Bài ôn tập số 1 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Nguyễn Thị Thúy Ngọc


 Âm /e/

 /e/ là một nguyên âm ngắn. Để phát âm âm /e/ ta mở miệng vừa phải, hàm dưới hạ xuống một chút và môi thả lỏng.

 Âm /eɪ/

 /eɪ/ là một nguyên âm đôi. Để phát âm âm /eɪ/ ta phát âm hơi kéo dài từ /e/ dần dần chuyển đến và kết thúc tại /ɪ/.


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sự an toàn
công viên
ngược, ngược chiều
tuân lệnh, vâng lời
cảnh báo
ride a bike
/raɪd ə baɪk/
đạp xe đạp
drive a car
/draɪv ə kɑː(r)/
lái xe ô tô
fly a plane
/flaɪ ə pleɪn/
lái máy bay
sail a boat
/seɪl ə bəʊt/
chèo thuyền
get on the bus
/ɡet ɒn ðə bʌs/
lên xe buýt
get off the train
/ɡet ɒn ðə treɪn/
xuống tàu
	1. It indicating distance (Dùng it để nói về khoảng cách)
	Chúng ta sử dụng it để chỉ khoảng cách giữa hai người, vật, địa điểm.
	a. Form
(?) How far is it from + place 1 + to + place 2?
(+) It is (+ about) + distance.
	Ví dụ:
	How far is it from the supermarket to the museum?
	It is two kilometres.
	How far is it from the post office to the bank?
	It is one kilometre.
	2. Used to + Vinf (cấu trúc used to + Vinf)
	Chúng ta sử dụng used to + Vinf để diễn tả một hành động hoặc một thói quen lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần trong quá khứ và bây giờ không còn nữa.
	a. Form
	(+)	S + used to + V-inf
(-)	S + didn’t use to + V-inf
(?)	Did + S + use to + V-ing ?
	Ví dụ:
	He used to walk to school when he was ten years old.
	Mary didn’t use to go swimming every weekend when she was little.
	Did you use to cook when you were a student?
Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
	1.	A. gate	B. sensitive	C. date	D. fate
	2.	A. rain	B. they	C. bread	D. lake
	3.	A. anyone	B. many	C. head	D. safe
	4.	A. translation	B. dead	C. tender	D. measure
	5.	A. obey	B. leather	C. train	D. paint
	6.	A. breakfast	B. nation	C. afraid	D. preparation
	7.	A. stretch	B. jealous	C. neighbor	D. November
	8.	A. eight	B. invasion	C. play	D. member
	9.	A. liberation	B. eleven	C. heavy	D. steady
	10.	A. wait	B. grey	C. pleasure	D. weight
Exercise 2. a: Look at the pictures and complete the phrases under them.
1. bus s_ _ _
2. c_ _ _ _ lane
3. driving l_ _ _ _ _ _
4. r_ _ _ _ _ _ station
5. seat b_ _ _
6. s_ _ _ _ limit
7. traffic l_ _ _ _
8. t_ _ _ _ _ _ rule
9. train t_ _ _ _ _
10. z_ _ _ _ crossing
Exercise 3: Put the phrases under the correct road signs.
no parking
no cycling
no right turn
zebra crossing
speed limit
no left turn
hospital ahead
1 ..............................
2 ..............................
3 ..............................
4 ..............................
5 ..............................
6 ..............................
7 ..............................
8 ..............................
Exercise 4: Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
	1.	There used to be fewer people and .................. on the roads.
	A. roofs	B. helmets	C. helicopters	D. vehicles
	2.	Do you know the .................. in the UK is to keep to the left?
	A. traffic light	B. traffic rule	C. traffic jam	D. speed limit
	3.	It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a ..................	
	A. helmet	B. triangle	C. tricycle	D. circle
	4.	In Hanoi, during rush hour, some road users ride their motorbikes on the ..................
	A. driving licence	B. lane	C. pavement	D. seat belt
	5.	Traffic is terrible during the .................. when everyone is in a hurry to get to work or come back home.
	A. traffic light	B. road sign	C. traffic rule	D. rush hour
	6.	The ................ for motorcycles is 40 km/h in towns and 60 km/h outside urban areas.
	A. speed limit	B. driving licence	C. traffic rule	D. traffic light
	7.	You must .................. the traffic rules in order to avoid accidents.
	A. park	B. obey	C. reverse	D. warn
	8.	It takes us more than three hours to drive across those .................. roads.
	A. wide	B. safely	C. right-handed	D. bumpy
	9.	You need a driving licence to	..................
	A. drive a car	B. ride a bike	C. get on the bus	D. get off the train
	10.	The large supermarkets in Vietnam often let you .................. free.	
	A. park	B. obey	C. warn	D. find
	11.	Some vehicles beep when they .................. to warn those behind.
	A. ride	B. reverse	C. drive	D. sail
	12.	After school, children queue up and wait for the bus .................. on the pavement in front of the school.
	A. safe	B. bumpy	C. safety	D. safely
Exercise 5: Changed into negative and interrogative form.(chuyển sang câu phủ định và câu hỏi)
	1.	They used to play tennis twice a week.
	2.	I used to go to the gym three times a week.
	3.	Tennis used to be a sport for rich people only.
	4.	My father used to take me to see soccer games on Saturday.
	5.	He used to buy a new tennis racket.
Exercise 6: Rewrite the sentences with "used to".
	1.	They often went to Da Lat in the summer.
	2.	We usually played soccer in the past.
	3.	I got up earlier when I had work.
	4.	Tom did his homework in the evening.
	5.	Lan wrote to Mary twice a month.
	6.	He worked at night when he worked in the supermarket.
	7.	Did they watch TV in the past?
	8.	She played badminton in her free time.
	9.	They went swimming in the afternoon in 1990.
	10.	He was a doctor in that hospital.
Exercise7: Complete the dialogue with available words/ phrases.
How far
Excuse me
turn right
	Khang:	We are going to (1) ........................... the National Museum.
	Lan:	Great. I like to go there. (2) ..................... is it from my house to the museum?
	Khang:	It’s about (3) ........................... kilometers.
	Lan:	It’s not too far. How are we going there?
	Khang:	We are going there by (4) ...........................
	Lan:	Okay. Let’s go.
	Khang:	(5) ..........................., where is the National Museum?
	Woman:	Go straight for about 100 meters, (6) ......................., go straight again for 200 meters and turn left. The museum is (7) ........................ the Italian restaurant.
	Khang and Lan: Thank you very much.
	Woman:	You’re (8) ...........................	
Exercise 8: Read and decide if each statement is true or false or not given.
	Hello. My name is Lucy. Last week I went to visit my friend Samantha in Spring Town. That was my first visit to Spring Town, and I rode my motorbike to Samantha’s house. Firstly I saw a No U-turn signal. So I had to ride forward until I see a U-turn signal. I turned and kept riding, then I noticed the crossroad sign and check my map. I saw that I had to turn left. But the red traffic light was on, and I had to wait for 60 seconds. I turned left and I got stuck in a traffic jam. I waited there for nearly 15 minutes. There was a car accident there, a car hit a motorbike and ran. At that time the motorcyclist was moved to the hospital. I could keep my riding. Unfortunately, my phone was out of charge, so I could not check my map and had to ask people there for route. After one hour and 02 times of getting lost, I finally reached my friend’s home. It is unbelievable.
Samantha and Lucy lives in Spring Town.
Lucy rode her bike to Samantha’s house.
Lucy turned back when she saw No U-turn signal.
It was about 02 kilometers from Lucy'’s house to Samantha’s house.
The red traffic light was on for one minute.
Lucy did not get stuck in traffic jam.
There was an accident on the way to Samantha’s house.
Lucy got lost one time on the way to Samantha’s house.
Exercise 9: Read and answer the questions.
	For many years, Daniel has been driving to work and back home every weekday. Every morning, on his way to work, especially during rush hours, the highways are usually crowded causing traffic jam. The situation is even worse in the evening when he drives home. If there is an accident or a car has broken down and block the lane, most of drivers have to wait for hours or turn back to go on another route. In the winter, especially when it snows, it is strongly for vehicles to move on thick layer of snow. Many people have to leave their vehicles outside and walk home because they completely cannot move. Daniel feels really tired when he is stuck in a traffic jam, so he usually listens to music and waits until the end of traffic jam.
	1.	How does Daniel go to work?
	2.	What happen with the highways during rush hours?
	3.	What do the drivers do when the lane is block?
	4.	Why is it difficult for vehicles to move in winter?
	5.	How is the lawyer of snow?
	6.	What do some people do when their cars are stuck in snow?
	7.	How does Daniel feel when he is stuck in a traffic jam?
	8.	What does Daniel do while waiting until the end of traffic jam?
Exercise 10: Answer the questions.
	1.	How far is it from your house to your school?
	2.	How do you go to school?
	3.	Is there a bus stop near your home?
	4.	Do you have a driving license?
	5.	What bus did you catch yesterday?
	6.	Is there a no-cycling sign near your house?
	7.	Have you travelled by plane? If yes, where have you gone?
	8.	What should we do when we see the red light?
Exercise 11: Write a short paragraph about the traffic in your city.
Exercise 1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
	1. B	2. C	3. D	4. A	5. B
	6. A	7. C	8. D	9. A	10. C
Exercise2. a: Look at the pictures and complete the phrases under them.
	1. bus stop	6. speed limit
	2. cycle lane	7. traffic light
	3. driving license	8. traffic rule
	4. railway station	9. train ticket
	5. seat belt	10. zebra crossing
Exercise 3: Put the phrases under the correct road signs.
	1. speed limit	2. no right turn	3. no left turn
	4. parking	5. no cycling	6. hospital ahead
	7. no parking	8. zebra crossing
Exercise 4: Choose the best option to fill in the blank.
	1. D	2. B	3. A	4. C	5. D	6. A
	7. B	8. D	9. A	10. A	11. B	12. D
Exercise 5: Changed into negative and interrogative form.
	1.	They didn’t use to play tennis twice a week.
	Did they use to 

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