The second semester exam-022

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.

1. A. sandy B. society C. mystery D. supply

2. A. explored B. entered C. remained D. balanced

3. A. both B. death C. without D. healthy

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the other three.

4. A. outstanding B. vulnerable C. enthusiast D. biologist

5. A. habitat B. tableland C. sociable D. expedition

Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.

6. The plane to Singapore takes ________ at six o’clock.

 A. up B. off C. on D. out

7. All the schools in the city were closed because of an ________ of flu.

 A. escape B. outcome C. epidemic D. announcement

8. President Ho Chi Minh is the person all of us look ________. [admire]

 A. at B. up to C. over D. after


doc2 trang | Chia sẻ: nguyenngoc | Lượt xem: 2019 | Lượt tải: 1download
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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. sandy	B. society	C. mystery	D. supply
A. explored	B. entered	C. remained	D. balanced
A. both	B. death	C. without	D. healthy
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the other three.
A. outstanding	B. vulnerable	C. enthusiast	D. biologist
A. habitat	B. tableland	C. sociable	D. expedition 	
Choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.
The plane to Singapore takes ________ at six o’clock.
	A. up	B. off	C. on	D. out 
All the schools in the city were closed because of an ________ of flu.
	A. escape	B. outcome	C. epidemic	D. announcement
President Ho Chi Minh is the person all of us look ________. [admire]
	A. at	B. up to	C. over	D. after
It started to rain heavily_________ we decided to stay at home. 
	A. so	B. but 	C. however	D. although 
A: –“ Bye. Have a nice weekend”. B: _ “ Bye. ________”. 
	A. How are you	B. Good new	C. The same to you	D. You’re welcome
The test is not _________ difficult _________ it was last month.	
	A. as / as 	B so / as 	C. more / as 	D. A and B
The Vietnamese were very satisfied with excellent performances of young and_______athletes.
	A. energetic	B. energy	C. energetically	D. energize
Synchronized swimming has been an official event___________1984.
	A. in 	B. for 	C. since 	D. in the year
Tim _______ his hair while I ________ up the kitchen. 
	A. washed/ was cleaning 	B. was washing / cleaned
 	C. washed/ cleaned 	D. was washing / was cleaning	
Government has ___________ laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade and over hunting.
	A. pass	B. given	C. enacted	D. enforced
People __________ prevent pollution of the rivers before it gets worse.
	A. could	B. must	C. need	D. had to
A: “Shall I open the window?” B: “ ________”
	A. No, please	B. No, not me	C. Yes, please	D. Yes, you shall
One of the most effective ways to protect the environment is ______.
	A. conservatory 	B. conservatism	C. conservationist 	D. conservation
Those who don’t obey the traffic rules ________strictly.
	A. must be fined	B. should be punish	C. will fine	D. have to fine
A: “Could I smoke in the room?” B: “ I’d rather __________.”
	A. you didn’t	B. you don’t	C. not	D. not to
Books are a wonderful source __________knowledge and pleasure. 
	A. with	B. of 	C. in 	D. about
Chemical wastes from factories are __________ that cause serious damage to species habitat.
	A. pollutes	B. pollutants	C. pollution	D. polluters
If people drove more carefully, _________ fewer accidents.
	A. there will be 	B. there are	C. there would be	D. there have been
You’d better leave early. __________, the more chance you can get a good seat.
	A. The earlier you leave	B. The early you leave 
	C. The more early you leave 	D. The earliest you leave
________ in order to save endangered species.
	A. Efforts have made through different conservation
 	B. Efforts have been made with different conservation
	C. Different conservation efforts have been made 
	D. They have been made different conservation efforts.
Protecting the habitats is the key method _________.
	A. for the preserve endangered species	B. of the preserving endangered species
	C. to preserve endangered species	D. to preserving endangered species
Choose the underlined part that needs correction.
The more you learn, the most you know about the world.
 	A 	B 	C 	D
After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that he has been driving in the wrong direction.
 	A 	B 	C 	D
All the students in the class are enough good to pass the final exam.
 	A 	B 	C 	D
The purpose of UNICEF is help provide a better life for children and their mothers.
 	A 	B 	C 	D	
Read the following passage and choose the correct word for each of the blanks.
Wild animals play an important part in the (31) ____of nature and supply us with many important products. Birds and other small animals help (32) ____insects. Wild animals provide food and hobby too. Furthermore, they (33)____ our surroundings more interesting. Uncontrolled hunting has destroyed a lot of wildlife and people have also harmed animals such as the passenger pigeon which disappeared completely. 
Others including the whooping cranes, the blue whale and the American alligator are in danger of dying out. Sometimes it is necessary to keep animals from (34) ______ too plentiful. For example, rabbits and such rodents as ground squirrels and mice may cause (35) _____ damage to crops if they are too abundant predators help hold down the population of their prey.
(whooping cranes: large N American bird , alligator: American or chinese crocodile, predators: annimals that kill and eat others, prey: animal or bird food)
A. world 	B. balance 	C. activity 	D. appearance
A. control 	B. delete 	C. develop 	D. remove
A. do 	B. let 	C. make 	D. change
A. developing 	B. reaching 	C. becoming 	d. changing
A. great 	B. too 	C. big 	D. also
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the questions.
Vietnam officially became a full member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) on July 28,1995. Since then, Vietnam has worked together with other ASEAN member countries to reinforce regional cooperation and made great contributions to maintaining peace, stability and reconciliation in the region. (reconciliation: hòa giải/ reinforce: strenghten or make stronger)
In the past years in the ASEAN, Vietnam has reaped {obtain) many successes in all social and economic fields. The country has gradually restructured its administrative apparatus to suit a market economy and to integrate into the international community. Vietnam has made a good impression on ASEAN countries with its achievements in economic development especially in hunger eradication and poverty alleviation. ASEAN countries' investment into Vietnam has also increased sharply. With a high economic growth rate averaging seven percent each year, Vietnam has been able to decrease economic gap slightly with Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Brunei.
In addition, Vietnam actively works to integrate culturally and socially with the Southeast Asian region while preserving its own cultural features. Thirteen is not a long period for such an important political event but what has been achieved in relations between Vietnam and the association is creating splendid prospect for the future.
Which is the best title of the passage?
	A. Vietnam-ASEAN: a decade of companionship and development.
	B. Vietnam's achievements in relation with the ASEAN community.
	C. Vietnam's contributions to ASEAN's development.
 	D. How Vietnam joined ASEAN.
How long has Vietnam been a full member of ASEAN?
	A. For the past few years. 	B. For a decade. 
	C. Since 1995. 	D. As long as Singapore. 
That Vietnam_______ is an example of Vietnam's achievement in economy.
	A. succeeds in the program of “hunger eradication and poverty alleviation”
	B. reinforces regional cooperation with other ASEAN member countries
	C. Vietnam reaches seven percent each year in economic investments 
	D. Vietnam official became a full member of ASEAN
Which information is not given in the passage?
	A. Culture is an aspect which Vietnam has focused on as an ASEAN member
	B. Vietnam has played an important part in maintaining peace in the region.
	C. Joining ASEAN was an important political event to Vietnam. 
	D. Singapore has invested a lot in the Vietnamese market.
Which word means “an end to a disagreement and the start of a good relationship again”?
	A. Stability 	B. Eradication 	C. Reconciliation 	D. Impression
------THE END ------

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