Ôn tập và kiểm tra

I. Aims :

- To introduce the textbook- English 10

- To introduce the way of testing.

- To set up some class regulations.

- To give a fifteen- minute test.

II. Procedures:


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- Read through the news stories before filling in the blanks.
- Pair-work
- Give the answers and copy down the correct ones.
Suggested answer
News story 1
New story 2
1. has cause floods
2. have left their homes
3. have risen
4. two meters
5. has stopped
6. cloudy
7. strong wind
1. twenty-third
2. 4,418
3. California
4. wonderful
5. young and healthy
- Listen and answer the questions
- Listen to the tape
- Discuss the answers in pairs
- Give the answers
Suggested answer
1. Heavy rain has caused floods all over the country during the night.
2. Because rivers have risen.
3. The old lady has climbed Mount Whitney twenty-three times.
4. Because it has kept her young and healthy
- Take notes
- Work in groups
- Present in frontf the class
 D : Writing
Time: 45 minutes 
I. Objectives:
Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss should make use of the advantages of the mass media and 
 minimize the disadvantages.
Knowledge :
General knowledge: Ss learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the mass 
Language: words / phrases / structures related to Mass media
Skills: writing about advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media.
II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: pictures of radio, television, and computer 
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
Warm – up : (4mn)
- Show a few pictures of television, radio, 
 newspaper and computer then asks questions :
1. What are they called?
2. Do you have them in your house?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of TV?
Pre-writing : (10mn)
Task 1
- Have Ss read through the advantages and 
 disadvantages of TV in task 1, then encourage 
 them to find out the new words / phrases / 
- Pre-teach vocabulary
- Answers the questions
Sts’answers may vary
- Read task 1, underline the new words / phrases / structures
memorable (adj) : deã nhôù
to entertain : giaûi trí
popularity (n) : söï phoå bieán
violent (adj) : baïo löïc
to interfere : can thieäp, xen vaøo
help / encourage someone to do s.th : giuùp, khuyeán khích ai laøm gì
make someone / something + adj : laøm / khieán ai …
While-writing :(17mn)
Task 2
- Ask Ss to work in groups to discuss the 
 advantages and disadvantages of the mass media.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
The internet
Group 5
Group 6
Walk around the class to help students when they need help
Call six representatives of six groups to write down their answers on the board.
- Conduct the correction
- Ask the whole class to give their opinion about the answers of each group
- Give feedback
Post-writing : (10mn)
Task 3
- Ask Ss to work in groups to write a short paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of one of these topics:
+ Listening to music.
+ Reading newspaper.
+ Using the Internet.
+ Watching TV.
- Corrects one piece of writing for st to self-correct.
- Write the advantages and disadvantages of using computers.
- Prepare Language Focus
Comment : (2mn)
Guess new words
- Repeat after T
- Copy down
- Work in groups to do the task.
Suggested answer 
Group 1: - Make people happy/life easier
- Relax
- Get/enlarge/broaden knowledge, understanding
- Share opinions/experiences
Group 2:
- Waste time
- Make people passive
Group 3:
- Make people happy/life easier.
- Get information on many fields : culture, art …
- Relax and entertain
Group 4:
Harm people’s eyes: be short-sighted
Cost time and money
Make people passive
Group 5:
Make people happy/life easier.
Provide quick and daily access to information and entertainment.
Get information on many fields.
Relax and entertain
Group 6:
Harm people’s eyes: be short-sighted
Cost time and money
Make people passive
Take time away from activities such as sports …
- Take notes
- Work in groups 
- Do what T asks at home
 E : Language Focus
Time: 45 minutes 
I. Objectives
1. Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about different types of the mass 
2. Knowledge : - Pronunciation :/eI/, /aI/, /OI /
 - Grammar: -The present perfect
 -Because of and In spite of 
3. Skills: Applying and doing exercises
II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: Pictures showing some of media, e.g., a newspaper, a radio, etc.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s Activities
Students’ Activities
Warm-up : (3mn)
- Put a picture showing a radio, a newspaper, a toy on the board and ask questions
1. What can you see in this picture?
2. How do you think these words are pronounced?
A. Pronunciation (15mn)
- Guide students how to pronounce the sounds :/ eI /, / aI /, / OI /
- Read the words that contain these sounds.
/eI/ /aI/ /OI /
play time voice
today wildlife noise
radio height toy
newspaper buy enjoy
they type destroy
- Call some Ss to read
- Correct students’ pronunciation.
- Read the sentences that contain these sounds.
1. I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake.
2. They changed the timetable at the end of April.
3. I have ninety-nine pages to type by Friday.
4. Would you like to go for a ride with me on Friday?
5. This is the noisiest Rolls Royce I’ve ever heard.
6. While you’re changing the oil, I’ll go and visit my boy.
- Ask Ss to practice in pairs
- Call some pairs speak in front of class
B. Grammar and vocabulary (23mn)
1.The present perfect
- Give the situations and ask Ss to tell the form and uses of the present perfect
Ex : I lived here from 2000.
 I’ve lived here since 2000.
 I’ve been here for 7 years.
Exercise 1: Complete the letter, using the present perfect of the verbs in the box.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs/ groups
- Call some Ss to read the answers
- Give feedback
Exercise 2: Complete the sentences using for, since or ago
- Make clear the use of for, since and ago
For: used in Present perfect, denoting a period of time
Since: used in Present perfect, denoting a point of time
Ago : used in Past simple
- Ask Ss to Work in groups
- Ask Ss to give their answers
2. Because of and In spite of
- Gives two examples and asks students to give the use and meaning of Because of and In spite of
Ex: 1/ He walked slowly because of his bad leg.
2/ In spite of the rain, we went out.
- Give feedback
Because of (prep/ adv): by reason of s.b/s.th
In spite of (Idm/ adv): not being prevented by s.th; regardless of s.th
Because of 
 ý + Noun/ noun phrase
In spite of
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences, using the information in the box.
- Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups
- Walk around the class and offer ideas and 
 comments when students need help…
- Call Some Ss to tell the answers
- Give feedback
- Make more sentences with the grammar points that have learnt.
- Prepare Unit 8
Comment : (2mn)
- Answers the questions
- Sts’answers may vary
- Listen and repeat.
- Listen and repeat:
- Listen and repeat.
- Practise the sentences:
- Practice in pairs
- Speak in front of class
- Answer the questions
Have/ Has + past participle
- Work in pairs/ groups
- Give the answers
Suggested answers
1. have been	5. have had
2. has lived	6. have taken
3. have met	7. have watched
4. have done
- Learn how to use for, since and ago
- Group-work
- Give their answers
Suggested answers
1.since 6.for
2.ago 7.ago
3.for 8.ago
4.for 9.since
5.since 10.since
- Give their opinions
- Work in groups or pairs
Suggested answers
1.c,f	2.b,d	3.a,e	4.h,j	5.i,g
Time: 45 minutes 
I. Objectives
1. Educational aim: Students should appreciate the knowledge that they are learning at school because it can help them make their lives better.
 	 2. Knowledge: 
- General knowledge: Students will be able to understand the passage through matching words and their meanings, answering questions, and completing a table.
 - Language: 
 New words: words related to village.
 	3.Skills: Reading for specific information and words’ meanings.
II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative
III. Teaching aids: Pictures, poster
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
* Warm – up : (4mn) 
– Ask Sts some questions
1- What do your parents do?
2- Where do they work?
3- What will you do to help them in the future?
– Lead in.
* Pre-reading : (10mn)
- Ask Sts to look at the picture in their books and answer the questions.
1.Who are the people in the picture?
2.What are they doing?
3.How are they working?
4.Is the crop good? 
5.What helps produce good crops ?
- T introduces : machines as well as good farming methods help farmers make their lives better. So, where do they get these methods? The reading selection in Unit 8 will give you the answer.
* Pre-teach vocabulary
-straw (n) : Rơm rạ (realia)
-mud (n): buøn, xình (example)
 muddy (adj):
-shortage (n): Söï thieáu thoán (example)
-bumper crop (n): vuï muøa boäi thu = good crop 
- cash crop (n): Troàng caây thöông phaåm (transl)
- make ends meet (v.phr) coù ñuû tieàn mua nhöõng thöù caàn thieát (transl)
* Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember
* While-reading (20mn)
- Ask Sts to read the passage and do task 1 
TASK 1: The words in A appear in the reading passage. Match them with their definitions in B.
- Give instructions and get Sts to work individually
- Go around to control the class and offer help.
- Call some Sts to write the answers on the board.
- Remark and conduct the correct answers 
and checks whether they understand the words or not.
TASK 2: The reading passage tells us about many changes in the village. Complete the following table.
- Stick a poster on the board and give instruction.
- Go around and help them.
- Asks one student of each group to write the answer.
- Give correctio

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