Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 15, period 34 đến 41

I. Aim

 Students will be able to express their opinions about a problem

II. Language contents:

-Grammar: present perfect with yet & already

-Vocabulary: printer, manual, connect, plug, under guarantee, socket

III. Techniques:

- Brainstorm , what and where / bingo / Rub out and Remember

IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette

V. Procedures :


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 Period: 36 - 41
	Division of lessons
	1. Getting started & listen and read
 2Chöõa baøi kieåm tra
	3. Speak + Listen
	4. Read
	5. Write 
	6. Language focus
 7.Revision ( 4 periods)
Date:April, ,2009
I. Aim
 	Students will be able to express their opinions about a problem
II. Language contents:
-Grammar: present perfect with yet & already
-Vocabulary: printer, manual, connect, plug, under guarantee, socket
III. Techniques: 	
Brainstorm , what and where / bingo…/ Rub out and Remember
IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette
V. Procedures :
Teacher’s and Students’ activities
- T writes the topic on the board
-T asks Ss to think of the topic on the board
and express their opinions 
- T collects Ss’ opinions and write them on the board.
- Elicit words from Ss 
- Have Ss copy down 
- Checking: Rub out and Remember: 
- Nam and his father Mr. Nat are talking about the problem of the computer they’ re just bought. What happens to the computer?
- T puts the chart on the board and have Ss guess which statements are true and which are false
-T asks Ss to open their books, read the dialogue on the page 138 and listen to the tape
- T has Ss to work in pairs again to check if their guesses are right or not 
- Ss give feedback and correct
- T explains the words:” fact and opinion”
-T asks Ss to read the passage the sentences and to decide check(ü) the suitable boxes
- Ss give feedback
- T corrects if necessary
- Ss copy
-T divide the class into 3 groups and assign each group about 3 – 4 sentences
- T has them write their report on a poster and put it on a poster and put it on the board for public check
1. Warm up: (8’) mark
Brainstorm :
How computers can help us
Save time
2.Pre - reading : (15’)
New words:
-printer (n) :maùy in
-manual (n) : saùch höôùng daãn söû duïng, soå tay
-connect (v) : keát noái
- be under guarantee : trong thôøi gian baûo haønh
-plug (n) : phích caém
-socket (n) : oå caém
True false prediction (1 – 6)
1. The printer isn’t working
2. Nam has already turned the computer on
3. Nam knows how to connect a printer but he has not connected it properly
4. The manual helped them to find out the problem 
5. Mr Nhat bought the computer in HCM City and it’s still under guarantee. 
6. Mr Nhat thinks the company wouldn’t do anything with his computer because it’s too far from his place 
3.PRACTICE : (15 mins )
Answer :
True : 1, 2, 5 
False: 3 , 4, 6 
Making comprehension
- Fact: a thing that is know to be true , especially when it can be proved
- Opinion : Your feelings or thoughts about someone or something, rather than a fact.
Answer (2 / 139)
 Fact Opinion
A ü
B ü
C ü
D ü
E ü
F ü
4.PRODUCTION: (5 min.)
Write it up
Use reported speech to rewrite the dialogue
5. Homework: (2min.)
- Learn - By heart new word
- Read again the dialogue at home
- Do exercises 2 in your book 
 - Prepare correct test 2
 Kieåm dieän 8a 1:……………………………………………………………..
 8a 3:……………………………………………………………..
 8a 5:……………………………………………………………..
 8a 6:……………………………………………………………..
Kieåm tra
Ngaøy thaùng 2009
Phaïm Chaâu Ngoïc

File đính kèm:

  • docTiet 36 Unit 15-Getting Started -Listent and readAR-8(BP).doc
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