Giáo án tiếng Anh trường THPT Liến Sơn
I. Definitions:
1. Phoneme: The smallest part of sound (vowel and consonant sounds) Âm tố - là thành phần nhỏ nhất của âm thanh (gồm nguyên âm và phụ âm)
2. Syllable: The sound made when one or clusters of phoneme are articulated. Âm tiết – là tiếng phát ra khi một hoặc nhiều âm tố được phát âm.
3. Stress: The degree of the loudness or prominence with which a sound ort a word is pronounced. Độ lớn hay thống trị về âm của một âm tiết khi một chùm âm của một từ (có từ hai âm tiết trở lên) được đọc, nói hay phát âm.
II. Rules to mark stress:
1. Di-syllable words:
a. Usually on the second syllable if it is a verb whose second syllable doesn’t contain the vowel sounds of /ә/, /I/, and /әu/, on the first syllable of the other words. (trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2 đối với động từ - trừ các âm tiết thứ 2 chứa nguyên âm /ә/, /I/, hoặc /әu/, rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất đối với các từ loại còn lại). As: mother, ready, color, palace, student, teacher, tonight, afraid, people, money, enjoy, paper, begin, provide, summer, abroad, noisy, success, enter,
b. Usually on the root syllables with words having suffixes or prefixes(đối với những từ có mang tiền tố, hậu tố, trọng âm thường rơi vào âm tiết gốc). As: become, react, foretell, unpleasant, begin, failure, threaten, daily, treatment, ruler, unknown, builder, lately, quickly,
oes is cheaper than a table. Two pairs of shoes is much more expensive than a table. 3.4. All/ some/ plenty / a lot singular N(s) + singular V Half/ most/ the rest/ lots + of + plural N(s) + plural V e.g. A lot of money is lost. All of them have been arrested. GERUNDS: Formation: V-ING Functions: 2.1. Subject (S): Fishing is his hobby./ Getting into the city centre at this time of day isn’t easy. 2.2. Complement (C): (of to be) Her passion is studying. What we really want is escaping from this terrible place. 2.3. Compound nouns: 2.3.1. Gerund-noun: fishing-rod cooking-apple driving license wrapping paper writing paper cooking oil 2.3.2. Non-gerund: fruit-picking sky-diving bush walking time- counting 2.4. Object (O): 2.4.1. Direct objects: Follow these certain verbs admit avoid appreciate begin consider postpone resume love continue delay deny enjoy escape recall suggest resist finish keep mention mind like hate recollect prefer miss practice quit report resent risk 2.4.2. Verb preposition: approve of apologize for believe in count on care for complain of confess to consist of depend on dream of end in give up get to forget about go back to hesitate about insist on keep on lead to long for mean by persist in plan on put off rely on return to result in safe from succeed in think about think of take to threaten with worry about object to look forward to…. 2.4.3. Adjective preposition: absorbed in accustomed to afraid of amused at skilled in (at) annoy at ashamed of aware of (in)capable of surprised at careful in careless of certain about clever at wrong in… content with delighted at different from embarrassed at excited about far from fond of fortunate in frightened of furious at given to good at grateful for happy in (at) slow in interested in keen on nice about proud of thankful for responsible for right in scared at (of) set on angry with pleased at sure of sorry for successful in (at) careful about sick of worried about tired of (from) upset at (un)conscious of 2.4.4. Idiom phrases: (phrases of words that have literal meanings) can’t bear; can’t face; can’t stand; can’t help; feel like…. - It’s no use.../ It’s (not) worth…/… 2.4.5. Adjectives: amusing comfortable difficult easy great Pleasant hopeless lovely Nice off strange useless/ wonderful 2.4.6. Noun preposition: choice of excuse for possibility of intention of reason for method for… 2.4.7. Complement of objects: Follow these below verbs call catch feel discover find leave watch… hear get imagine keep notice send set stop 2.5. Subjunctive subject “it” or noun phrases; Find/ found + it + V-ING: He found the film annoying. When/ on /while / as + V-ING: When opening the case, he found his lost notebook. While checking the case, we found banned drugs. INFINITIVES: Classification: Full infinitive: With “to’ e.g. He go to Paris to learn French. Bare infinitive: Without “to’ e.g. My parent didn’t let me do what I really liked. Perfect infinitive: Form “have past participles” e.g. He was believed to have escaped from the prison. Positions: 2.1. Follow the verbs below: agree arrange ask attempt begin mean need neglect care cease choose claim come plan prefer pretend continue decide deserve demand determine propose refuse start desire expect fail fear forget strive tend threaten hate help hesitate hope intend offer omit Swear learn like long love manage prepare promise Seem try want wish… 2.2. Follow the idiomatic phrases: make up one’s mind/ take care/ take the trouble/ make sure/… e.g. They couldn’t make up their mind to go or not. 2.3. Follow the adjectives below: (un)able afraid amused annoyed anxious interested keen ashamed astonished boring careful certain (im)possible proud content crazy curious dangerous delighted sorry sufficient determined difficult distressed due eager usual thankful easy hard fortunate free frightened worthy wrong furious good glad grateful happy slow scared hopeless horrified impatient safe sure useless surprised lucky moved pleased (un)willing wonderful (un)wise 2.4. Follow WH-words: what/ who/ whom/ which/ when/ where/ how. e.g. She didn’t know what to do next. We didn’t decided where to go. 2.5. Follow nouns pronouns of the verbs below: advise allow ask assume beg hate suspect Wish believe cause challenge command compel observe trust persuade consider enable encourage expect find order permit Tempt forbid force get guess know teach tell warn imagine instruct intend invite think understand urge lead like love mean want prefer 2.6. To be demonstration, purposes, results: enough / save money/… e.g. The house, to be demolished, is very old. She has nothing to eat. We haven’t got enough to have one each. They saved money to go abroad. 2.7. To form absolute phrases: To tell the truth; To cut a long short story;… e.g. To tell the truth, she was a real liar. 2.8. To form exclamation: e.g. To think she met with such a death! Oh! To be young again! SPECIAL CASES: * Nh÷ng ®éng tõ dÔ g©y nhÇm lÉn §ã lµ nh÷ng ®éng tõ trong b¶ng sau: Néi ®éng tõ rise/ lie/ sit rose/ lay/ sat risen/ lain/ sat rising/ lying/ sitting C¸c ®éng tõ nµy rÊt dÔ g©y nhÇm lÉn vÒ mÆt ng÷ nghÜa, chÝnh t¶ hoÆc ph¸t ©m, cÇn ph©n biÖt chóng b»ng ng÷ c¶nh trong c¸c c©u cô thÓ. Ngo¹i ®éng tõ raise/ lay/ set raised/ laid/ set raised/ laid/ set raising/ laying/ setting To rise - tõ d©ng lªn (®éng tõ nµy kh«ng cÇn t©n ng÷) Eg. The sun rises early in the summer./ When the bell rings, the students rise from their seats. When oil and water mix, oil rises to the top./ Jim rose early so that he could play golf. It must be late; the moon has risen./ Prices have risen more than ten percent in a very short time. To raise (sb, st) - N©ng ai, c¸i g× lªn - §éng tõ ®ßi hái 1 t©n ng÷. Eg. The students raise their hands in class./ The weighlifter raises the barbell over it’s head. The crane raised the car out of the lake./ After studying very hard, John raised his grades greatly. Mr. Daniels has raised his tenants’ rent another fifteen dollars. The OPEC have raised the price of oil. To lie: ë t¹i , n»m. - to lie in: ë t¹i n¬i nµo./ - to lie down: n»m xuèng/ - to lie on: n»m trªn. §éng tõ nµy rÊt dÔ nhÇm lÉn víi to lie (nãi dèi) ph¶i ph©n biÖt nã víi to lie trong mÉu c©u: to lie to sb. Eg. The university lies in the Western section of town./ If they are tired, they should lie down for a nap. Maria Elena lay on the beach for three hours yesterday sunbathing. ( trong c©u nµy hµnh ®éng sunbath x¶y ra song song víi viÖc n»m trªn b·i biÓn nªn dïng sunbathing - nh phÇn lý thuyÕt ë trªn ®· tr×nh bµy) The old dog just lay on the grass watching the children at play. ( 2 hµnh ®éng n»m vµ xem x¶y ra ®ång thêi nªn dïng watching....) Don’t disturb Mary; she has lain down for a rest. That old rug had lain in the corner for many years before it was put in the garage. To lay (st, sb): ®Æt, ®Ó ai ®ã, c¸i g× lªn trªn bÒ mÆt - to lay on: ®Æt trªn. - to lay in: ®Æt vµo. - to lay down: ®Æt xuèng. Lu ý: Nguyªn thÓ vµ hiÖn t¹i cña ®éng tõ nµy rÊt dÔ nhÇm lÉn víi thêi qu¸ khø cña ®éng tõ to lie, cÇn ph©n biÖt chóng theo ng÷ c¶nh. Eg. Don’t lay your clothes on the bed./ The boy lays his books on the table every day. The enemy soldiers laid down their weapons and surrendered. = The enemy soldiers laid down their weapons surrendering. The children laid their toys on the floor when they had finished using them. The students had laid their composition on the teacher’s desk before the bell rang. The nurse laid the baby in crib. To sit: ngåi - to sit in: ngåi trong, ngåi ë./ - to sit on: ngåi trªn./ - to sit down: ngåi xuèng. Eg. We are going to sit in the fifth row at the opera./ Bullfight fans sit in the shade because it is cool. Because the weather was nice, we sat on the patio./ After swimming, Bob sat on the beach to dry off. Nobody has sat through as many boring lectures as Peter has. They have sat in the same position for 2 hours. Lu ý: Kh«ng ®îc nhÇm lÉn ®éng tõ nµy víi to seat ( cã søc chøa, cã chç ngåi) Eg. This studium can seat 100.000 people. To set: ®Æt ®Ó ( t¬ng ®¬ng víi to put). §éng tõ nµy rÊt dÔ lÉn ph¸t ©m vãi simple past cña to sit ( sat). Eg. The little girl helps her father (to) set the table every night. The carpenters set their tools in the box at noon and go to lunch. The botanist set her plants in the sun so that they would grow. After carrying her son from the car, the mother set him in his crib. Don’t set the chocolate near the oven or it will melt. No sooner had they set the roast in the oven, than the electricity went out. ** Mét sè thµnh ng÷ dïng víi c¸c ®éng tõ nµy. - to lay off (workers, employees) - D·n thî, cho nghØ bít, cho t¹m nghØ. - to set (broken bone) in: bã x¬ng gÉy vµo trong ... - to set one’s arlam for + time: ®Ó ®ång hå b¸o thøc vµo lóc. Eg. I set my alarm for 6 am everyday. - to set fire to (st): lµm ch¸y. Eg. While playing with matches, the children set fired to the sofa. - to raise ( plants, animals) for a living: Trång c©y, nu«i gia sóc ®Ó kiÕm sèng. Eg. That farmer raises chickens for a living. *** Mét sè ®éng tõ ®Æc biÖt kh¸c. - agree to do st ( §ång ý lµm g×) - agree to sb’s doing st (§ång ý víi viÖc lµm g× cña ai). Eg. He agrees to my leaving early tomorrow morning. - mean to do st: cã ý ®Þnh lµm g×. Eg. I mean to get to the top of the mount before sunrise. - It means doing st: bao gåm c¶ viÖc lµm g×. Eg. He is determined to get ticket for Saturday’s game if it means standing in the line all night. - propose to do st: cã ý ®Þnh lµm g×. Eg. I propose to start to
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