English pronunication course
Place the tip of your tongue between your upper and lower teeth. Don't put it between your
lips. Make the sound by forcing air through the opening between your teeth and tongue.
Don't vibrate your vocal cords.
______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Page 77 of 159 Unit Seven: Information Gap Exercise A In this exercise, sit opposite your partner. Your partner will ask you which word goes into the empty boxes. You will pronounce the word in your box, and your partner will write down what you said. Then you ask your partner to pronounce the words in your missing boxes. Possible questions: "Can you tell me the word which is in D-2?" "Could you repeat that, please?" A1 B1 C1 D1 D2C2B2A2 D3C3B3A3 A4 B4 C4 D4 a pleasurable measure lesion procedure legendary legions your Asian regions an Asian agent A Cajun region rigid supervision casual injury Page 78 of 159 Unit Seven: Information Gap Exercise B In this exercise, sit opposite your partner. Your partner will ask you which word goes into the empty boxes. You will pronounce the word in your box, and your partner will write down what you said. Then you ask your partner to pronounce the words in your missing boxes. Possible questions: "Can you tell me the word which is in D-2?" "Could you repeat that, please?" A1 B1 C1 D1 D2C2B2A2 D3C3B3A3 A4 B4 C4 D4 proceeding legion Eurasian legions a measurable pleasure casually injured legendary lesions a Cajun occasion visionary individual an aging Asian Page 79 of 159 UNIT 7 DIALOGUE DIRECTIONS Work with a partner and practice the following dialogue until you memorize it. When you have memorized it, perform it for your instructor and class. SITUATION Jean Jacobs meets the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien. [F]: Hello, Mr. Prime Minister. It's a major pleasure to meet you. [M]: Bonjour, Ms. Jacobs. The pleasure is all mine. [F]: Please call me Jean, Mr. Prime Minister. [M]: Thank you, Jean. And please call me Jean. [F]: Thank you very much, Jean. [M]: Jean, I hear that you are studying in a French Immersion program. [F]: Yes, that's right, Jean. It's a rigid regime — six hours a day. [M]: Six hours a day! That's a major block of time, Jean. [F]: Yes, it is. But I'm very encouraged by the results. [M]: Good for you, Jean! Well, Canada's an unusual country for its Language immersion programs. [F]: Thank Goodness for that! [M]: Yes, and TGIF! Page 80 of 159 Unit 8: /æ/ // pat pet /pæt/ /pt/ How to make the sound To make /æ/, put your tongue low and pushed forward a little. Spread your lips slightly, and keep your jaw open. For //, close your jaw while saying /æ/, and you will hear the change to //. Exercise One: Word Repetition Listen to the following words and repeat. ad than bet blend ham man ten led mass clam meddle net ladder sandwich step dress Sally Andy Dennis Fred Exercise Two: Minimal Pairs Listen to the following word pairs. Repeat them, being careful to make the distinction between the two sounds. then than Brendan Brandon bet bat Kent can't met mat bread Brad blend bland guess gas end and led lad Exercise Three: Phrases with /æ/ //. Listen to your tape. You will hear phrases which either contain /æ/ //, or neither. For each phrase, answer appropriately on the lines below by writing a, e, or ø. 1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.____ 5.____ 6.____ 7.____ 8.____ Page 81 of 159 Exercise Four: Minimal Pair Distinction Part One You will hear the sentences below, but only one of the italicized words will be spoken. Circle the word which you hear. 1. The boys set/sat their bottoms down on the curb. 2. They bought a lot of gems/jams from the specialty shop. 3. All my friends saw me and left/laughed. 4. He was sending/sanding some furniture when I called. Part Two: Listen for the missing words and write them on the lines below. 5. The sea captain's ________________ was big. 6. The Prime Minister was _________________ to be home. 7. The church service was a real _____________________. 8. The gymnast managed a __________________ at the Olympics. Page 82 of 159 Exercise Five: Dictation Listen to the sentences and write them on the lines below. 1. _____________________________________ad said._____ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________lacks________________ 4. _____________________________bland_______________ 5._______________________________________batter._____ Exercise Six: Questions for Answers Given In this section, you will hear 5 answers. You will not hear the questions. Listen carefully to the answer, and then record the question in the space provided on your tape by using your drill/record button. Example: ______________________? I'm fine, thanks. (you record "How are you?" onto your tape BEFORE the answer. Then, cue your tape and let your instructor listen.) 1. Was… 2. Has… 3. Have Fran's… 4. Haven't… 5. Page 83 of 159 Unit 8 Tongue Twisters Read each of the following sentences aloud, paying attention to the sounds from this lesson. 1. Lassie headed back to Peg and Allen for ten apples. /læsiy hdd bæk tu p n æln fr tn æplz/ 2. Hedley sadly said sending Sally a man was extra bad. /hdliy sædliy sd snd sæliy mæn wz kstr bæd/ 3. Matt never had less capital than several checks ago. /mæt nvr hæd ls kæptl æn svrl tks o/ 4. Rather than settling Al and Ellie's debts, Fran just laughed and left. /rær æn stl æl n liyz dts, fræn dst læft ænd lft/ 5. Dennis and Kent can't dance because they're dense dancers. /dns n knt kænt dæns bikz r dns dænsrz/ 6. Dan's den is a sad shed back of Beck's badly built bed and breakfast. /dænz dn z sæd d bæk v bks bædliy blt bd ænd brkfst/ 7. Clem's clams went up Betty's back and tampered with her temper. /klmz klæmz wnt p btiz bæk ænd tæmprd w hr tmpr/ 8. Ed's ad said track treks led lads into mass messes. /dz æd sd træk trks ld lædz ntu mæs msz/ 9. Ted tampered a tad in Brad's bread and jam. /td tæmprd tæd n brædz brd n dæm/ 10. Stan stemmed his temper tantrum and lent Landry a bank check. /stæn stmd hz tmpr tæntrm ænd lnt lændri bk tk/ Page 84 of 159 UNIT 8: PAIRED DISTINCTION A DIRECTIONS Work with a partner. First, repeat the words below. Your partner will write down the word which sounds different. Then, your partner will read his/her words. Write down the word which sounds different. 1. then than then _______________ 2. end end and _______________ 3. set sat sat _______________ 4. left laughed left _______________ 5. guessed gassed gassed _______________ 6. led led lad _______________ 7. rap rep rep _______________ 8. brad bread brad _______________ 9. met mat mat _______________ 10. ladder letter letter _______________ Page 85 of 159 UNIT 8: PAIRED DISTINCTION B DIRECTIONS Work with a partner. First, repeat the words below. Your partner will write down the word which sounds different. Then, your partner will read his/her words. Write down the word which sounds different. 1. ladder letter letter _______________ 2. led led lad _______________ 3. set sat sat _______________ 4. brad bread brad _______________ 5. left laughed left _______________ 6. rap rep rep _______________ 7. then than then _______________ 8. end end and _______________ 9. met mat mat _______________ 10. guessed gassed gassed _______________ Page 86 of 159 Unit 8 Pair Dictation A Directions: Work with a partner. Stand on the opposite side of the room from your partner. Read, practice, and remember the first sentence from the dictation. Then, walk over to your partner, and tell your partner the sentence. When your partner has written it correctly, go back to this page, and read, practice and remember the next sentence. Finish the dictation in this way. Fat Pat Pat was so fat that she made a bet with Lenny the vet. She bet him that she could get a fat cat and a wet rat under her hat. Unfortunately, the fat cat was not Fat Pat's pet, and it sat on the rat. The rat naturally ran away. Poor Fat Pat. She lost her bet. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Page 87 of 159 Unit Eight Pair Dictation B Directions: Work with a partner. Stand on the opposite side of the room from your partner. Read, practice, and remember the first sentence from the dictation. Then, walk over to your partner, and tell your partner the sentence. When your partner has written it correctly, go back to this page, and read, practice and remember the next sentence. Finish the dictation in this way. Lenny the Vet Lenny is a vet, and he met Fat Pat's wet rat. The rat had been sat upon by Pat's fat cat while it was under Pat's hat. That rat was in bad shape. Lenny had to let that rat have a little nap. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
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