Giáo án tiếng Anh 6 - Unit 1, lesson 7
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can:
• Remember and use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer the questions so Ss can see how far they have progressed, and which areas they need further practice
II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette, charts
III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach.
- Call on Ss from different pairs to go to the board and write the name of the furniture under these rooms. Then ask other Ss to comment. * living room: lamp, sofa, picture, table * bedroom: bed, lamp, picture, chest of drawers * kitchen: fridge, cupboard, cooker, table, chair, dishwasher * bathroom: bath, sink, toilet * hall: picture Activity 3: - Play the recording. -Ss listen and repeat the words. - Ask Ss for more words for each group. Activity 4: Guessing the room -Model this activity with a St. -Ask Ss to work in pairs. -Call some pairs to practise in front of the class. PRONUNCIATION /z/,/s/ and / ɪ z/ Activity 5: -Have some Ss read out the words first. -Then play the recording for them to listen and repeat the words. Activity 6: -Ask Ss to put the words in the correct column while they listen -Ss compare their answers in pairs before T checks their answers with the whole class. -Have Ss comment on the way to pronounce –s/-es the end of the words. Quickly explain the rules: - Ask Ss to give more examples Activity 7: Underline the final s/es and write -Ss do this exercise individually first then compare their answers with a partner. - Check Ss’ answers. Ask them to explain their answers. / z/: things, pictures / s/: lights, chopsticks / iz/: dishes, vases Activity 8: -Play the recording for Ss to repeat each line of the conversation. Ss work in pairs to practise the conversation. Call some pairs to practise the conversation, encouraging them not to look at the book. I- Vocabulary - hall = a space or passage inside the entrance or front door of a building/house - attic is a room at the top of the house just below the roof - kitchen - bathroom - wardrobe - chest of drawers - poster - air-conditioner - cupboard - microwave - dishwasher - cooker - light - ceiling fan - fridge II-Pronunciation /əʊ/ and /ʌ/ /z/ /s/ / ɪ z/ posters tables wardrobes beds lamps sinks toilets Fridges Rulers /z/ Final –s is pronounce /z/ after voiced sounds (/b/, /d/, /g/, /n/, /m/, /l/…) and any vowel sounds E.g. beds, dogs, cans, rooms, videos, cookers, bees /s/ Final –s is pronounce /s/ after voiceless sounds (/t/, /p/, /k/, /f/, /θ/) E.g. cats, lamps, books, months /ɪ z/ Final –es is pronounce /iz/ after /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /t ʃ/, /d ʒ/) E.g. buses, houses, pages, toothbrushes, watches, pages III- Homework: -Practice vocabulary and pronunciation of final s/es again -Write 5 sentences about the rooms in their houses -Prepare A CLOSER LOOK 2 IV- COMMENTS: Techniques Classroom Management Students’ Activities Teacher’s Activities T’s &Sts’ Teaching Time ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] PERIOD 11/ WEEK 4 Date of teaching: 21 /9 / 12 Unit 2 : MY HOME Lesson3 - A CLOSER LOOK 2 I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can: Use There Is/ There Isn’t/ There Are/ There Aren’t correctly and appropriately Use the lexical items related to the topic “My home” II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Activity 1: There Is/ There Isn’t/ There Are/ There Aren’t -Ask Ssto look at the first picture and use the There Is/ There Are structure to make sentences - Ask SS to look at the two pictures of the two rooms in the grammar box. -Let ss compare two pictures of the two rooms with some furniture removed from the second room. Then ask Ss what the second room doesn’t have. - Write the Ss’ answers on the board. -Elicit the forms( positive, negative, questions and short answers) from the Ss. - Have Ss look at the grammar box, especially the examples then ask SS take a NOTE -Ask Ss to use the There Is/ There Isn’t/ There Are/ There Aren’t structure to make sentences Activity 2 : - Let Ss work in pairs to do exercises 1+2 quickly then give the answer to teacher - T observes and helps Ss when and where necessary Key: 1- is/ isn’t 2- are/ aren’t 3- are/ aren’t 4- is/ isn’t 5- are/ aren’t Activity 3 : -Allow Ss to write different sentences. Accept these sentences if they make sense. -Call some Ss to write their own sentences on the board . Get feed back Suggested sentences: 1-There is/ isn’t a T.V next to / on the table. 2- There is/ isn’t a brown dog in the kitchen 3- There is/ isn’t a boy in front of the cupboard. 4- There is/ isn’t a bath in the bathroom. 5- There are/ aren’t lamps in the bedroom. Activity 4 : - Ss look at the picture and complete the description individually. - Ss compare their answers, then give teacher their answers - T confirms the correct answers and write them on the board. Key: 1- is 2- is 3- are 4- are 5- aren’t 6- isn’t Activity 5 : -Ask Ss to work in group of four. Write there answers on their sub boards Key : 1- Are there 2- Is there 3- Are there 4- Is there 5- Are there Activity 6 : - Ask Ss to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions above. - T goes around to observe and help Ss. Activity 7 : - T models the conversation with a St before asking SS to work in pairs -Ask some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class I- There Is/ There Isn’t/ There Are/ There Aren’t * Singular: Positive There is+ a/one +singular/ uncountable There’s Eg There is a picture in the room. Or There is a dog and two cats here. Negative There isn’t+ a +singular/ uncountable Eg There isn’t a picture in the room Questions and short answers Is there + a/one +singular/ uncountable? -Yes, there is / No, there isn’t Eg Is there a picture in the room? * Plural: Positive There are+ two/ many +plural Eg There are two pictures in the room. Negative There aren’t+ two/ many +plural Eg There aren’t two pictures in the room. Questions and short answers Are there + two/ many +plural -Yes, there are / No, there aren’t Eg Are there two pictures in the room? -Yes, there are / No, there aren’t Some suggested questions: - What is your favourite room? -Where is it? - Is there a T.V in your room? - Are there two pictures in your room? III- Homework: Write five sentences to describe your favourite room. -Prepare communication IV- COMMENTS: Techniques Classroom Management Students’ Activities Teacher’s Activities T’s &Sts’ Teaching Time ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] PERIOD 12/ WEEK 5 Date of teaching: 25 /9 / 12 Unit 2 : MY HOME Lesson 4 - COMMUNICATION I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can: Ask about and describe houses, rooms and furniture II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Activity 1: Play a game “ matching” - ask SS to match the words with the right picture. - T explains the differences between the houses Activity 2: - Have Ss review the grammar points that may be used in this lesson. Some grammar points are: Wh-questions (where, how many…), there is/ there are, prepositions of place. Activity 3: -Ask Ss to look at the picture and complete the sentences in pairs. Complete the text 1. country 2. are 3. is 4. are 5. on 6. next to 7. on -Ask Ss read the sentences again and find out each of grammar points. Activity 4: Play a game - T asks a St to modal the way to do this activity before the class. T points Nick’s house and asks while ask the student to look at Mi’s house and answer -Then teacher ask Ss to work in pairs (One has the picture of Nick’s house and the other has the picture of Mi’s house).They shouldn’t look at each other’s picture and to make similar conversations. -Ss should note down the differences between the two houses. After some minutes, the pair which has the most differences will be the winner. - T can ask some pairs to act out the conversation while other pairs listen and add more differences if there are any. Activity 5: -Give Ss 5-7 minutes to draw a simple plan of their house. Ss then work in pairs to tell each other about their house. Activity 6: -Call some Ss to describe their friend’s house to the class. -Ss may also present the differences between their house and their friend’s. Other Ss and T listen and give comments 1-Vocabulary -town house -country house - villa - stilt house -apartment 2- Grammar * Where does Mi live? à Where+ do/ does+ S+ live? *How many rooms are there in Mi’s house à How many+ plural+ are there..? * There + is+ a/one+ singular There are+ 2,3..+Plural Eg: There are four rooms * Prepositions of place: in/on/ under/ between/ next to/ behind/in front of Eg: I’m in the living room Making conversations T: Nick lives in a country house. Where does Mi live? St: She lives in a town house. T: How many rooms are there in Mi’s house? St: There are six rooms. What about Nick’s house? How many rooms are there?... 4- Draw a simple plan of your house III- Homework: - Write to describe your house or your dream house -Prepare SKILLS 1 IV- COMMENTS: Techniques Classroom Management Students’ Activities Teacher’s Activities T’s &Sts’ Teaching Time ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] PERIOD 13/ WEEK 5 Date of teaching:27 /9 / 12 Unit 2 : MY HOME Lesson 5 – SKILLS 1 I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of this Unit, students can: Read for specific information about rooms and houses Describe a new room for the hotel. II . PREPARATION : sub -board, pictures, cassette III. TECHNIQUES: pair work, communicative approach. III. PROCEDURES: Teacher’s and students’ activities Content READING Activity 1: -Tell Ss to read the study skills box. Explain any words that Ss do not know. - Ask Ss quickly to look at the text and answer the questions individually. -Have Ss answer the questions. T confirms the answers to question 1& 2. Question 3 are open Activity 2: - Have Ss read the text quickly again to check their ideas from 1 - Give the
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