Giáo án Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 7
• Language content : + To introduce Ss to the passage about world population
+ To provide Ss with some new words relating to the topic
• Language function: + Reading the passage for specific information and guessing
meaning in context
• Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- develop their reading comprehension
- use the information they have read to discuss the related topic
useful language and explains new words if necessary -calls on some Ss to report their results -gives feedback Suggested answers: +poor living condition, low living standard, not enough food, lack / shortage of school / hospital / teachers/ doctor, nurses… + unemployment , social evils, illiteracy … Task 3 -puts Ss into groups of 6 / 7 and choose the leader of the group -lets Ss read “useful language” and elicits some new words: + to exercise (v) -to implement + to carry out (v) -asks Ss to find out other solutions to the problems of overpopulation -lets Ss prepare the task in 3ms -goes around to offer help -calls on each representative to represent -gives feedback Task 4 -asks Ss to work in groups again and work out the problems of overpopulation and offer solutions to these problems -provides Ss with some transition signals to make their presentation coherent +first / firstly, second, next .. + also, beside, moreover, in addition, further more… + on the other hand, however, but + the first problem is that, the next solution is that… -lets Ss prepare in 3 minutes -calls on each representative to represent -gives feedback -find out causes of population explosion and answer -listen and answer -listen and answer the question -listen and answer -listen to the teacher -work in pairs and do the task -stand up and present their ideas -listen and answer -discuss and list the problems facing poor and overpopulated countries -listen to the teacher -do the task -stand up and report their results -listen and answer -listen to the teacher’s instructions -look at the chart the model in task 2 -listen to the teacher -sit in group -choose the leader of the group -read “useful language” -listen and guess the meaning of the words -copy down in their note-books -prepare the task in the allotted time -present their results -listen and answer -listen to the teacher’s instructions -listen and take notes -prepare the task in the allotted time -present in front of the class -listen and answer Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION Part: Speaking Content Task 1 Possible causes: High birth rates Illiteracy Desire to have male children Having many children means happiness Unwillingness to practice contraception and abortion … Task 2 Suggested answers: +poor living condition, low living standard, not enough food, lack / shortage of school / hospital / teachers/ doctor, nurses… + unemployment , social evils, illiteracy … Task 3 + to exercise (v) -to implement + to carry out (v) Task 4 Transition signals +first / firstly, second, next .. + also, beside, moreover, in addition, further more… + on the other hand, however, but + the first problem is that, the next solution is that… Homework: (5ms) Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: write a short paragraph about the causes of overpopulation, the problems facing poor and overpopulated countries and work out solutions to these problems Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare part: “Listening” Self –evaluation: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date of teaching: Dec , 200 Period : 40 Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION Part: Listening AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Language content: + To encourage Ss to listen to a monologue about a world population expert talking about the world population + To help Ss practice listening Language function: Listening for general and for specific information Educational aim: At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + develop extensive listening skills + use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks 1. Language: a) Vocabulary : rank, generation , improvement, … b) Grammar : no structures 2. Skills: Listening- Speaking 3. Method: Communicative approach 4. Techniques/activities: group work, question-answer, multiple choice, game, discussion 5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, tape 6. Procedures: Stabilization: (1m) Warm- up: + Greets the Ss b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance Checking up previous lesson: (5ms) Asks Ss to tell some problems of overpopulation and offer some solutions to these problems Give feedback Presentation of the new material: (35ms) Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content of the lesson 6ms 6ms 15ms 8ms I. Lead-in -divides Ss into 4 groups and asks them to play game” Hangman” -gives instructions” T gives a secret word and Ss will guess it by telling what letters they think there are in the word. If Ss choose a letter that appears one or more times in the secret word, the letters and their positions will be revealed and Ss keep on guessing the next letter . On the other hand, if Ss guess a letter that is not in the secret word, then a piece of the man being hanged will be added to the gallows and they will lose their turn. The game continue until all the letters are revealed” The word” overpopulation” _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -conducts the game -tells the topic of the lesson: World population II. Before you listen -asks Ss some questions in the textbook 1. Do you think that our world is overpopulated? 2. What continent has the largest population? -gives feedback Suggested answers: 1. Yes, because it has more than 6 billion people. 2. Asia has the largest population with china the most populated country in the world and India the second -lets Ss repeat the words -introduces some new words + Latin America (n) ( Example) + rank (n, v) ( Example) + generation (n) (Translation) + improve (v) -> improvement (n) -sets the situation: “You are going to listen to Dr. Brown, a population expert, talk about the world population. Listen and do some tasks below” III. While you listen Task 1 -asks Ss to read the statements in task 1 and guess the answers -plays the tape the first time -asks Ss to give their answers -plays the tape the second time to check their answers -gives feedback The key: 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6.C Task 2 -asks Ss to read the questions and guess the answers -has Ss to listen to the tape and do the task -asks Ss to give their answers -plays the tape again -asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners -asks Ss to give their answers -gives feedback(T may play the tape to check their answers) The key: 1. According to expert, by the year 2015, the population of the world will be over 7 billion 2. He said that the world growth rates in some parts of the world are not the same 3. According to expert, the reason for a fall in the death rates is the improvement of public health services and medical care. 4. …. IV. After you listen -asks Ss to work in groups and summarize the main ideas of the passage, using the following suggestions: + world population today + world population by 2010 + main causes of population explosion + the problems it causes to the world + solutions to these problems -lets Ss do in 3 minutes -calls some representative of each group to stand up to present -gives feedback -sit in groups -listen to the teacher’s instructions -play the game -listen to the teacher -listen and answer the questions -listen and answer -repeat the words listen and guess the meaning of the new words and take notes -listen to the teacher -read the statements in task 1 and guess the answers -listen to the tape and do the task -give their answers -listen and answer -read the questions and guess the answers -listen to the tape and do the task -give their answers -listen to the tape again -share their answers with their partners -give their answers -listen and answer -take notes in their note-books -listen to the teacher’s instructions -work in groups and do the task in the allotted time -stand up and present -listen and answer Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION Part: Listening Content New words: + Latin America (n) + rank (n, v) + generation (n) + improve (v) -> improvement (n) Task 1 The keys: 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6.C Task 2 The keys: 1. According to expert, by the year 2015, the population of the world will be over 7 billion 2. He said that the world growth rates in some parts of the world are not the same 3. According to expert, the reason for a fall in the death rates is the improvement of public health services and medical care. 4. …. Summary Suggestions: + world population today + world population by 2010 + main causes of population explosion + the problems it causes to the world + solutions to these problems Homework: (4ms) Asks Ss to write in their notebooks: + write a summary of the listening passage Preparation for the next lesson: Asks Ss to prepare part: “Writing” Self –evaluation: Date of teaching: Dec , 200 Period : 41 Unit 7: WORLD POPULATION Part: Writing AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Language content: To provide Ss with practice interpreting statistics on population from a chart Language function: Practicing writing descriptions of pie charts Educational aim : At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + write descriptions of pie charts, using appropriate language 1. Language: a) Vocabulary : words in “ Useful language” b) Grammar : structures with comparatives 2. Skills: Writing 3. Method: Communicative approach 4. Techniques/activities: explanation, question- answer 5. Teaching aids needed: textbooks, board, chalk, pare board 6. Procedures: Stabilization: (1m) Warm- up: + Greets the Ss b. Checking absence: Checks the Ss’ attendance Checking up previous lesson:(no checking because the teacher wants to save time So that Ss can have more time to practise writing) Presentation of the new material: (39ms) Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The content of the lesson 8ms 8ms 15ms 8ms I. Warm up -asks Ss to close their books and play game “ Competition game- Pie chart drawing” -divides Ss into 6 groups
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