Chuyên đề Giáo án tiếng Anh 9

1. Phrase of result: Thường dùng với “TOO”/ “ENOUGH” theo cấu trúc sau:

S + be (look/ seem/ get/ become/ ) + too ADJ (for O) + to V

S + V + too ADV (for O) + to V

Eg. He is too short to play football./ He ran too slowly to become the winner of the race.

Lưu ý: “TOO” mang hàm ý phủ định “quá không thể’ nhưng “ENOUGH” lại có nghĩa “đủ để”

S + be + ADJ enough (for O) + to V hay S + V + ADV enough (for O) + to V

Eg. She ín’t old enough to drive a car. / He spoke English well enough to be an enterpreter.

2. Clause of result:


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1. Phrase of result: Thường dùng với “TOO”/ “ENOUGH” theo cấu trúc sau:
S + be (look/ seem/ get/ become/…) + too ADJ (for O) + to V
S + V + too ADV (for O) + to V
Eg. He is too short to play football./ He ran too slowly to become the winner of the race.
Lưu ý: “TOO” mang hàm ý phủ định “quá…không thể’ nhưng “ENOUGH” lại có nghĩa “đủ…để”
S + be + ADJ enough (for O) + to V hay S + V + ADV enough (for O) + to V
Eg. She ín’t old enough to drive a car. / He spoke English well enough to be an enterpreter.
2. Clause of result:
S + verb + so that / in order that + S + verb
L­u ý: MÆc dï trong v¨n nãi cã thÓ chÊp nhËn kh«ng cã that nh­ng trong v¨n viÕt buéc ph¶i cã that.
He studied very hard so that he could pass the test. (nã ®· häc rÊt ch¨m chØ ®Ó cã thÓ qua ®­îc kú thi)
She is sending the package early so that it will arrive in time for her sister’s birthday.
Damien is practicing the guitar so that he can play for the dance.
I am learning German so that I will be able to speak it when I go to Austria next summer.
Susan drove to Miami instead of flying so that she could save money.
Will you let me know about the party so that I can make plans to attend? 
3. Cause and effect: Nh÷ng cÊu tróc sau ®©y ®­îc sö dông ®Ó chØ mèi quan hÖ nh©n qu¶.
Subject + verb + so + adj/ adv + that + S + verb
L­u ý: Kh«ng sö dông mét danh tõ sau so. Cßn muèn dïng danh tõ th× xem c¸c cÊu tróc d­íi ®©y.
The soprano sang so well that she received a standing ovation.
Terry ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.
Judy worked so diligently that she received an increase in salary.
The soup tastes so good that every one will ask for more.
The little boy looks so unhappy that we all feel sorry for him.
The students had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class.
3. C¸c cÊu tróc chøa c¸c bæ ng÷ c­êng ®é:
S + verb + so + few/ many + dt ®2 sè nhiÒu + that + S + verb
Eg. 	The Smiths had so many children that they formed their own baseball team.
I had so few job offers that it wasn’t difficult to select one.
S + verb + so + much/ little + dt kh«ng ®2 + that + S + verb
He has invested so much money in the project that he cannot abandon it now.
The grass received so little water that it turned brown in the heat.
S + verb + such + a + adjective + dt ®2 sè Ýt + that ...
S + verb + so + adjective + a + dt ®2 sè Ýt + that ...
L­u ý: Such + a + adjec tive th­êng ®­îc dïng nhiÒu h¬n trong 2 cÊu tróc trªn.
It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors/ It was so hot a day that we decided to stay indoors.
It was such an interesting book that he couldn’t put it down/ It was so interesting a book that he couldn’t put it down.
S + verb + such + adjective + N đếm được số nhiều/ N không đđ+ that + S+ verb
Eg.	She has such exceptional abilities that everyone is jealous of her.
 	 dt ®Õm ®­îc sè nhiÒu
They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one.
 	 dt ®Õm ®­îc sè nhiÒu
Perry has had such bad luck that he’s decided not to gamble.
 	 dt kh«ng ®Õm ®­îc
This is such difficult homework that I will never finish it.
 	 dt kh«ng ®Õm ®­îc L­u ý: Ta kh«ng thÓ sö dông so trong cÊu tróc trªn.
4. Ph©n tÝch nghÜa cña c¸c cÊu tróc trªn.
Eg. 	It has been such a long time since I’ve seen him that I’m not sure if I will remember him
( T«i kh«ng biÕt liÖu t«i cã nhËn ®­îc ra nã kh«ng v× ®· l©u l¾m råi t«i kh«ng gÆp nã.)
Nguyªn nh©n: It has been a long time.	KÕt qu¶ : I’m not sure if I will remember him.
He has so heavy a work load that it is difficult for him to travel.
( ThËt lµ khã ®èi víi anh ta trong chuyÖn ®i du lÞch bëi v× anh ta cã nhiÒu c«ng viÖc ph¶i lµm.)
Nguyªn nh©n: He has a very heavy work load.	KÕt qu¶ : It is difficult for him to travel.
Peter has such long fingers that he should play the piano.
(Peter nªn ch¬i ®µn Piano bëi v× nã cã nh÷ng ngãn tay dµi.)
Nguyªn nh©n: Peter has such long fingers.	KÕt qu¶ : He should play the piano.
Professor Sands gives such interesting lectures that his classes are never boring.
(c¸c giê häc cña gi¸o s­ Sands ch¼ng bao giê buån tÎ bëi v× «ng Êy th­êng ®­a ra nh÷ng bµi gi¶ng hÕt søc thó vÞ.)
Nguyªn nh©n: Professor Sands gives very interesting lectures. KÕt qu¶ : His classes are never boring.
This is such tasty ice cream that I’ll have another helping.	(T«i sÏ gäi mét suÊt kem n÷a v× nã rÊt ngon.)	Nguyªn nh©n: The ice cream is very tasty.	KÕt qu¶ : I’ll have another helpin

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