Giáo án tiếng anh 10 cơ bản


I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will get to know English 10: what to learn and how to learn it.


T: How many words in English do you know beginning with “T”, “T” and “E” (2 minutes: 1 for preparing, one for presenting)

Checks and gives feedback


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chæ ( ngöôøi vieát)
Ñòa chæ + teân ( ngöôøi nhaän)
 Ngaøy thaùng vieát thö
Dear + name,
I am writing ti complain about .. ( neâu lí do vieát thö baét ñaàu baèng nhöõng töø naøy ) 
Phaøn naøn chung veà vaán ñeà saép noùi
Noäi dung phaøn naøn ( chi tieát)
Keát thuùc vôùi gôïi yù giaûi quyeát vaán ñeà
Yours faithfully,
Name ( ngöôøi vieát)
1. Circle the word that has the underlined sound pronounced differently from the others:
1. a. some	b. how	c. other	 d. come
2. a. parent	b. afternoon	 c. class	d. father
3. a. five	b. write	c. child	d. children
4. a. teach	b. deaf	c. reason	 d. realize
2. Rewrite the sentences, use USED TO + V or DIDN’T USE TO + V
 1. Peolple/ travel on horseback à Peolple used to travel on horseback.
 2. They/ not/ travel by plane
 3. Women / wear long dresses
 4. Trips/ take much longer
3. Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence:
 1. John is always late for class, ________ annoys the teacher.
 	a. which	b. this	c. what	d. that
 2. Now I don’t go to school on foot as I ___________
	a. had been 	b. did	c. used to 	d. was
3. Without the Braille Alphabet it would be very difficult for _______
	a. the disabled	b. the deaf	c. the mute	d. the blind
4. Thuy’s class is different _______ other classes because the children are disabled.
	a. on	b. from	c. in	d. at
5. Her job is ______ of mentally retarded children in the area.
	a. looking	b. taking care	c. taking notice	d. watching
6. They gave a clear _________ of their intentions
	a. demonatrate	b. demonstrative	c. demonstration	d.demonstrating
7. The little buy is helping ______ cross the street.
	a. the poor	b. the rich	c. the blind	d. the young
8. What do you do _____ a living? I work as a fashion model.
	a. in	b. of	c. with 	d. for
9. By the time he arrived, his classmates _______
	a. had left	b. had left	c. was left	d. left
10. They spent a lot of time ________ about what they would do.
	a. talk	b. to talk	c. talked	d. talking
Unit 3+4
I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently 
from the rest.
1.a. married	b. worried	c. harboure	d. interested
2.a. mature	b. education	c. famous	d. concentrate
3.a. beat	b. eaten	c. repeat	d. head
4.a. send	b. tent	c. bench	d. he
5.a. said	b. sad	c. man	d. bad
6.a. teach	b. deaf	c. reason	d. realize
7.a. parent	b. afternoon	c. class	d. father
8.a. dream	b. death	c. real	d. year
9.a. organise	b. money	c. force	d. for
10.a.pity	b. children	c. blind	d. finger
II. Answer the question.
1. When and where was Marie Curie born?
2. What dream did Marie Curie harbour ?
3. Why did Marie Curie work as a private tutor?
4. When did Marie Curie get married? 
5. What was Marie Curie’s real joy?
6. What kind of student was she?
7. For what service was she awarded a Nobel Prize in chemistry?
8. Does Thuy enjoy her teaching job?
9. Why is Thuy’s class different from other classes?
10. Where do Thuy’s student come from?
11. Why did many disabled children attend the class?
12. How do Thuy’s students feel?
III. Choose the best answer .
1. Where did Marie Curie go to school?
	a. at the Sorbonne	b. in Paris	c. in Warsaw
2. Why did Marie Curie go to Paris?
	a. to get University education
	b. to find work for her living
	c. to meet Pierre Curie.
3. While she was studying at the Sorbonne
	a. she earned a lot of money.
	b. she had to live in financial difficulty
	c. she worked as a private tutor
4. What did Marie Curie do in 1914?
	a. she became a University professor
	b. she was awarded a Nobel Prize in chemistry
	c .she found the Radium Institute
5. What did Marie Curie do in 1906
	a. she took up the possition of her husband
	b. she received Ph.D
	c. she received Nobel Prize in chemistry
6. Sally is a .
	a. olympic champion	b. cyclo driver
	c. teacher	d. farmer
7. What kinds of books does Sally like?
 a. romantic books	b. children books
 c. adventure books	d. picture books
8. What does Sally want to be in the future ?
 a. teacher’s diploma	b. olympic champion
 c. sports teacher	d. athlete
9. How is the teaching job in Thuy’s class?
 a. interesting	b. time consuming
 c. angry	d. humorous
10. The children in Thuy’s class is..
 a. disabled	b. deaf	c. blind	d. dumb
11. At first, the parents were the idea of sending their children to
the special class
 a. interested in	b. satisfied with	
 c. opposed to	 d. worried about
12. The writer feel toward Thuy’s work
 a. admiring	b. interesting	c. admired	d. interested
13. Many disabled children attended the class thanks to ..of a 
young teacher, Pham Thu Thuy.
 a. opposition	b. belief	c. effort	d. attitude
14. The time of the day they enjoy most .lesson
 a. photography	 b. photograph	 c. photogenic	d. photographer
15. How many photos are in a display of Vang Trang Khuyet club
 a.50	b.30	c.19	d.20
16. The disabled children’s passion for taking a photograph helped them 
escape their..
 a. disability	b. sorrow	c. surroundings
 d. the beauty of daily life
IV. Find the mistakes in these sentences
1. He wants to be a photography in the future.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
2. The time of the day they enjoy most is photograph lesson
 A	 B	 C	 D
3. Biology, chemistry, and mathematics are different types of scientist.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
4. People are interesting in the quality of the products they buy
	 A	 B	 C	 D 
5. She told me to shut the door but I don’t lock it. 
	 A	 B	 C	 D
6. Hellen said she went to the supermarket before coming to my house.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
7. After my uncle has bought a new car, he sold his bicycle.
 A	 B	 C D
8. Tom has finished his homework before he went downtown .
	A	 B	 C	 D
9. Tom said that he would borrow me his car if I wanted to use it. 
 A	 B	 C	 D
10. He used to travelling on horseback when he was a child.
	 A	 B	C	 D
11. He didn’t used to visit HA NOI capital.
 A B	 C	D
12. The six –month – old photographic club, who comprises 19 members.
	A	B	 C	 D
13. He always goes to work on time ,where pleased her boss.
	 A	 B	 C	 D
14. I once took a photographer of my girlfriend.
	A	B	 C	 D
15. Tom stopped studying when he was a junior in college because he does
 A	 B	 C D
not like school.
16. While George was reading in bed, two thieves had climbed into his
 A	 B	 C	 D
V. Read the passage and answer the questions.
When Edison was a boy at school, he asked a lot of question .The teacher
thought he was stupid and she sent him home. Edison’s mother taught her
son at home and he began to carry out a lot of experiments. He earned
money for his experiments by gardening .Later he worked on train and
continued to experiment there. Unfortunately, in one of his experiments, he set fire to the train.
1. What did Edison do when he was a boy at school?
 a. asked a lot of questions
 b. made a lot of experiments
 c. was quiet
 d. studied very hard
2. What did the teacher think about Edison at the time?
 a. clever	b. foolish	c. timid	d. intelligent
3. Who taught Edison when he was sent out of school?
 a. his brother	b. his tutor	c. his father	d. his mother
4. How did he earn money for his experiments?
 a. by selling stamps	b. by driving a car
 c. by gardening 	d. by delivering newspaper
VI. Complete the sentences
1. She /used/ eat /ice cream /when /be /a /child.
2. I /difficulty /speak/and/write /English.
3. When /I / holiday /I /not/ enjoy/ get/ early.
4. It /said/Robin Hood/rob/rich/and/give/money /poor.
5. I/ not / happy /study / English centre.
6. I /wish /apply /post/manager /company.
7. I /write /complain /poor quality /service /your centre.
8. I/ watch /TV /after /finish /homework.
9. I/ dinner /before/go out/last night.
10. Deaf/and/dumb/can/communicate/each other/by/system/sign language.
1/ The present perfect tense: Hieän taïi hoøan thaønh
HAVE/ HAS + V( ED, 3)
ex: I have learnt English for 12 years.
Thì hieän taïi hoøan taøhnh duøng ñeå:
- Dieãn taû 1 haønh ñoäng baét ñaàu töø trong quaù khöù vaø vaãn coøn tieáp tuïc ôû hieän taïi:
Ex: I have known him for 8 years.
Vôùi caùch duøng naøy thì hieän taïi hoøan thaønh thöôøng ñi vôùi : recently, in the lasat few days/ years, so far, since lunch, for ten days,..
- Dieãn taû 1 haønh ñoäng vöøa môùi xaûy ra, thöôøng duøng vôùi Just: 
Ex: They have just finished their lunch.
- Dieãn taû 1 haønh ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra nhöng khoâng roõ thôøi ñieåm cuï theå, thöôøng duøng vôùi Already ñeå nhaán maïnh trong caâu khaúng ñònh.
Ex: We have already watch this film
Ñi vôùi

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