Bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng Anh 10 (học kì II)

. Notes:

a. Trong trường hợp có liên từ andvà giới từ of, ta phải xác định đầy đủ

chủ từ hoặc túc từ khi chuyển đổi.

Ex:- Active: He and Isee the film

Passive: The film is seen by him and me.

- Active: He bought a box of chocolateslast week

Passive: A box of chocolateswas bought last week.

b. Trong câu bị động: by Oluôn đứng sau adverbs of place (trạng từ chỉ

nơi chốn) và trước adverbs of time (trạng từ chỉ thời gian).

Ex: (P) The books are arranged on the shelves(by her) every weekend.

adv of place by Oadv of time

c. Trong câu bị động, ta có thể bỏ: by people, by us, by them,

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w beautiful a girl you are! 
-chỉ một người được đề cập qua tên. Ex: A Mrs. Blue sent you this letter. 
-trước các danh từ trong ngữ đồng vị. Ex: Nguyen Du, a great poet, wrote 
that novel. 
-trong các cụm từ chỉ số lượng. Ex: a pair, a couple, a lot of, a little, 
a few, a large/great number of.. 
 2. A/An không được dùng: 
-ONE được sử dụng thay A/An để 
nhấn mạnh. 
Ex: There is a book on the table, but 
one is not enough. 
-trước các danh từ không đếm được. Ex: Coffee is also a kind of drink. 
-trước các danh từ đếm được số nhiều Ex: Dogs are faithful animals. 
II. Definite Article: THE 
 1. THE được dùng trước: 
-những vật duy nhất. Ex: the sun, the moon, the world. 
-các danh từ được xác định bởi cụm 
tính từ hoặc mệnh đề tính từ. 
-The house with green fence is hers. 
-The man that we met has just come. 
-các danh từ được xác định qua ngữ 
cảnh hoặc được đề cập trước đó. 
Ex: Finally, the writer killed himself. 
- I have a book and an eraser. The 
book is now on the table. 
-các danh từ chỉ sự giải trí. Ex:the theater,the concert,the church 
-trước tên các tàu thuyền, máy bay. Ex: The Titanic was a great ship. 
-các sông, biển, đại dương, dãy núi Ex: the Mekong River, the China 
Sea,the Pacific Ocean,the Himalayas 
-một nhóm các đảo hoặc quốc gia. Ex: the Philippines, the united States. 
-tính từ dùng như danh từ tập hợp. Ex: You should help the poor. 
-trong so sánh nhất. Ex: Nam is the cleverest in his class. 
-tên người ở số nhiều (chỉ gia đình). Ex:The Blacks, The Blues, the Nams 
-các danh từ đại diện cho một loài. Ex: The cat is a lovely home pet. 
-các trạng từ chỉ thời gian, nơi chốn. Ex: in the morning, in the street, in 
the water.. 
-số thứ tự. Ex: the first, the second, the third. 
-chuỗi thời gian hoặc không gian. Ex: the next, the following, the last... 
 2. THE không được dùng: 
-trước các danh từ số nhiều nói chung Ex: They build houses near the hall. 
-danh từ trừu tượng, không đếm 
Ex: Independence is a happy thing. 
-các danh từ chỉ màu sắc. Ex: Red and white make pink. 
-các môn học. Ex: Math is her worst subject. 
-các vật liệu, kim loại. Ex: Steel is made from iron. 
-các tên nước, châu lục, thành phố. Ex:Ha Noi is the capital of VietNam. 
-các chức danh, tên người. Ex: President Bill Clinton, Ba, Nga 
-các bữa ăn, món ăn, thức ăn. Ex: We have rice and fish for dinner 
-các trò chơi, thể thao. Ex: Football is a popular sport in VN. 
-các loại bệnh tật. Ex: Cold is a common disease. 
-ngôn ngữ, tiếng nói. Ex:English is being used everywhere 
-các kì nghỉ, lễ hội. Ex: Tet, Christmas, Valentine 
-các mũi đất (nhô ra biển), hồ, núi. Ex: Cape Horn, Lake Than Tho, 
Mount Cấm, Mount Rushmore.. 
*But: the Cape of Good Hope, the 
Great Lake, the Mount of Olive 
English 10 Period 12 
I/ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank. 
1. My sister often goes to_______________ by bus. 
 A. city B. a city C. the city D. cities 
2. Have you visited______________ ? 
 A. London University C. University of London 
 B. the London University D. the University London 
3. The view along_______________ is breathtaking. 
 A. Pacific Coast C. Coast of pacific 
 B. the Pacific Coast D. the Coast Pacific 
4. They went skiing in________________ last winter. 
 A. Alps C. Mountain of Alps 
 B. Alps Mountains D. the Alps 
5. Those tourists took a boat trip on______________. 
 A. Mekong River C. River Mekong 
 B. the Mekong River D. River of Mekong 
6. Many of people are interested in climbing______________. 
 A. Mount Everest C. the Everest mountain 
 B. the Mount Everest D. the mountain Everest 
7. Four of them rowed a boat around______________. 
 A. Great Lakes C. the Great Lakes 
 B. the Lakes Great D. Lakes of Great 
8. ______________ natural resources may be used up someday. 
 A. World B. World’s C. The world D. The world’s 
II/ Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or ø (zero article) 
1. Jason’s father bought him____________bike that he wanted for his 
2. ____________ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from___________ 
France to______________ United states. 
3. Rita is studying___________ English and___________ Math this 
4. __________ judge asked___________ witness to tell____________ truth. 
5. Please give me__________ cup of___________ coffee with ___________ 
cream and___________ sugar. 
6. __________ big books on___________ table are for my history class. 
7. My____________ car is four years old, and it still runs well. 
8. There are only___________ few seats for_____________ tonight’s 
9. ______________ chair that you are sitting in is broken. 
10. _____________ Civil War was fought in ____________ United States 
between 1861 and 1865. 
III/ Put in a, the, some, or any where necessary. 
(1)_______ Wayle is (2)_________ small river that cuts across (3)_________ 
park near my house. I like sitting by (4)_________ Wayle on fine afternoon. 
It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on (5)________ river bank as 
usual. (6)_________ children were playing games on (7)_________ bank 
and there were (8)_________ people rowing on (9)__________ river. 
Suddenly, one of (10)__________ children kicked (11)__________ ball very 
hard and it went towards (12)_________ passing the boat. (13)_________ 
people on (14)_________ bank called out to (15)__________ man in 
(16)___________ boat, but he did not hear them. (17)___________ ball 
struck him so hard that he nearly felt into (18)___________ water. I returned 
to look at (19)__________ children. But they weren’t (20)___________ in 
sight; they had all run away! The man laughed when he realized what 
happened. He called out to (21)___________ children and threw 
(22)___________ ball back to the bank. 
English 10 Period 13 
I. Comparison of equality 
 1. Affirmative 
 as + adj/adv + as (bằng/như) 
Ex: - I’m as tall as Tom. 
 (Tôi cao bằng Tom.) 
 - John works as hard as his father. 
 (John làm việc chăm chỉ như cha của anh ấy.) 
2. Negative 
 not as/so + adj/adv + as (không bằng/như) 
Ex: - This watch is not as/so expensive as mine. (= my watch) 
 (Đồng hồ này không đắt như của tôi.) 
 - She does not sing as/so well as her sister. 
 (Cô ấy hát không hay bằng chị cô ấy.) 
II. Comparative of adi/ adv 
1. Short adj/ adv 
 adj/adv + ER + than 
 Tính từ/trạng từ ngắn là từ có một vần hay hai vần tận cùng bằng “y”. 
fast, cold, thick, lucky, happy . 
Ex: - John is stronger than his brother. 
 (John khoẻ hơn anh của cậu ấy.) 
 - This athlete runs faster than that one. 
 (Vận động viên này chạy nhanh hơn vận động viên kia) 
2. Long adj/ adv 
 more + adj/adv + than 
 Tính từ/trạng từ dài là từ có hai vần trở lên. 
modern, patient, difficult, fluently, beautifully,  
Ex: - This problem is more difficult than we thought. 
 (Vấn đề này khó hơn chúng ta nghĩ.) 
 - He speaks English more fluently than his friend. 
 (Anh ta nói tiếng Anh trôi chảy hơn bạn của anh ta.) 
III. Superlative of adj/ adv 
 1. Short adj/ adv 
 the + adj/adv + EST 
Ex: Yesterday was the hottest day of the year. 
 (Hôm qua là ngày nóng nhất trong năm.) 
2. Long adj/ adv 
 the + MOST + adj/adv 
Ex: She is the most beautiful girl in the class. 
 (Cô ấy là cô gái đẹp nhất trong lớp.) 
* LƯU Ý: 
- Ta có thể dùng the least để chỉ mức độ kém  nhất. 
Ex: This story is the least interesting of all. 
 (Đây là câu chuyện kém thú vị nhất trong các câu chuyện.) 
English 10 Period 14 
I/ Complete the sentences. Use the comparative form of one of the 
words in the list. 
 big crowed early easily high important 
 interested peaceful reliable serious simple thin 
1. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed earlier than usual. 
2. I’d like to have a _________________ car. The one I’ve got keeps 
breaking down. 
3. Unfortunately, her illness was_________________ than we thought at 
4. You look_________________. Have you lost weight? 
5. I want a________________ flat. We don’t have enough space here. 
6. He doesn’t study very hard. He’s________________ in having a good 
7. Health and happiness are_________________ than money. 
8. The instructions were very complicated. They could have 
9. There were a lot of people on the bus. It was________________ than 
10. I like living in the country. It’s________________ than living in the 
11. You’ll find your way around the town________________ if you have a 
good map. 
12. In some parts of the country, prices are_________________ than in 
II/ Fill in the blanks with the comparative of the adverbs in the box 
easily early fast carefully high 
often hard long loud 
1. We could have found the place more easily with a map. 
2. We can’t hear. Could you speak a bit____________________? 
3. I can’t jump any_______________ than that. 
4. We are late. Can you walk_______________________ than that? 
5. There are big traffic jams in big cities. They happen__________ 
6. Who works the________________ in your family? 
7. Of all the student, Mark did the test the__________________. 
8. The movie starts at eight, but we should get to the theater a

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