Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 7

I. The aims and objectives:

1. Knowledge

a. Vocabulary : close by (adv), to serve, a pan cake, tasty (adj)

b. Grammar: The present perfect tense.

2.Skill: Writing ,Listening, Speaking ,Reading.

3.Living skill: Reading for details about places in their neighborhood.

*Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to know more about Na’s neighborhood.

II. Preparation:

T: Lesson plan, projector.

Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.

III. The procedure:


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 read the text a gain to complete these sentences.
Copy in NB
T – W ; W – T 
Sts _ sts : sts – sts 
St – st 
Do in pairs then say out loudly.
- do correction
Ss do the exercise 1.
Ss work in individual.
Ss work in individual.
4.Consolidation: 2ms Sts say the main content of the lesson.
5.Homework : 1m Learn vocabulary.
Do exercises in note book
Preparing date : 22/11/2013
Teaching day: 26/11/2013
Period 42: 
Unit 7: My neighborhood 
Lesson 2: Speak+ Language focus 4
I. The aims and objectives
1. Knowledge
a. Vocabulary : air- mail (n), surface mail(n), change
b. Grammar: The present perfect tense.
2.Skill: Writing ,Speaking ,Listening, Reading.
3.Living skill: Speaking how to send a parcel or a letter...
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to talk about how to send a parcel or a letter.
II. Preparation:
T: Lesson plan, projector.
Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.
III. The procedure:
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2. Checking up: 5ms. 
- Write vocabulary. ( 2 sts )
- Write 2 sentences with “ since “ or “ for “
3. New lesson: 36ms 
T’s activities
Sts’ activities
A. Pre- speaking.
1. Pre –teach vocabulary:
- air- mail (n): göi th­ b»ng ®­êng hµng kh«ng.
- surface mail(n): göi th­ b»ng ®­êng bé, thuû.
- change(n):thay ®æi
T checks Voc by Ro and R.
2. Pre- questions:
T sets the sence: Mrs Kim wants to send a parcel to Qui nhon, so she has to go to the postoffice.
Ask Sts to run through questions
1. Does Mrs Kim send the parcel airmail or surface mail? Why?
- Mrs Kim sends the parcel surface mail because it’s much cheaper.
2.What’s the weight of her parcel?
- Her parcel is 5 kg.
3. How much does she pay?
- She pays 19.200dongs.
B.While - speaking.
1. Ask Sts to practice the Dia 
Mrs Kim:
T does drill-> call Sts to say out.
2. Ask Sts to make the Dia.
a. Mrs Lan wants to post a letter by airmail.
Ak Sts to make the Dia between Lan and the clerk in the post office.
Clerk: Can I help you?
Mrs Lan: I wants to send a letter to KonTum….
b. Post card/ HCM city? Airmail? 15g.
c. parcel/ Camau/ airmail/ 2 kg.
d. parcel/ Buon Ma Thuot/ surface/ 5kg. 
T divides Sts in to 3 groups.
Call Sts to say out.
C. Post - speaking: 
- Ask Sts to use poster to write 1 Dia in Nb indi..
- Call some to read out.
- Check again.
* LF4. Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in he box
Answer t’ asking
Read in chorus/ individual
Copy in NB
Work in pairs to give answers
Copy in NB
Run through the exercise
Work in pair to say loudly
Speak loudly
Open- practice
Writing in NB
- read out
- do correction
Ss do the exercise.Work in pairs.
1.have/ lived.
4.Consolidation: 2ms Sts say the main content of the lesson.
5.Homework: 1m Learn vocabulary.
Do exercise in note book.
Preparing date : 23/11/2013
Teaching day: 27/11/2013
Period 43: 
Unit 7: My neighborhood 
Lesson 3: Listen + Languge focus 5 
I. The aims and objectives
a. Vocabulary : Weekend activities
b. Grammar: The same as, not/ as adj/ adv as, different from.
2.Skill: Writing ,Speaking ,Listening, Reading.
3.Living skill: Listen for spefcific information.
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to listen for information what Na is going to do on the weekend and do LF 5 correctly.
II. Preparation:
T: Lesson plan, projector, cassette player, tape (CD).
Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.
III. The procedure:
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2. Checking up: 5ms. 
- Write vocabulary. ( 2 sts )
- Write 2 sentences using PP
3. New lesson: 36ms 
T’s activities
Sts’ activities
Pre- listening
1. Pre – teach vocabulary: Brainstorming.
Weekend activities ?
- Asks sts to work in 2 teams 
- T gets feedback 
2. Open- Prediction.
- Ask Sts to look at 4 advertisements of: “ What’s on this weekend?” and gets Sts to guess what is in the blanks: 2-3-4 individually.
- Call Sts out.
Movies: The new corner.
Place: stadium, school ground, city- town ground.
Activities: dancing/ music.
Place: gallery/ culture house/ school/ city hall.
-> Gets feed back.
While- listening
1. Listen task 1:
a. the corner.
b. Town ground.
c. E speaking contest.
d. Culture house.
2.Listen task 2: Ex2 P66: T/F/ No
a.Na doesn’t khow the neighborhood very much. doesn’t like the movie. will go to the photo exhibition.
d. Na won’t go to the E speaking contest. will go to the football match with Nam.
f.Nam is a soccer fan.
Post listening : language focus 5. 
T gives eg to present some sentences using these modals:
The same as, not/ as adj/ adv as, different from.
Ask Sts to do Ex5:
* Keys :
not as big as.
Different from
Different form
The same as
Not as big as
 The same as.
As long as.
Not as modern as
 Not as cheap as.
- Go to BB to write
In 2 teams
- do correction
Copy in note book
-predict individually
- say out
Listen to the tape.
Do individually
Compare with partners.
Give answer out.
Listen to the tape
Compare with others.
Give corrects answer.
Copy in note book.
Work in pairs to do exercise.
Compare with other.
Give anser out.
4.Consolidation: 2ms Sts say the main content of the lesson.
5.Homework: 1m Learn vocabulary.
Do exercise in note book.
Preparing date : 29/11/2013
Teaching day: 02/12/2013
Period 44: 
Tr¶ vµ ch÷a bµi kiÓm tra sè 2
I. The aims and objectives
1. Knowledge
1. Knowledge
a. Vocabulary : 
b. Grammar: 
2.Skill: Writing ,Speaking ,Listening, Reading.
3.Living skill: Correcting the errors 
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to recognize the errors from the test.
II. Preparation:
a. T: ChÊm bµi cña häc sinh, cho ®iÓm
- NhËn xÐt chung:
+ D¹ng bµi: Tù luËn, gåm 4 phÇn: Nghe, ®äc , viÕt, ng÷ ph¸p.
+ KiÕn thøc: Träng t©m bµi 4,5,6. 
+ kÜ n¨ng lµm bµi: HS ®Òu n¾m ®­îc, hiÓu yªu cÇu ®Ò bµi
+ §¸nh gi¸ cho ®iÓm: YÕu
- NhËn xÐt cô thÓ:
 NhiÒu em ch÷ viÕt cÈu th¶, bÈn, kh«ng «n bµi, ch­a kh¾c s©u kiÕn thøc, kÜ n¨ng lµm bµi cßn nhiÒu h¹n chÕ: tÊy xo¸, viÕt b»ng bót ch×, kh«ng nh¸p bµi tr­íc khi lµm bµi nªn dÉn tíi bµi KT rÊt thiÕu tÝnh KH.
KÜ n¨ng nghe kÐm, nhiÒu em kh«ng nghe ®­îc.
Bµi ®äc: c¸c em cßn ch­a th«ng th¹o ®Ó biÕt ®­îc ®©u lµ c©u hái ®u«i, ®©u lµ c©u hái cã tõ ®Ó hái nªn dÊn tíi ®iÓm bµi KT kh«ng cao.
Ng÷ ph¸p vµ bµi viÕt liªn quan tãi KT HS ®· häc vµ «n rÊt kÜ xong nhiÒu em kh«ng lµm ®­îc.
b.Sts: HS lªn b¶ng söa lçi trong bµi
III. The procedure:
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2.Teacher gives comments for some of good papers and some of bad
3. Correct the test
I ,Mçi c©u ®óng 0,5 ®iÓm.(2,5®)
 1, in 2, died 3, no 4, in 5, had to.
II, Mçi c©u ®óng 0,5 ®iÓm.(2,5®)
 1, Yes , she is .
 2, She will participate in its recycling program.
 3, She will send glass , used pappers and empty cans for recycling .
 4, She hopes she can save natural resources and raise some money for her 
 5, Yes , she does .
1/ Mçi c©u ®óng 0,25 ®iÓm.(1,5®)
are you doing?/ am watching
to take
will go 
2/ Mçi c©u ®óng 0,25 ®iÓm.(1®)
IV,Mçi c©u ®óng 0,5 ®iÓm.(2,5®)
he said he was sad.
he asked me to close the book.
She asked me not to open the window.
I’m old enough to drive a car.
He said to me that I should do homework.
3/ Get mark
Preparing date : 30/11/2013
Teaching day: 03/12/2013
Period 45: 
Unit 7: My neighborhood 
Lesson 4: Read 
I. The aims and objectives
1. Knowledge
a. Vocabulary : roof, selection, mall, resident, available, convenient 
b. Grammar: The same as, not/ as adj/ adv as, different from.
2.Skill: Writing ,Speaking ,Listening, Reading.
3.Living skill: Read for for information about Tran Phu shopping mall.
*Objectives: By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to read for detail about a new shopping mall.
II. Preparation:
T: Lesson plan, posters.
Sts: books, notebooks,workbook.
III. The procedure:
1. Organization: 1ms Greeting and checking attendance 
2. Checking up: 5ms. 
- Write vocabulay
- Write the passage about what Sts are going to do at weekend.
3. New lesson: 36ms 
T’s activities
Sts’ activities
A.Pre- reading
1.Pre – teach vocabulary
- roof(n): m¸i nhµ
- selection (n): sù lùa chän
- mall(n): khu th­¬ng m¹i
- resident (n): c­ d©n
- available (adj): gi¸ trÞ
- convenient (adj): thuËn tiÖn/ thuËn lîi.
T checks voc by matching.
2. Prediction: Brainstorming.
T sets the scene: In Nam’s neighbor hood, there is a new shopping mall. Ask Sts to think about the convinient of the mall.
 -> T gets feed back
B. While - reading
1. Read and check prediction:
Lower prices, customers don’t care of the weather, shop in comfort, relax, buy many things at the same time, wide selection of goods.
2. T/F statements:
a. A mall is open 6 days aweek.
b. There are more than 50 stores in the mall.
c. Everyone in the neighborhood is pleased about the new mall.
d. i’ll be more comfortable to shop in the mall than in the present shopping area.
e.Some of the stores on Tranphu street may have to close.
3. Comprehension questions:Ex2
a.It’s different……..summer months.
b. There are 50……..area.
c.They think the mall…….business.
d. The stores in the mall…….. lower prices. 
C.Post reading :
 -Asking Ss to read the text and summarise.
- do individually
- compare with partners
- say loudly.
Answer in English
Read in chorus
Go to BB to match
Copy in note book
Read the text to find the answer
Compare with others.
Give correct answer.
Copy in note book.
Read the text to find the correct answer.
Run through poster
Do individually
Compare with partners.
Give answer out
Work in pairs/ compare with others
Play game in two teams
Copy in note book
Answer T’s asking

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  • docG8 Unit 7 Hien.doc
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