
gape at▪ She stood there gaping at me, too shocked to speak. 
gape in amazement/horror, etc.▪ I could only gape in astonishment as I saw the man take the bottle from 
the shelf and put it under his coat. 
gawk also gawp British /gɔːk, gɔːp/ [intransitive verb] to look at someone in a rude or annoying way, for 
example because they look unusual or are doing something unusual: ▪ Tourists walked around gawking at 
the people in traditional costumes.▪ I wanted to kill the morons who had gathered around me, gawping and 
eye /aɪ/ [transitive verb] to look at someone or something with interest or because you do not trust them: ▪ 
Mavis eyed the old sewing machine. ‘Does this still work?’ she asked.▪ The two teams eyed each other 
warily, waiting for the game to begin. 
look somebody up and down /ˌlʊk somebody ʌp ən ˈdaʊn/ [verb phrase] to look very carefully at 
someone’s body and the clothes they are wearing, especially because you do not know them and you are 
trying to form an opinion of them: ▪ The hotel manager slowly looked the old man up and down and then 
asked him to leave.▪ ‘Don’t be silly - you don’t need to lose weight,’ he said, looking her up and down. 
3. to look quickly 
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glance /glɑːnsǁglæns/ [intransitive verb] to look quickly at someone or something and then look away 
again: glance at▪ Dr Morse kept glancing nervously at his watch.▪ ‘Some of you may not be happy about 
what I have to say,’ he began, glancing at Janey. 
glance into/down/through, etc.▪ Glancing into Neil’s room, she noticed that his suitcase was packed. 
glance [countable noun] glance at▪ A quick glance at the map showed that we were on the right road. 
a backward glance a quick look back at the place you have left▪ I walked away without a wave or a 
backward glance. 
a sidelong glance a quick look to one side▪ Tammy gave her sister a sidelong glance and the two started to 
take a quick look/have a quick look /ˌteɪk ə kwɪk ˈlʊk, ˌhæv ə kwɪk ˈlʊk/ [verb phrase] to look at 
something quickly in order to check that everything is satisfactory: 
take a quick look/have a quick look at/around/through, etc.▪ He took a quick look in the mirror, and 
went out of the house.▪ She had a quick look around the room before letting the guests in. 
peek/take a peek /piːk, ˌteɪk ə ˈpiːk/ [intransitive verb/verb phrase] to look at something quickly and 
secretly, especially from a place where you cannot be seen: ▪ When I heard the noise in the next room, I 
couldn’t resist having a peek. 
peek/take a peek at▪ The little girl peeked at me from behind her grandmother’s skirt. 
peek/take a peek in/into/through/over, etc.▪ We tip-toed into the room and peeked in the crib without 
waking the baby.▪ She opened the door and took a quick peek inside. 
peep /piːp/ [intransitive ve

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