Kế hoạch dạy tự chọn môn tiếng Anh 11
- Revising the use of parts of speech so that Ss can understand and use them correctly in all skills, especially writing
- recalling the use, form and meaning of the present simple tense, and the application of parts of speech in this tense
- Revising 3 tenses : The present continuous tense, the Past simple tense, the past continuous tense
- Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic Friendship
KẾ HOẠCH DẠY TỰ CHỌN MÔN : TIẾNG ANH 11 Năm học: 2009 - 2010 Tổng số tiết: 37 ( kì 1: 19t, kì 2: 18t) Tiết Kĩ năng / Bài Nội dung trọng tâm Biện pháp thực hiện 1 Grammar - Revising the use of parts of speech so that Ss can understand and use them correctly in all skills, especially writing - recalling the use, form and meaning of the present simple tense, and the application of parts of speech in this tense - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 2 Grammar - Revising 3 tenses : The present continuous tense, the Past simple tense, the past continuous tense - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 3 Reading - Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic Friendship Delivering handouts and asking Ss to work individually and in groups 4 Listening + speaking - Improving Ss’ listening and speaking ability - Enhancing new words by discussing the topic “Do you agree or disagree with the saying: A friend in need is a friend in deed?” - Helping Ss to brainstorm - Asking Ss to work in pairs and groups 5 Grammar - Revising 2 tenses: the present perfect tense, the present perfect continuous tense and distinguishing the present perfect tense and past simple tense - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 6 Reading Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic Personal experiences Delivering handouts and asking Ss to work individually and in groups 7 Writing - Practicing more on a descriptive essay - Asking Ss to write a short essay 8 Grammar - Revising 2 tenses: the past perfect and past perfect continuous tense - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 9 Reading - Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic Party Delivering handouts and asking Ss to work individually and in groups 10 Writing - Practicing on retelling an unforgettable experience - recalling the use of language in this type of writing - Having Ss write a small story 11 Grammar - Doing more exercises on grammar points learnt previously - Checking all homework - having Ss practice more 12 Grammar - Revising the use of all future forms (near and far future, etc) and the use of Modal verbs - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 13 Grammar - revising all types of reported speech - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 14 Writing - Practicing on writing a letter of reply (topic choice depends on T) - recalling the use of language in this type of writing - Having Ss write a small letter 15 Listening + speaking - Improving Ss’ listening and speaking ability - Enhancing skills by discussing the topic “TET holiday” - Helping Ss to brainstorm - Asking Ss to work in pairs and groups 16 Grammar - revising all types of Conditional sentences (type 1+ 2+ 3) - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 17 Grammar - Doing more exercises on grammar points learnt previously - Checking all homework - having Ss practice more 18 Reading - Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic Celebrations Delivering handouts and asking Ss to work individually and in groups 19 Test - Testing on all grammar points - Testing 20 Writing - Practicing on writing a plan/ activities of a certain holiday (topic choice depends on T) - recalling the use of language in this type of writing - Having Ss write a small essay 21 Grammar revising all types of Relative clauses (Relative pronouns, relative clauses) - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 22 Listening + speaking - Improving Ss’ listening and speaking ability - Enhancing skills by discussing a topic relating to Nature (depending on T) - Helping Ss to brainstorm - Asking Ss to work in pairs and groups 23 Reading - Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic Nature in danger Delivering handouts and asking Ss to work individually and in groups 24 Writing - Practicing more on a descriptive essay : describing their most favorite place - recalling the use of language in this type of writing - Having Ss write a small essay 25 Grammar revising all types of passive voice (with one Object, 2 objects, double passive voice, etc) - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 26 Reading - Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic Sources of energy Delivering handouts and asking Ss to work individually and in groups 27 Writing - writing a biography of a certain person ( the chosen person depending on T: famous people, Ss’ favorite people, etc) - recalling the use of language in this type of writing - Having Ss write a small essay 28 Grammar - Doing more exercises on grammar points learnt previously - Checking all homework - having Ss practice more exercises 29 Reading - Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic The Asian games Delivering handouts and asking Ss to work individually and in groups 30 Writing - writing a letter of complaint (the topic depends on T) - recalling the use of language in this type of writing - Having Ss write a small letter 31 Listening + speaking - Improving Ss’ listening and speaking ability - Enhancing skills by discussing a topic relating to hobbies (depending on T) - Helping Ss to brainstorm - Asking Ss to work in pairs and groups 32 Grammar - revising articles ( A/ an/ the) and some main conjunctions ( although, not only.. but also, etc) - Eliciting the theory from SS - Giving exercises to practice 33 Reading - Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic Space conquest Delivering handouts and asking Ss to work individually and in groups 34 Writing - writing message, notes, post cards - recalling the use of language in this type of writing - Having Ss write 35 Listening + speaking - Improving Ss’ listening and speaking ability - Enhancing skills by discussing a topic relating to Recreation (depending on T) - Helping Ss to brainstorm - Asking Ss to work in pairs and groups 36 Reading - Doing more exercises on two reading texts (depending on T) to improve reading skills and new words on topic Wonders of the world Delivering handouts and asking Ss to work individually and in groups 37 Test - Testing on all grammar points - Testing Note: Trong quá trình thực hiện, giáo viên có thể chuyển dịch giữa các kĩ năng nhằm phù hợp với tiến độ dạy trên lớp và khả năng nắm bắt của học sinh.
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