The Cauchy–Schwarz master class - An Introduction to the Art of Mathematical Inequalities - J. Michael Steele
Preface page ix
1 Starting with Cauchy 1
2 The AM-GM Inequality 19
3 Lagrange’s Identity and Minkowski’s Conjecture 37
4 On Geometry and Sums of Squares 51
5 Consequences of Order 73
6 Convexity — The Third Pillar 87
7 Integral Intermezzo 105
8 The Ladder of Power Means 120
9 H¨ older’s Inequality 135
10 Hilbert’s Inequality and Compensating Difficulties 155
11 Hardy’s Inequality and the Flop 166
12 Symmetric Sums 178
13 Majorization and Schur Convexity 191
14 Cancellation and Aggregation 208
Solutions to the Exercises 226
Chapter Notes 284
References 291
Index 301
∫ ∞ 0 xtφ(x) dx is called the tth moment of φ. Show that if t ∈ (t0, t1) then µt ≤ µ1−αt0 µαt1 where t = (1− α)t0 + αt1 and 0 < α < 1. In other words, the linearly interpolated moment is bounded by the geometric interpolation of two extreme moments. Exercise 9.5 (Complex Ho¨lder — and the Case of Equality) Ho¨lder’s inequality for real numbers implies that for complex numbers a1, a2, . . . , an and b1, b2, . . . , bn one has the bound∣∣∣∣ n∑ k=1 akbk ∣∣∣∣ ≤ ( n∑ k=1 |ak|p )1/p( n∑ k=1 |bk|q )1/q (9.30) when p > 1 and q > 1 satisfy 1/p + 1/q = 1. What conditions on the complex numbers a1, a2, . . . , an, and b1, b2, . . . , bn are necessary and sufficient equality to hold in the bound (9.30)? Although this exercise is easy, it nevertheless offers one useful morsel of insight that should not be missed. 150 Ho¨lder’s Inequality Exercise 9.6 (Jensen Implies Minkowski) By Jensen’s inequality, we know that for a convex φ and positive weights w1, w2, . . . , wn one has φ ( w1x1 + w2x2 + · · ·+ wnxn w1 + w2 + · · ·+ wn ) ≤ w1φ(x1) + w2φ(x2) + · · ·+ wnφ(xn) w1 + w2 + · · ·+ wn . (9.31) Consider the concave function φ(x) = (1 + x1/p)p on [0,∞], and show that by making the right choice of the weights wk and the values xk in Jensen’s inequality (9.31) one obtains Minkowski’s inequality. Exercise 9.7 (Ho¨lder’s Inequality for Integrals) Naturally there are integral versions of Ho¨lder’s inequality and, in keeping with the more modern custom, there is no cause for a name change when one switches from sums to integrals. Let w : D → [0,∞) be given, and reinforce your mastery of Ho¨lder’s inequality by checking that our earlier argument (page 137) also shows that, for all suitably integrable functions f and g from D to R,∫ D f(x)g(x)w(x) dx ≤ (∫ D |f(x)|pw(x) dx )1/p(∫ D |g(x)|qw(x) dx )1/q where, as usual, 1 < p <∞ and p−1 + q−1 = 1. Exercise 9.8 (Legendre Transforms and Young’s Inequality) If f : (a, b)→ R, then the function g : R→ R defined by g(y) = sup x∈(a,b) {xy − f(x)} (9.32) is called the Legendre transform of f . It is used widely in the theory of inequalities, and part of its charm is that it helps us relate products to sums. For example, the definition (9.32) gives us the immediate bound xy ≤ f(x) + g(y) for all (x, y) ∈ (a, b)× R. (9.33) (a) Find the Legendre transform of f(x) = xp/p for p > 1 and compare the general bound (9.33) to Young’s inequality (9.6). (b) Find the Legendre transforms of f(x) = ex and φ(x) = x log x−x. (c) Show that for any function f the Legendre transform g is convex. Ho¨lder’s Inequality 151 Exercise 9.9 (Self-Generalizations of Ho¨lder’s Inequality) Ho¨lder’s inequality is self-generalizing in the sense that it implies sev- eral apparently more general inequalities. This exercise address two of the most pleasing of these generalizations. (a) Show that for positive p, q, bigger than r one has 1 p + 1 q = 1 r ⇒ { n∑ j=1 (ajbj)r }1/r ≤ { n∑ j=1 apj }1/p{ n∑ j=1 bqj }1/q . (b) Given p, q, and r are bigger than 1, show that if 1 p + 1 q + 1 r = 1, then one has the triple produce inequality n∑ j=1 ajbjcj ≤ { n∑ j=1 apj }1/p{ n∑ j=1 bqj }1/q{ n∑ j=1 crj }1/r . Exercise 9.10 (The Historical Ho¨lder Inequality) The inequality which Ho¨lder actually proved in his 1889 article asserts that for wk ≥ 0, yk ≥ 0, and p > 1 one has n∑ k=1 wkyk ≤ { n∑ k=1 wk }(p−1)/p{ n∑ k=1 wky p k }1/p . (9.34) Show, as Ho¨lder did, that this inequality follows from the weighted ver- sion (9.31) of Jensen’s inequality. Finally close the loop by showing that the historical version (9.34) of Ho¨lder’s inequality is equivalent to the modern version that was introduced by F. Riesz. That is, check that inequality (9.34) implies inequality (9.1), and vice versa. Exercise 9.11 (Minkowski Implies Ho¨lder) The triangle inequality implies Cauchy’s inequality, so it surely seems reasonable to guess that Minkowski’s inequality might also imply Ho¨lder’s inequality. The guess is true, but the confirmation is a bit subtle. As a hint, consider what Minkowski’s inequality (9.12) for s says for the vectors θ(ap/s1 , a p/s 2 , . . . , a p/s n ) and (1 − θ)(bq/s1 , bq/s2 , . . . , bq/sn ) when s is very large. 152 Ho¨lder’s Inequality ∑m j=1 ∏n k=1 a wk jk ≤ ∏n k=1 (∑m j=1 ajk )wk S cols G rows A GS Fig. 9.2. Ho¨lder’s inequality for an array (9.35) is easier to keep in mind if one visualizes its meaning. In fact, it asserts a natural commutativity relationship between the summation operation S and the geometric mean operation G. As the figure suggests, if we let G act on rows and let S act on columns, then the inequality (9.35) tells us that by acting first with the geometric mean G we get a smaller number than if we act first with S. Exercise 9.12 (Ho¨lder’s Inequality for an Array) Any formula that generalizes Ho¨lder’s inequality to an array is likely to look complicated but, as Figure 9.2 suggests, it is still possible for such a formula to be conceptually simple. Show that for nonnegative real numbers ajk, 1 ≤ j ≤ m, 1 ≤ k ≤ n and positive weights w1, . . . , wn that sum to 1, we have the bound m∑ j=1 n∏ k=1 awkjk ≤ n∏ k=1 ( m∑ j=1 ajk )wk . (9.35) Prove this inequality, and use it to prove the mixed mean inequality which asserts that for nonnegative x, y, z one has x+ (xy) 1 2 + (xyz) 1 3 3 ≤ ( x · x+ y 2 · x+ y + z 3 )1/3 . (9.36) Exercise 9.13 (Rogers’s Inequality — the Proto-Ho¨lder) The inequality that L.C. Rogers proved in this 1888 article asserts that for 0 < r < s < t < ∞ and for nonnegative ak, bk, k = 1, 2, . . . , n, one has the bound( n∑ k=1 akb s k )t−r ≤ ( n∑ k=1 akb r k )t−s( n∑ k=1 akb t k )s−r , Ho¨lder’s Inequality 153 which we may write more succinctly as (Ss)t−r ≤ (Sr)t−s(St)s−r where Sp = n∑ k=1 akb p k for p > 0. (9.37) Rogers gave two proofs of his bound (9.37). In the first of these he called on the Cauchy–Binet formula [see (3.7), page 49], and the second he used the AM-GM inequality which he wrote in the form xw11 x w2 2 · · ·xwnn ≤ ( w1x1 + w2x2 + · · ·+ wnxn w1 + w2 + · · ·+ wn )w1+w2+···+wn where the values w1, w2,. . . ,wn are assumed to be positive but which are otherwise arbitrary. Now, follow in Rogers’s footsteps and use the very clever substitutions wk = akbsk and xk = b t−s k to deduce the bound( b a1b s 1 1 b a2b s 2 2 · · · banb s n n )t−s ≤ (St/Ss)Ss , (9.38) and use the substitutions wk = akbsk and xk = b r−s k to deduce the bound( b a1b s 1 1 b a2b s 2 2 · · · banb s n n )r−s ≤ (Sr/Ss)Ss . (9.39) Finally, show how these two relations imply Rogers’s inequality (9.37). Exercise 9.14 (Interpolation for Positive Matrices) Let 1 ≤ s0, t0, s1, t1 ≤ ∞ be given and consider an m × n matrix T with nonnegative real entries cjk, 1 ≤ j ≤ m, 1 ≤ k ≤ n. Show that if there exist constants M0 and M1 such that ‖Tx‖t0 ≤M0‖x‖s0 and ‖Tx‖t1 ≤M1‖x‖s1 (9.40) for all x ∈ Rm, then for each 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, one has the bound ‖Tx‖t ≤Mθ‖x‖s for all x ∈ Rm (9.41) where Mθ is defined by Mθ = Mθ1M 1−θ 0 and where s and t are given by 1 s = θ s1 + 1− θ s0 , 1 t = θ t1 + 1− θ t0 . (9.42) This problem takes some time to absorb, but the result is important, and it pays generous interest on all invested effort. Figure 9.3 should help one visualize the condition (9.42) and the constraints on the parameters 1 ≤ s0, t0, s1, t1 ≤ ∞. One might also note that the bound (9.41) would follow trivially from the hypotheses (9.40) if θ = 0 or θ = 1. Moreover, 154 Ho¨lder’s Inequality Fig. 9.3. The constraints 1 ≤ s0, t0, s1, t1 ≤ ∞ mean that the reciprocals are contained in the unit square S = [0, 1] × [0, 1], and the exponent relation (9.42) tells us that (1/s, 1/t) is on the line from (1/s1, 1/t1) to (1/s0, 1/t0). The parameter θ is then determined by the explicit interpolation formula (1/s, 1/t) = θ(1/s1, 1/t1) + (1− θ)(1/s0, 1/t0). the bound (9.41) automatically recaptures the inequality (9.24) from Challenge Problem 9.6; one only needs to set t1 = 1, s1 = 1, M1 = A, t0 =∞, s0 =∞, M0 = B, and θ = 1/p. Despite the apparent complexity of Exercise 9.14, one does not need to look far to find a plan for proving the interpolation formula (9.41). The strategy which worked for Problem 9.6 (page 146) seems likely to work here, even though it may put one’s skill with the splitting trick to the test. Finally, for anyone who may still be hesitant to take up the challenge of Exercise 9.14, there is one last appeal: first think about proving the more concrete inequality (9.43) given below. This inequality is typical of a large class of apparently tough problems which crumble quickly after one calls on the interpolation formula (9.41). Exercise 9.15 (An 2 Interpolation Bound) Let cjk, 1 ≤ j ≤ m, 1 ≤ k ≤ n be an array of nonnegative real numbers for which one has the implication Xj = n∑ k=1 cjkxk for all j = 1, 2, . . . ,m ⇒ n∑ j=1 |Xj |2 ≤ n∑ k=1 |xk|2. Show that for all 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 one then has the bound( m∑ j=1 ∣∣Xj∣∣q)1/q ≤M (2−p)/p( n∑ k=1 |xk|p )1/p (9.43) where and q = p/(p− 1) and M = max |cjk|. 10 Hilbert’s Inequality and Compensating Difficulties Some of the most satisfying experiences in problem solving take place when one starts out on a natural path and then bumps into an unex- pected difficulty. On occasion this deeper view of the problem forces us to look for an entirely new approach. Perhaps more often we only need to find a way to press harder on an appropriate variation of the original plan. This chapter’s introductory problem provides an instructive case; here we will discover two difficulties. Nevertheless, we manage to achieve our goal by pitting one difficulty against the other. Problem 10.1 (Hilbert’s Inequality) Show that there is a constant C su
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