Lesson plan English 10
I. Objectives:
1- Educational aim :
o By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able to understand farmers' activities and talk about the daily routines and the. love of the work
2- Knowledge :
- General knowledge : Students should know how to do their daily activities
effectively and be in love with their work.
- Language : - Sts can learn some new words related to farming , the daily activities
- Sts can read for gist and for information and summarize the content of
the reading.
3- Skills : reading for gist, reading for details.
II. Teaching method: integrate, mainly communicative approach
III. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts, reference books, .
IV. Procedures:
(leave)? -Conducts the correction. - Give feedback Homework: - Ask Ss to learn the forms and usages of the present progressive (with a future meaning) and “be going to” - Have Ss prepare the next lesson Comment: (2’) -Work in group to pick out. - Listen -Repeat after the T.chorally - Individually - Look at the poster. - Give the structures. - Write the usage of the structure. - Listen - Work individually and then compare with their partner Answer keys. : Are you doing :Is getting married :Are you going :Am going to be :Is going to - Take notes - Listen to the instruction - Do the exercise individually, then compare with a partner. - Give answers Answer keys 1. Are going 2. Are having 3. Is going to catch 4. Are you putting 5. Is not going to give - Take notes - Listen to the T’s instruction to complete the exercise 3. - Work in pairs. - Give their answers Suggested answers. 1. Are you going to see it? No, I’m busy .I’m doing my home work 2. But we are visiting our grand parents 3. What is he doing with the money? 4. It is going to rain soon 5. I ‘m going to clean it later - Take notes - Work in pairs. - Present ideas. - Give the answers. Suggested answers: 1. are having 2. is going to rain 3. is going to buy 4. are you leaving - Take notes - Do as asked. TEST YOURSELF B I. Objectives: 1- Knowledge: - General knowledge: Ss review knowledge in Unit 4, 5 and 6 to prepare for the second 45 minute test. 2- Skills: Listening for detailed information. Reading for gist and for specific information. Finding the missing word from each line. Writing a request letter. II. Teaching method: Integrate, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, and posters. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Listening: (10mn) Listen and complete the table: - Explain some difficult words that the Sts will listen in the tape. location (n) population (n) biscuit factory (n) computer industry (n) Cowley Road - Let Ss listen to the tape 3 times and do the task individually. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with friends. - Ask Ss to write their answers on the board. - Help Ss to correct mistakes. II. Reading : (10mn) True / False Statements: - Ask Ss to read the text and do the task individually. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to compare their answers with friends. - Ask Ss to report their answers to class. - Give feedback. III. Grammar: (10) Write the missing word from each line: - Explain Ss the way to do the task. - Ask Ss to do the task in groups - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask Ss to report their answers on the board. - Give corrections. IV. Writing: (13) Write a request letter: - Explain Ss the way to do the task. - Go through the suggestions. - Ask Ss to do the task in groups of four. - Go around to monitor and help Ss. - Ask some groups to write their letters on the posters. - Ask 1 or 2 groups stick their posters on the board. - Give comments. Homework: - Ask Ss to study Unit 4, 5 and 6 to do the 45 minute test. - Ask Ss to prepare the Reading – Unit 7: The Mass Media. Comments:(2mn) - Listen to the tape 3 times and do the task individually. - Compare their answers with friends. - Write their answers on the board. Answer keys: 1. 50 miles to the west of London 2. 120,000 people 3. market town 4. biscuit factory 5. computer industry 6. in central England 7. 90,000 people 8. university 9. car factory 10. Cowley Road - Take notes - Read the text and do the task individually. - Compare their answers with friends. - Report their answers to class. Answer keys: 1. F (Teachers give too much homework.) 2. F (They say that it is unnecessary for children to do work at home in their free time.) 3. T 4. F (Students have to repeat tasks which they have already done at school.) 5. T - Take notes - Do the task in groups. - Report their answers on the board. Answer keys: 1. by / scientists 2. for / other 3. there / is 4. which / attempts 5. the / various 6. the / progaramme 7. a / year 8. by / private 9. it / is 10. be / wanted - Listen - Do the task in groups of four. - Write their letters on the posters. - Stick their posters on the board. Suggested letter: 654, Truong Chinh Street, Hanoi 8th, June, 2006 Dear Uncle Hung, Our class are planning to have a three-hour visit to a factory as a part of our technology lesson. I am writing to ask you for permission to visit your computer factory as it is near our school so we can go on foot. Forty-five members of our class will arrive at your factory at 7:30 on Monday, 22nd December, 2006. Would you be so kind as to recommend someone who can give us a tour around the factory? We would so muck like to know how computers are made and we also like to talk with the workers there. We hope that you’ll create favorable condition for us to have an interesting and useful visit to our factory.] We are looking forward to receiving your reply soon. Your sincerely, Nghiem Danh Hao - Take notes LESSON PLAN Unit Seven : THE MASS MEDIA A : Reading Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives Educational aim: Ss should appreciate the important role of the mass media from which they can get necessary information to enrich their knowledge. Knowledge: - General Knowledge: Ss learn some popular TV programmers on VTV channel. - Language: Words or phrases related to TV programmers. Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information; matching; answering questions II. Teaching methods: integrate, mainly communicative approach III. Teaching aids: Posters; pictures IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm - up : (3mn) - Stick the pictures of the scenes of some TVprogrammes on the board. - Ask Ss to write the name of the programme for each picture. - Put the class into four groups. - Have members of each group write the results on the board. - Check the results, and then state the winner. - Introduce new lesson: TV is a typical type of the mass media. Today we're learning some TV programmers on VTV channel. Before - reading (7mn) Make questions +Do you often watch TV? + When do you often watch it? + How many hours per week do you watch? + Which programmers do you often watch? + Which channel do you like best? - List some new words / phrases and give the Vietnamese meanings. Sport Comment Folk Song News Headlines Weather Forecast Drama Portrait of Life - Ask Ss to read these words - Ask Ss to copy these words While - reading (23mn) Task 1 - Explain the instruction - Go through new words - Let students do the task in pairs. - Go round to give help. - Ask them to compare the results with other pairs'. - Have students tell and write the results on the board. - Ask for Ss’ comment and then correct the errors. - Give feedback Task 2 - Make sure students understand the instruction. - Have Ss do the task in individual, and then discuss with a partner. - Go round to give help. - Ask students to tell and write the results on the board. - Correct the errors.- Give feedbackTask 3 - Make sure Ss understand the questions. - Guide them how to do the task. - Ask Ss to work individually - Ask Ss to compare the answers with their partners - Have Ss write the answers on the board. - Check the answers and correct the errors.- Give feedback After - reading (10mn) - Put students into groups - Go round to control and give help. - Call some Ss to present in front of the class. Homework - Learn by heart all the new words - Have preparation for the next period. Comment :(2mn) - Look at the pictures and listen to teacher's instruction. - Take turns to do the task. - Listen and answer teacher's questions. - Repeat after T - Copy down new words. - Listen - Work in pairs, matching each word in A with its definition in B. - After finishing the task, compare the results. - Tell teacher the results and write them on the board. - Give comment and copy down correct answers. Suggested answers 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.b - Read the statements, and then look back at the TV programmers. - Decide true / false statements. - Compare the results with their partners' - Take turns to tell the results. - Copy down correct answers. Suggested answers 1.T 2.T 3. F The Nature of Language is the documentary prgrammes at 15:15 on VTV3. 4. T 5.F The last programme starts at 23: 30. - Read all the questions. - Answer the questions individually. - In pairs, discuss the answers - Write the answers on board Suggested answers: 1. Five films are on. 2. At 9:00 a.m., 12:00, 7:00p.m., 11:00p.m. on VTV1 and 7:00 p.m. on VTV3. 3. VTV24. The Quiz Show5. I should watch VTV1.6. Football. - Discuss with partners on a TV programme you like best and tell thereasons why.- Present in front of class - Do what T asks LESSON PLAN Unit Seven : THE MASS MEDIA B : Speaking Time: 45 minutes I- Objectives Educational aim: Ss should know many types of mass media and their features as well. Knowledge : - General knowledge: Ss learn to talk about the features of some types of mass media. - Language: Sentences for talking about the features of some types of mass media. 3. Skills: Asking and answering about the uses of media; talking about different types of media II. Teaching methods: Integrate, mainly communicative III. Teaching aids: Real objects such as books, magazines, newspapers …Pictures of a TV, a radio, computer … IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm - up (3mn) - Ask Ss some questions: + Could you tell me some types of media? + Which type do you often use? Task 1 (10’) - Let students work in pairs. - Go round to give help. - Call some Ss to tell and write the answers on the board. - Check for errors and correct them. Task 2 : (15m
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