Đề kiểm tra Học kỳ II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo huyện Tứ Kỳ (Có đáp án)

II. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B or C to fill in each blank (1.0 point)


Water kills thousands of people and (26) ____many acres of crops every year. But water

also gives life to all living things in the world. Without water life is (27) ____. We must have

water to grow our food, feed the birds and animals in our homes, grow forests and (28) _____

electricity. We use waterways to carry our goods of trade. Even the human body, which is

seventy parts of one hundred of water itself, cannot exist for long without water.

Ever since the earth began, large quantities of water (29)____ used by living things. Yet

for every drop of water that is taken from one place, another drop is put back from somewhere

else. Nature has a very clever way of (30) ____water from cloud to land and sea and back to

cloud. No water has been lost.

But nature does not put water where and when we need it. While some men are drowning,

others in another part of the world are dying of thirst. Thus, people all over the world are trying to bring

water to places where it is scarce, to control its flow in times of floods and to make greater use of it.

26. A. destroys B. conserves C. protect

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(Thi thử tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 THPT) 
Năm học 2018-2019 
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút 
(Đề này gồm có 03 trang) 
I. Choose the word, phrase or expression that best completes each sentence below (3.0 points) 
1. We should buy some candles in case there is _________. 
A. a water cut B. a gas cut C. a power cut 
2. Crops are sprayed with _________to kill insects. 
A. fertilizer B. pesticide C. manure 
3. I’ll be in trouble if I _______my passport. 
A. lose B. will lose C. lost 
4. He drives very _______ and has got two accidents this year. 
A. careless B. carefully C. carelessly 
5. Nguyen Du, _________ is a great poet, was born in Nghi Xuan, Ha Tinh. 
A. who B. whom C. that 
6. Not only _________her father, but you will know about his job if you go with us. 
A. did you meet B. will you meet C. do you meet 
7. We cannot swim in this part of the river _________the water is highly polluted. 
A. because of B. though C. since 
8. I haven’t finished reading his book because it .of five chapters. 
A. comprises B. consists C. has 
9. It took hours to free the victims _________the collapsed buildings. 
A. for B. in C. from 
10. When I entered the room, the children________ quietly 
A. were sleeping B. slept C. are sleeping 
11. Mai: “Congratulations on your winning.” Lan: “_________________.” 
A. You’re welcome B. That’s very kind of you C. No, thanks 
12. Mr. Baker: “Shall I get a taxi for you?? Tom: “_________________.” 
A. Yes, I’d love to B. That would be nice C. Let’s do 
13. Mary: “May I go out just for a while?”. Miss Daisy: “__________” 
A. It’s a nice day! B. That’s great! C. Go ahead! 
14. Grandma: "Will you pass me the pepper, please? Ngan: "____________." 
A. Right, don’t mention it B. Many thanks C. Certainly, here it is 
15. Phong: “Most people had moved to safe areas when the flood struck.” Thanh: “..” 
A. That’s a relief B. That’s shocking C. How terrible 
II. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence below that needs correcting (1.0 point) 
16. Did your house built a long time ago? 
 A B C D 
17. When the teacher saw what was happening in the classroom, he felt angrily. 
 A B C D 
18. It is usually much difficult to learn a subject by listening to the lectures than by reading books. 
 A B C D 
19. Tom, along with his sisters, are preparing for the exam next week. 
 A B C D 
20. Most people still prefer to travel by plane despite of the increase in air fares. 
 A B C D 
I. Which notice (A-G) says this (21-25) (1.0 point) 
21. If you have a second class ticket, you can’t go in here. 
22. Customers do not pay to leave their car. 
23. Sometimes you don’t have to book here. 
24. This hotel is full. 
25. First class tickets are cheaper at the weekend. 
II. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B or C to fill in each blank (1.0 point) 
Water kills thousands of people and (26) ____many acres of crops every year. But water 
also gives life to all living things in the world. Without water life is (27) ____. We must have 
water to grow our food, feed the birds and animals in our homes, grow forests and (28) _____ 
electricity. We use waterways to carry our goods of trade. Even the human body, which is 
seventy parts of one hundred of water itself, cannot exist for long without water. 
Ever since the earth began, large quantities of water (29)____ used by living things. Yet 
for every drop of water that is taken from one place, another drop is put back from somewhere 
else. Nature has a very clever way of (30) ____water from cloud to land and sea and back to 
cloud. No water has been lost. 
But nature does not put water where and when we need it. While some men are drowning, 
others in another part of the world are dying of thirst. Thus, people all over the world are trying to bring 
water to places where it is scarce, to control its flow in times of floods and to make greater use of it. 
26. A. destroys B. conserves C. protects 
27. A. unnecessary B. unthinkable C. unimportant 
28. A. do B. cause C. produce 
29. A. were B. are C. have been 
30. A. carrying B. carry C. to carry 
III. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to answer each of the following 
questions below (1.0 point) 
They called New York “the Big Apple”. Maybe it’s not exactly like an apple, but it’s 
certainly very big. There are too many people, and that’s the problem. The streets are always full 
of cars and trucks, and you can never find a place to park. 
If you have enough money, you can take a taxi. New York cabs are yellow. They look all 
the same. But the drivers are very different. Some were born and raised in New York, but many 
are newcomers to the United States. A few drive slowly, but most go very, very fast. Cab driving 
is a difficult job. It can be dangerous, too. Thieves often try to steal the drivers’ money. Drivers 
sometimes get hurt. 
If you don’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus or you can take the subway.The subway is 
quick, and it’s cheap, but many parts of it are old and dirty. Lights don’t always work and there are 
often fires on the track. On some subway lines, there are new, clean, silver trains. But you can’t see 
the color of the old trains easily. There is too much dirt and too much graffiti, inside and outside. 
 (Adapted from America on the move – Elizabeth Laird) 
Using our shop? Parking free! 
For passengers with First Class tickets 
Travel First Class At Second Class Prices 
Appointments are not always needed 
31. What is the problem of New York? 
A. It is too big. B. It looks like an apple C. It is too crowded. 
32. What does “a cab” mean? 
A. a taxi B. a subway C. a bus 
33. Cab drivers in New York ___________________________. 
A. can be dangerous B. can be attacked by thieves C. were all born in New 
34. The word “track” can best be replaced by __________________. 
A. roadway B. station C. train 
35. Subways in New York _______________. 
A. don’t always work B. are quick, but dirty C. have no lights 
I. Finish each the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence 
printed before it (1.0 point) 
36. My brother can not speak French.  I wish ........................................ 
37. May I borrow your pen?  Would you mind ? 
38. He isn’t very rich but he always helps the poor.  Although 
39. It is reported that the company is losing a lot of money.  The company. 
40. Sally finally managed to get a job.  Sally finally succeeded  
II. What should we do to keep our school clean? Write a paragraph (100-120 words) to 
answer that question (2.0 points) 
You might use the suggestions below: 
- Clean the school yard and the classrooms 
- Put the garbage bins around the school yard 
- Not throw the garbage away 
-------- The End -------- 
(Thi thử tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 THPT) 
Năm học 2018-2019 
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút 
I. Choose the word, phrase or expression that best completes each sentence below (3.0 points) 
1. C 
2. B 
3. A 
4. C 
5. A 
6. B 
7. C 
8. B 
9. C 
10. A 
11. B 
12. B 
13. C 
14. C 
15. A 
II. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence below that needs correcting. (1.0 point) 
16. A 
17. D 
18. A 
19. B 
20. D 
I. Which notice (A-G) says this (21-25) (1.0 point) 
21. E 
22. C 
23. G 
24. B 
25. F 
II. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B or C to fill in each blank. (1.0 point) 
26. A 
27. B 
28. C 
29. C 
30. A 
III. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to answer each of the following questions 
below. (1.0 point) 
31. C 
32. A 
33. B 
34. A 
35. B 
I. Finish each the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed 
before it.(1.0 point) 
36. I wish my brother could speak French. 
37. Would you mind if I borrowed your pen? 
38. Although he isn’t very rich, he always helps the poor. 
39. The company is reported to be losing a lot of money. 
40. Sally finally succeeded in getting a job. 
II. In about 100 - 120 words, write a paragraph about “What should we do to keep our school clean?” 
(2.0 points) 
You might use the suggestions below: 
- Clean the school yard and the classrooms 
- Put the garbage bins around the school yard 
- Not throw the garbage away 
1. Cấu trúc: (0.5 pt) 
- Viết đúng mô hình một đoạn văn (liền một đoạn, có câu mở đoạn, phần thân ít nhất phải có 3 ý hoặc có thể 
hơn, câu kết đoạn) 
2. Nội dung: (1.5 pts) 
- Câu mở đoạn: 0.3 pt (Nêu được tầm quan trọng hoặc ý nghĩa của việc giữ cho ngôi trường luôn sạch sẽ 
- Phần thân: 3 ý x 0.3 /ý = 0.9 pt 
+ Nêu được ý 1 (0.3pt) 
+ Nêu được ý 2: (0.3pt) 
+ Nêu được ý 3 (0.3pt) 
- Phần kết đoạn: 0.3 pt (Khẳng định lại lợi ích của việc giữ gìn môi trường sạch sẽ) 
* Sai một lỗi ngữ pháp trừ 0.2 pt, một lỗi chính tả trừ 0.1 pt. 
* Giáo viên linh hoạt khi chấm phần này. 

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  • pdfde_kiem_tra_hoc_ky_ii_mon_tieng_anh_lop_9_nam_hoc_2019_2019.pdf
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