Luyện thi đại học 2015-2016
It's only 36 centimeters tall, but to fans throughout the world, it represents the highest achievement in football. Every fou r
years, teams from all over the globe compete to take home the FIFA World Cup Trophy, yet nobody ever does.
Do you know why? Nobody ever takes it home because the 18-carat gold trophy is kept under lock and key by FIFA
(Federation Internationale de Football Association). The champions of each World Cup tourna ment receive only a replica.
This is to protect the valuable prize from thieves, who have stolen the World Cup trophy twice in its 75-year history.
The little trophy has certainly had a troubled existence. The original trophy was made by a French sculptor, Abel LaFleur,
and was called the "Jules Rimet Cup," in honor of the founder of the World Cup tournament. Sometime during the first three
World Cup events (1930, '34 and '38), the name changed to simply the "World Cup." Then during World War II, not much
was seen or heard of the trophy. It was being kept hidden in a shoe box under the bed of Dr. Ottorino Barassi, the Italian
vice-president of FIFA, to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Nazi army.
Although the trophy made it safely through the war, it didn't fare so well during the turbulent 1960s. In 1966, the Cup was
stolen during a public showing of the trophy prior to the World Cup tournament in England. Luckily, it was found a short
time later none the worse for wear in a trash container, by a little dog named Pickles.
Four years later, Brazil earned permanent possession of the original trophy by winning its third World Cup title.
Unfortunately, the trophy was stolen a second time, in 1983, and was never recovered. The Brazilian Football Association
had to have a duplicate trophy made.
ely to have realized that he was giving birth to an art form that would take center stage in the social and industrial revolutions which followed. Gutenberg was German, his press was wooden, and the most important aspect of his invention was that it was the first form of printing to use movable type. Although Laurence Koster of Haarlem also laid claim to the invention, scholars have generally accepted Gutenberg as the father of modern printing. A further claim that movable type was used in China as early as 1041 is undisputed. However, the Chinese types were made of (unlike Gutenberg's, which were cast in metal), they were Luyện Đọc Hiểu Thi Đại Học 2015-2016 Ngân Phương Vy 81 comprised of only oriental characters, and their methods of application differed. Before Gutenberg, the printing press was used only to reproduce pictures, playing cards, and designs on cloth. Designs were cut in wood, stone, or metal and transferred to parchment or vellum. Sometimes a few words of explanation were cut into the printing block, but that was the limit of text printing. Books were copied by hand by monks, which was a labor-intensive undertaking. Detailed records of Johannes Gutenberg's life and work are negligible; his name does not appear on any of the works credited to him. From what is known, Gutenberg was born in Mainz, Germany in about 1400. He worked as a silversmith and also served as a policeman. In 1438, Gutenberg became a partner in a block printing firm. From 1438 to 1455, he experimented with metal type. Perhaps his most significant innovation was the efficient molding and casting of movable metal type. Each separate letter was carved into the end of a steel punch which was then hammered into a copper blank. The copper impression was inserted into a mold and a molten alloy made of lead and tin was poured into it. The metal cooled quickly and the resulting reverse image of the letter was attached to a lead base. The width of the lead base varied according to the letter's size (for example, the base of an "i" would not be nearly as wide as the base of a “w"). This emphasized the visual impact of words and clusters of words rather than evenly spaced letters. This novelty lent elegance and sophistication to what seemed to many to be the magically perfect regularity of a printed page. Gutenberg designed a Latin-print Bible which tíecame his signature work. He printed approximately 300 two-volume Gutenberg Bibles, which sold for 30 florins each, or about three years of a clerk's wage. The copies of the 42-line Bible that remain - about 40 in all - are among the world's most valuable books. It is known as the 42-line Bible because most of its pages are printed in two columns forty-two lines long. The Library of Congress in Washington. D.C. has one of the three remaining complete and perfect sets. All in all, Gutenberg's contributions to early printing technology should be classed with the greatest events in the history of the world. It caused a revolution in the development of culture, equaled by hardly any other incident in the Christian Era. Thus, not only has Gutenberg's art been inseparable from the progress of science, but it has also been an indispensable factor in the education of the people at large. Culture and knowledge, until then considered aristocratic privileges peculiar to certain classes, were popularized by typography, although in the process it unfortunately brought about an internal revolution in the intellectual world in the direction of what is profane and free from restraint. 1. What is the main topic of the passage? A. The history of printing around the world B. The contributions Gutenberg made to typography C. The famous 42-line Bible D. The different kinds of print type and their applications 2. The word "aspect" in the passage is closest in meaning to….. A. feature B. type C. relation D. purpose 3. According to paragraph 2, how were books reproduced before the printing press? A. Monks copied them by hand B. Designs were cut in wood, stone, or metal and transferred to parchment or vellum C. Books were not able to be reproduced at that time D. Sometimes a few words of explanation were cut into the printing block, but that was the limit of text printing 4. The word "negligible" in the passage is closest in meaning to…… A. insignificant B. enormous C. well-known D. limited 5. According to the passage, what lent elegance and sophistication to Gutenberg's work? A. The letters were all the same size. B. A lead base was used for the letters. C. The letters "i" and uw" were very stylized. D. The letters were aligned with perfect regularity. 6. The word "innovation" in the passage is closest in meaning to …… A. metal B. blank C. letter D. novelty 7. Why is Gutenberg's bible called the 42-line Bible? A. The complete bible was written in 42 lines. B. Most pages contained exactly 42 lines. C. Only 42 lines of the bible have been found D. The bible consisted of 42 lines per volume 8. According to the passage, the author implies that Gutenberg. A. invented the printing press B. was the first to print text C. only printed a bible D. was not successful at any job 9. In paragraph 6, the author suggests that….. A. Gutenberg contributed little to the development of printing B. Gutenberg's art has no connection to the progress of modern science C. culture and knowledge in the Christian Era was peculiar to all classes Luyện Đọc Hiểu Thi Đại Học 2015-2016 Ngân Phương Vy 82 D. he invention of movable type was a significant event in world history 10. Which of the following sentences should NOT be included in a summary of the passage? A. The 42 hne Bible is considered Gutenberg's finest work. B. Gutenberg changed the way text is produced. C. Gutenberg was one of the most famous Germans in history. D. Movable metal type was invented by Gutenberg. GLOSSARY 58 - movable type thuật in bằng con chữ rời (khác với in bằng bản khắc) - printing press máy in - take center stage đóng vai trò quan trọng - to lay claim to sth tự xưng mình là người có công / là cha đẻ của - scholar học giả - undisputed (adj) không ai phản đối - clay đất sét - to be cast in metal được đúc bằng kirn loại - to be comprised of gồm có - oriental character con chữ phương đông (chữ Hán/ Nhật/ Hàn) - playing cards cỗ bài, những lá bài - parchment da thú dùng làm giấy viết - to emphasize nhấn mạnh - cluster cụm, nhóm - evenly spaced letters các chữ cái có khoảng cách đều nhau - novelty sự mới lạ, phát minh mới - to lend elegance and sophistication to sth khiến cho cái gì trông đẹp và tinh tế hơn - regularity sự đều đặn - Latin-print Bible Kinh thánh bằng chữ La tinh - signature work công trình lưu danh - two-volume (adj) gồm 2 tập - florin phlô-rin [đơn vị tiền Ý] - clerk nhân viên thư ký - Library of Congress Thư Viện Quốc Hội Mỹ - vellum giấy làm bằng da thú; giấy viết cao cấp thường có màu kem - printing block bàn khắc để in - monk thầy tu; nam tu sĩ (≠ nun: ni-cô; nữ tu sĩ) - a labor-intensive undertaking một công việc rất khó nhọc - negligible (adj) không đáng là bao, nhỏ nhoi - to be credited to sb được quy kết là do ai có công tạo ra - silversmith thợ bạc; thợ kim hoàn - block printing firm công ty in bản khắc - innovation phát kiến, sáng kiến cải tiến - molding sự tạo khuôn để đúc - casting sự đúc khuôn - to carve khắc, chạm trỗ - steel punch mũi dùi bằng thép - to hammer đóng bằng búa - copper blank mẫu đồng chưa có vết tích gì - copper impression mẫu đồng có chữ lõm xuống - molten alloy hợp kim nóng chảy - lead chì (Pb) - tin thiếc - resulting reverse image kết quà là có cái ảnh lộn ngược - a set một bộ (e.g. tea set, TV set….) - contribution to sự đóng góp cho - to be classed with được xếp hạng chung với - to be equaled by được sánh ngang hàng bởi - the Christian Era Kỷ nguyên Thiên chúa giáo - inseparable from (adj) không tách rời với - indispensable (adj) rất cần thiết, không thể thiếu - aristocratic privilege đặc quyền cúa giới quí tộc - to be peculiar to sb/sth dành riêng cho - to be popularized được phổ cập, được đại chúng hóa - typography nghề in - internal (adj) ò bên trong, nội tại Luyện Đọc Hiểu Thi Đại Học 2015-2016 Ngân Phương Vy 83 - intellectual (adj) thuộc trí thức - profane (adj) (lời lẽ, ngôn ngữ) có tính báng bổ, xúc phạm (tín ngưỡng…) - free from restraint thoát khỏi mọi giới hạn PASSAGE 59 DEATH OF THE CLASSROOM The New Wave of Online Education By Scott Reekie Picture a society where learning can happen at any time, in any place and can be completed without ever going to class. This could be the new wrave of education and the internet technology now exists to support such a system. The virtual classroom is here. If you are interested in English, or Civil Engineering, then head to the university and click yourself a degree. Well, maybe it's not. that easy, but you would be on the right track. The flexibility of studying at your own pace, and the money you save with online courses are two of the main attractions. The Web is a powerful educational tool. Yet some feel that virtual classrooms will isolate students from each other, which will result in problems developing interpersonal relationships and that these skills are much more important than computer skills. Should teachers teach kids how to behave in society, how to respect others and how to cooperate or should kids have already learned this from their parents? No one is saying that social skills aren't important, however, virtual classrooms are far about more than just computer skills. Some strongly believe that education can be taught via the Web and social skills can be gained from joining sports teams, summer camps, or just hanging
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